<IPS> is currently not recruiting

as the title says we are currently not recruiting.

it just won’t let me delete this thread


First!! :partying_face:

These guys are the real deal! if you are a daytime raider, you should get in while you can.


Great Bunch of people Can’t wait to get in there and enjoy the game again.


How many opportunities are there to start on a fresh server with a chill group of folks? Get in early and hit the ground running with us!


I honestly can’t wait to fly the IPS flag this time around. I had a chance to raid with them on Darrowshire and it was always a great time. Seriously one of the chillest and most genuinely nice groups of people you will find.


Sent you an invite on your Discord. Looking forward to hearing from you :slight_smile:

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our official raid days have been decided for the Daytime Core, so the original post is updated!!

Bump for Greatness!!

back up you go! good times await!

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where you at Daytimers? come join the party!!

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(twirly hands)

Rise you!! RISE TO THE TOP!!!


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“It’s dangerous to go (level) alone! Take this!”
/offers guild invite

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Moo! I said MOO!!

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40 more days!!

up with thee… GO!

shooting you back up to the top!

Gonna be rolling with this guild, can’t wait for launch!

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There’s a lot of ways to enjoy Classic. All of them are enhanced by having a great guild home. IPS is active, social, supportive, and for those of you who like getting those professor plums, makes raiding one of the best experiences you’ll ever have! I’m lucky to be able to plant my flag with this group.

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We are one from many, join us!

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back up you go!