Ion's Covenant Response In an Interview Just Now

they can balance the existing classes, they obviously choose not to because they like having a broken meta where certain classes are encouraged.

also covenants break the game anyway obviously…so. when you introduce content like covenants that will only be around for awhile…you have less incentive to balance in a way since it won’t be around forever.

but anyway…how is letting people switch between them bad…and on top of that…it doesn’t really fix anything because people will still kick you for playing a non meta class.

they should simply balance the game instead of breaking it and adding unbalanced broken elements that are simply aimed at making people grind more.

because that’s what covenants are…a rigid meaningless grind fest…that you can’t even easily switch between.

instead of making grind fests maybe blizz should make more actual content…just a thought

You’re jumping through hoops to defend him, what is more likely, every single part of his build just happens to match the meta by pure coincidence, or he copied it from meta players.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

Stop telling me it’s not a duck.


This game has always been based on questing/ leveling, dungeons, raids, and pvp. They have added mini-games but the core has remained mostly the same.

What do you want them to add? Madden? Fifa?

Welcome to WoW.

Again, welcome to WoW.

oh wow, another spec choice. Thanks for finally making me understand why I hated the idea

Never said we were, just that it felt like it.

Agreed, but players also need to drop the “not optimized=trash” attitude. This attitude has cost customization options because while the options fit, they are not “optimal” and most seem to go for the optimal.

Or they balance around the middle/what is expected for most players to do (M+15, Heroic raid/early mythic raid, etc) and the Meta really only comes into play at the higher content levels which only those that really enjoy push into, and they will likely follow the meta anyway.

Hoo boy, too easy, It could still be a duck, but there are different breeds/kinds of duck. Like I might say one is a Spotted duck and another is a hook bill. Both can look very similar from a distance and even sound similar, but both are different while still being ducks.

i mean they should add more interesting open world content.

and advanced classes that you can switch between.

instead of rigid covenenants that are just time sinks and force you to make alts.

you know. actual meaningful content and not just more levels of broken time sink nonsense

Hahahaha, I cannot understand how the people can be here defending Blizzard… the last 3 xpac, EVERYTHING people said that would be bad it really WAS.
For now, the score: COMMUNITY 3 x 0 BLIZZARD.


also they should give us more character slots…if we need to level 4 of each class to be optimal.

i don’t know why we are so restricted in terms of character slots right now. but anyway.

It depends. 98% of players? Absolutely. The top 2% competing for world firsts? They probably won’t, but they never will, they will go for a 0.00002% advantage. And that’s ok.

Agreed. But they tried with things like WM or bareback brawl and the Kirin Tor wqs. People complained they were too hard, so we get turtles.

That is not WoW. It has never been WoW. Some things change, some should not.

Alts are time sinks. They are literally just replaying the same content.

That is opinion. Everyone will not agree on what is meaningful vs not.

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we used to not have massive time sink things like covenants, artifact power etc…so?

why not have advanced classes by that logic.

artifact power and covenants weren’t part of wow. now they are…so.

also new timesinks aren’t what anyone considers content. more dungeons, more raids, bigger open worlds etc are content.

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Sad times.

But honestly - I needed to probably step away from WoW anyways. This is a great push to make that happen.

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Even that 2% break the meta from time to time, as there are cases when the meta is not optimal. The thing is, that 2% tend to know their classes inside and out, have done research up the wazoo and know their play style.

This is the issue I have with those that treat the meta as the be all, end all. The ones that make the meta also know when to break the meta for that small increase. Yet if they break the meta, the meta slaves will come down on them for breaking it and act like they know better then the ones who made the damn meta in the first place.

That was an interview between Ion and Preach I think.

We used to not have keys or mythic raiding either. We used to have content droughts. Those “time sinks” are soft nerfs to the harder forms of content we now have. They allow players to clear content they previously could not by passively acquiring power.

There are many players that don’t like keys. Or raiding. Or world content. To them, those are useless things they never do. We won’t all ever agree.

Not sure blizzard can do anything about that. That is a player created problem. Imo, just play. Whatever advantage corruption, covenants, ap, etc could give is smaller than just personally getting better.

The top 2% could argue that, but we can’t completely balance the game around them. The rest of us should just get good.

This really sounds like azurite all over again. With azurite it was like well I need these 2 traits if my armor didn’t have these 2 traits on it I will do bad dps.

This will be I need to pick a certain covent because it has the best traits for me. I can’t do the story or use the aesthetics I want because I need these certain traits.

Agreed, example was watching some discord conversation about some people talking about some classes were ‘trash’ while talking and checking +28 and +29 keys and looking at the top 100 keys and class comps.

These people are people I highly doubt go even close to such high keys yet adopt the attitude that you need the class comps of +29s for a +15

These people are the problem as they act and behave as they are doing +29s while in reality they are far far from that therefore don’t need the optimal comps the top 100 keys use

It depends. I don’t fault people for looking for any and every opportunity to make themselves or their group successful.

But there is a line. Guys pushing 29 keys have no room for error. 15 keys are serious content for some and that is part of the beauty of this game.

As long as those pushing 29 understand they are the minority so we can’t 100% balance around them and those pushing 15s understand that comp is not the reason they are failing. Needs to be a middle ground or we just keep killing the soul of the game.

Yes; that’s part of the coordination difficulty he talked about.

Aesthetic only Covenants would be fine as far as the RPG experience is concerned; after all, we can roleplay. Meanwhile the game won’t collapse from driving off the “tryhards” who constitute the majority of the players now.

And if they leave, that starves the game of needed development and maintenance resources, which ruins the game for everyone.

Pretty much, I ve seen people saying “well that group failed a mechanic and another player was grey parsing by ilvl (aka playing badly) but we were at 0.8% so that 2% dps increase would have gotten us the kill”

Which in a sense is saying “We might have failed mechanics but we deserved to get the kill and the fault is at the person who doesnt use the 2% dps increase talent”
I have no idea how to explain how flawed this way of thinking is.

Pretty much, which is why I feel repeatedly trying to please the ultra competitive crowd has caused a lot of problems in the game design itself, and now that they are trying to improve the game design the same crowd is lashing out.

Naw, not even close to BC and Lich King… not even close. Hell the the artifact weapons had a mega flaw in that if you picked one and leveled it up then Blizzard made class changes nerfing your spec, you are now stuck with either grinding out power for the other spec or using the nerfed one. The resetting and losing a set percent of power was not the answer.

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