Ion's Covenant Response In an Interview Just Now

Ain’t nothing like a good Foi-Gras!

This all seems survivable to me.

Here is my thought process on covenant choice:

-Class mains: Just do whatever the theorycraft nerds tell me to do
-Alts: Anything useful exist? Teleports, faster mount speed, more loot from mobs, etc? Use that.

That’s about it, nothing magical, whatever benefits me most :man_shrugging:

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Nailed it.

Given Blizzes past performance at balancing, I just don’t see covenants working.

One covenant will inevitably be the best, and everyone will pick that, then blizz will nerf it, and folks will be pissed.

This is just setting things up for failure.

Or even worse, you end up picking the bad covenant for your class because you trusted blizz and didn’t go to a 3rd party site to find out what is the best, and now your screwed and have to re-roll.

  • T

So should I remove my identity every 2 years?

Again, just scrap Covenant soulbinds and conduits. If they’re going to be extensions of your class, then just put those things baseline or as talents for classes without having Covenants.

I fixed your class design for you, Ion. Wew that was hard.

Basically… it sounds like another character choice that’s almost at the level of class selection.

As I’ve said before, the casual in me is giddy with excitement. The CE raider in me is screaming with frustration.

Will have to see how this pans out… but I may just give up all forms of progression play if this goes through how I think it’s going to go through. Which is sad… cause I really do enjoy playing at that level.

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That’s basically the theme since 2016, but hopefully this time they learn and give us some of these cool abilities/passive effects baseline.

And that’s the issue/argument being seen on these forums. This system was undoubtedly made for the more RPG-fan WoW gamer and not the high end raider. Whether that is a good decision or not by Blizzard seems to be a hot topic.

That’s a completely unrealistic expectation to have at this point in development.

I’m aware.

PVP specific gear solves this problem in a much better way.

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I actually disagree and prefer WoDs gear scaling approach. This meant PvP gear was BiS for PvP, PvE gear was BiS for PvE, but you could at least get your foot in the door of the opposite type of content without getting completely steamrolled. They are doing PvP gear with a vendor, but not PvP specific stat. That leads me to believed it’s either going to be scaled or just similar to PvE gear. And if it’s just 10x worse then we have BFA 2.0 for PvP gear progression.

Hoping they do gear scaling.

I think this xpac will be the most hurtful to multi-spec of all time.

So I think their intention is to force you to multi-toon, it just won’t be effective to multi-spec.

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I think at the end of the day this is what’s most annoying.

It feels like these restrictions are in place not for RPG, but to pad their metrics.

Is it though

Just to be clear, that was a meme, it was not how the game actually worked. People got rejected from groups that they would have succeeded at with no problems because of it.

That’s why it wasn’t a Blizzard problem, it was a playerbase problem. Blizzard made a game where you could succeed with any build, and players turned it into a game where you would get raged at with any build but one.

And that’s why I say I’m not afraid of what Blizzard will do with the systems in SL.

This is not totally true though. Sure everyone can do any spec and go into any content but if your spec is so horridly tuned to the point that you lag behind badly its not the players fault that people don’t bring you. Yes I am aware that true balance is not possible but no blizzard has not created a game where every spec can complete any content by any player. If you want to complete high end content you HAVE to use the meta build with some specs or you are just dead weight to your group. Just because you do damage does not mean you are doing good damage.

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