Ion's Covenant Response In an Interview Just Now

and I am okay with that, as at the end of the day its blizzards game. My choices are simply give them money or don’t give them money. I choose the later in this instance.

it’s not that the lower difficulty doesn’t matter…it’s that it should all be balanced period.

also covenants and not being able to switch will also make the lower difficulty more difficult.

if we could switch freely, ok cool. but this isn’t about that. it’s about adding unnecessary grind for no reason and forcing people to have alts

"Play X class/spec/covenant or no invite to raids/m+ " shows their hypocricy, they are more than happy to discriminate against non meta classes, BUT GOT FORBID THE PEOPLE FIGHT BACK AGAINST THAT BEHAVIOR D:

Suddenly they pretend they are the ones oppressed while they ve been doing the oppressing for years xD

Defending someone that personally attacks people constantly because I called him a meta slave, which he calls everyone else.

Well done drone.


He says while his entire toon is built on the Spriest meta he looked up online.


Hmm,this should be interesting. A cookie cutter ,ok.

how are they fighting back against that behavior though. and who is fighting back?

blizzard by forcing us to level alts?

the problem and reason people do that is because the game isn’t balanced well and non meta classes aren’t good…maybe they should just try to balance the game better.

i feel like the game was balanced better in tbc. and that was a decade ago.

anyway. clearly breaking the game more and/or forcing people to level alts will solve the problem of blizzard choosing to not balance the game properly for over a decade.

anyway though, it’s not even about that. it’s about adding more unnecessary grind and forcing people to level alts. otherwise they’d easily let us switch between them

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Oh sweet, I can throw a party with vampires as my mini game? Sign me up!

Oh but that Necro ability would -really- be fun for m+ tanking.

But when I’m pvping in my dps spec that night fae one would be better.

Yeah, as someone who flexes roles, and is interested in PvP and pve, and someone who RPs and is interested in the immersion factor, this is just going to be a lose lose lose I think.

I really want them to get class abilities out of end game systems. Tier sets were just fine, go back to that please.


And that is what makes the choice hard and meaningful, you dont get to be good at everything.

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It’s what make games tedious

I don’t feel that way, just feels like a punishment. Neither of us are wrong.

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except that’s not how it works. it just means people will level alts…obviously.

also so what…how does making something rigid and breaking balance make the game more meaningful.

is that somehow more meaningful than adding advanced class like they did in ff online and letting us switch between them?

i would say no…actually advanced classes are more interesting and meaningful because they are permanent part of the game and more complex.


I support being forced to choose either a PVP focussed covenant conduit or a PVE. As it stands now, you can go PVE and also dominate PVP without any drawbacks.

What this potentially means to me is that I will likely have one toon for mythics or raids and another for PVP.

I can see how this doesn’t work for most players, I don’t mind make choices that I need to live with. Just like picking a class.


Oh, i’m glad i just got pain meds, this is a mess covenants ,heirlooms and soulbinds ,agh :pensive:

I instead will be sticking to a main with one specific set of gear and talents that I have found is most fun and do m+, raids and pvp with that one.

I dont even change talents or azerite for m+, I stick to one build and do pretty well.

Sadly many tryhards are completely and utterly unable to even imagine what I do and that is because of their mentality that does not allow them to play in any form sub optimally.

Like Ion said, covenants are on the same level as class choice

You would be wrong.

Then go play that game. WoW has never had this. Why are you surprised that WoW players do not want this?

explain how being able to switch between covenants is bad exactly…

seems more balanced.

you are not supporting good game design but just meaningless grindfests…

what they simply should have at this point are advanced classes. we have been around for over a decade, why not.

also increase class complexity…by having advance classes.

don’t have stuff like covenants that are just a giant grind sink and don’t actually increase the complexity of the game in a meaningful way.

Back the claims up with something more solid then Ralph finding them online. I even stated there were many reasons one could choose the same things, like Ralph could have just read the talents and chosen the ones that sounded good to him without looking online.

I think Ralph goes too far on occasion, but those he attacks and try to attack him back tend to come across as “me thinks they doth protest too much”

It is a punishment to those that want to play and be the best at the content they do, even if they change the content they are doing on a consistent basis. However, some of us feel like we are being punished for playing how we want but not the meta by those who follow the meta to the point where they think non-meta players should not get to do content.

If it is too easy to switch, there will be no reason not to and the real meta slaves will be able to “force” others to play their way. If there is a block, people will have to learn to adapt based on their choices.

The only reason why not I can think of is Blizzard can’t balance the current classes, do we want to trust them with advanced ones?

Yes. We had this argument years ago, when they announced BC. I would rather they try something new and fail then stay in the vanilla sandbox.

This is what melee hunters in vanilla said. You aren’t punished. There will always be an optimal way to do things. This game needs more customization options, not less.


I’m attempting to make some tough choices now. I need to select a main and then select a covenant. If I’m not FotM I won’t cry about it much. Because any main is better than the alt army I currently have. I probably won’t play monk in shadowlands.