Ion's Covenant Response In an Interview Just Now

We hate the individual*

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I guess I can understand that given my bluntness and honesty. Everyone else tried to hide their intent behind shallow arguments. So being genuine can be seen as a joke when it’s based around a sadistical mentality.

Ralph isn’t the only one either though - there are a lot of us. That’s why it surprised me, this isn’t an uncommon view. Mine is maybe just the most direct and sincere.

Because people who are tryhards and obsess over minmaxing SHOULD work more aka level 4 of each class, that’s the point.

Rpgs are made so we build characters for an adventure, you are allowed to build around a boss or dungeon but you need to work a lot more for it.

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Thats your opinion not the rule of rpgs.

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I’m not a tryhard, i’m just good at the game because I’ve played it for ages and I don’t like hindering others I play with, forcing me to pick sub par choices will damage my groups performance in certain content and isn’t fair on them.


Guess it’s time to try out FFXIV.


Then you have nothing to fear since anyone good at the game can do a m15 and mythic raids with any spec

Nobody is forcing you to pick a bad talent, you are telling yourself that you deserve and should have the best talent for each situation.

In an RPG you build a character, you will inevitable build your character to either be jack of all trades but master of none or you will specialize them in one area, let’s say AoE.
You choose the AoE covenant and do m+ rly well, now you will under perform in ST but that’s the point CHOICE means you dont get to be good at everything.

If your group is decent you can do m15s and mythic raids with any spec*(outside of when blizzard fails and makes immunities mandatory).*

Now if you are bad and you need fotm to cover for mechanic failures or underperfrorming, that’s sounds like a player problem, the FOTM/Bis build is not NEEDED

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if it’s a class extension they should just let us switch around covenants easily.

that’s what i can do in ff online…why not here.

why do we have to be stuck with rigid choices…not a good idea imo

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Cool sounds covenants sound fun :+1:

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15’s are incredibly easy, try 25’s.

Now let’s say I had to pick a covenant for arena and want to raid, or want to do high mythic+ and i’m missing a vital perk that people that “main” that content have, i’m at a disadvantage and everyone that brings me is at a disadvantage too.

It’s bad design.


Nobody cares about 25s as there are no rewards and scaling gets out of control, therefore 25s will never be balanced and classses will obviously have huge performance differences.

25s are epeen mode. Nobody but epeen worshippers obsess over their balance and blizzard doesn’t bother balance those as they would be too much effort for no reason.

Shadowlands is gonna hemorrhage the last remaining good will people have for the WoW team at this rate.


You talk a lot about epeen, tryhards and meta slaves for someone who stacks Spriests best stats, enchants, azerite and corruptions.

To me it sounds like you do the same thing but are upset you’re not very good so are looking for excuses.


And as usual jumps to desperate personal attacks cuz they were proven wrong design wise : )

Answered that question already

Nice excuse, your entire character minus your first talent is literally the meta build you’ll find online.

You didn’t do anything yourself but berate others for the same thing.

Meta slave


Reading is too hard for you I guess, no worries, I can ignore people who cant read xd

Not to worry. After another million sub losses from this crap show, their sub count will be around 250k.

At that point, no amount of tokens or micro-transactions will be able to stop the sub loss money bleed, and maybe wow will die with some dignity.

RIP, WoW, you were great until Ion the lawyer destroyed you.

blizzard just wants us all to grind more…that’s the actual truth. and have alts.

which is lame.

why exactly can’t it be like ff online and let us switch covenants freely (ie like upgraded classes)? because it would have less terrible grinding mechanics?

anyway though, not seeing how that feeds into better roleplay whatsoever.

roleplay is about the world and the story and what you class does in a broad sense. that’s what rpg actually stands for.

not overly convoluted mechanics aimed at forcing people to grind more

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I will, there’s more to players than specs.

Before we quit in Uldir we got CE’s not worrying about meta specs and meta talents, we didn’t even keep a bench because no one should have to pay to not play. Were there weeks we couldn’t raid mythic? sure, but that’s ok.

Not everyone plays this game like if they’re not doing the absolute best they’re worthless.

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Here is the thing, no one is forcing YOU to pick the sub-par choice. One can choose to pick based on the perceived power or according to their RP desires.

People keep saying it is not fair to others to inhibit performance in certain content, is it fair to force others to change based on the content?

15s are the highest done by most who don’t push M+, 25s are done by pushers and those that love M+. Asking the covenants to be balanced for 25s is a lot like saying “screw the lower difficulty, only ours counts”.

Here is what you overlook, some can go for the best stats, enchants, etc for their class/spec and still have issues getting into content because of things like “oh, sorry, your class/spec is not the meta, declined”.

That does not mean he looked it up online, and even if he did, there are times when one’s personal style closely, if not exactly, matches the meta. There is also the fact that he might not change according to content and found a general all-purpose one.

Ones who resort to personal attacks tend to forget that people can choose similar things for different reasons.

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