Ionar one shotting everyone in TW

I was playing with a dps and healie friends. I was laughing each time. not sure bout them. but the tank bailed and after a replacement bear got roasted we were able to requeue so did that instead.

No, you’d be one shot too.

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Nah man, I can do it

Alright, let’s que together.

It’s crazy how bad this game is in terms of bugs and issues that never get fixed and are introduced without testing.

Realistically speaking, testing Timewalking is very far down on Blizzard’s list of priorities. I’d be surprised if they ever tested it at all. They just wait for it to break and then roll out a hotfix. Happens regularly.

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I mean, I know you’re right, but that’s not how software is supposed to be rolled out in IT or a video game or anything. It’s just embarassing.

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Blizzard game development:


Just cleared it, 0 issues

All these bugs reports, but zero issues with issues with you…Que with me.

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Sorry I would but I did the quest already and don’t need the badges for anything

When I did it we had no problem with Ionar, but we did get splatted by the crystal trees in the nexus. Weird scaling day. Daddy Blizz at his finest. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

it’s fixed

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To be fair, when we asked him him during his annual review what his goals were he did list a desire to learn coding and we thought the best way to give him experience was to have him go over old code.

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It’s definitely Dave’s fault.

Dave needs a raise.

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I know it’s been hotfixed, but thinking about this…how cool would it have been to roll up with 4 warriors and a holy pal, and spell reflect this. I wonder what it would have done to the boss.

yes, lacking brain cells…

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Ionars lightning balls used to one shot you, or kill you pretty quick if you didn’t run away.

Static Overload was one shotting, but they hotfixed it.

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