Ion still doesn't want old elite PVP sets/hard challenge sets to come back

It wasn’t. A geared cm player and a non geared one in mop had roughly 3 extra gear pieces of stats.

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I only PvP to convert to Marks for old transmog. And I am fine that the elite sets go away. I am less fine that you can’t buy ensmebles for earlier patches until the next expansion, but it is what it is.

Stats weren’t free, though. Every socket reduced the stats on the gear equal to one gem. There’s this notion that having more stats was op and it was in the sense it let you stack what you wanted to, but it wasn’t “free”.

I legit boosted a brand new ele and it did like double the aoe of my main sham with 20 sockets because the boosted one had a ton more haste/mastery.

But socketed one just 3-shot bosses.

More was going on back then. Gems didn’t scale down unlike the stats on the gear. They effectively were incorrectly counted. There is also the sha gem that added a lot of damage.

It greatly reduced the checks and what was behind so many of the carry sales at the time.

Didn’t work same with cloak

It did not, this was mostly just veng cheesing and good pulls

ok so what’s your point here? im guessing you did the mop cmodes but you didnt get the set you decided you now really want, so you want them to bring back cmodes so you can get that one set u didnt get?

I just don’t like things being removed from the game. If a similar difficulty exists in what is effectively the same mode im for them being returned i summed it up in the first few posts of the thread.

The rest is me correcting misconceptions around how mop cms were ran.

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pressing X to doubt.

you don’t know how cmode gearing worked

The sha gem worked throughout.

it did not.

I…i sold them. I know the sha gem worked throughout. Some classes preferred garrosh weapons near the end that might be what is throwing you.

i’m going to go ahead and believe the person who has 6/9 CM realm best time achieves

also i did them myself on four classes and know the sha gem didn’t work.

never got a realm best time though like Kennie

i did all of my cmodes before SoO was released… i was already done and really not playing the expac anymore by the time the heirloom weapons were regularly obtained by people


Might be wrong has been a decade. I do recall gem stacking for certain. Might be wrong on the sha gem but could of sworn I used it… might of just been my BiS at the time.

I bought my brutosaur day 1 using gold I’d “earned” two expansions earlier farming a mission table every day on twenty lazily-leveled alts. It required no skill at all, let alone extreme skill. Brutosaur confirmed returning???


Okay. We knew that. And?

the sha gem would never have been your BiS if it didn’t function inside the CM dungeons

Mean best I had when I first did it not subsequent 4 man runs.

What!? “Extreme skill” to hit 1800 to get an elite set!?

This is just nonsense. We have hundreds/thousands of medallions piling up in our bags with nothing to buy

If you hit 1800 in ranked pvp, you should be able to unlock older sets. Maybe not the Swifty “banana” set, or anything super rare like that, But certainly any elite sets from WOD an on

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That’s great news.