Ion still doesn't want old elite PVP sets/hard challenge sets to come back

Your rare and unobtainable rewards are not safe.

Collecting is a dead meta.

What you prize they will give away for free - and when you complain people will tell you those rare items are

Just pixels

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I honestly don’t care if the WoD CM gear I’ve got becomes available again, I’d prefer if it was a somewhat equivalent challenge to get, but I had a good decade with it being exclusive


Dream aint dead


Good. This is nothing new. Elite / challenge mode should remain gone. Glad we’re all on the same page.

There are no plans at the moment, but a ripcord definitely exists, and can be pulled any time engagement statistics start lagging behind quarterly report goals.


good. I agree with him.

People had plenty of time to do Mage Tower

He is a self-identified “Elitist Jerk.”

Free the pixels has always been my stance as well, I had my fun. Tabard of frost was neat for a decade. Same with my undying title. My movie promo weapons. Etc.

But I also understand why they won’t. They probably feel like a significant portion of us won’t log in to chase the carrot if we find out it doesn’t really have a clock attached to it. Im sure it’s money driven.


Good. 10chars

I personally think they should consider “scrub” versions of these things for people who didn’t get them at the time.

So a version of it that when transmogged says “Illusion of” and then the piece name or something like that as the look so it’s clear who has the original and earned it and who got the scrub version after the fact. I’d even be for a minor alteration to say one piece in the set, a chest-piece, boots, etc that inserts a small, hardly noticeable dot of off color, nothing that will ruin anyone’s transmog but enough that people looking close can see that this person didn’t earn the original.

I kind of feel the same way about some of the removed from game mounts and achievements like those who originally earned them should get some distinction on them or those who get them later should get some minor badge that denotes they earned it later. That way the prestige is preserved. Those who earned things the right way at the right time can prove it to others who care while those who just want a look or to have an achievement can still get them.

It was circumvented even then via the absurd amounts of gem slots and the sha weapon. Im not saying a 1 to 1 difficulty but close to. At the end of mop you could comfortably four man cm if you geared for it.

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The first “prestigious” thing I ever really tried to get in WoW was the Crimson Pandaren Phoenix from MoP’s CM. After that, I realized how easy this stuff could be with a little bit of effort and work… The thing that always gets me is that the people who talk about wanting this stuff on the forums never seem to try for it.

I don’t think they should have just given away the model to anyone that simply logged into the remix this past month because it degrades what could have potentially been a positive lesson had people been forced to work for it even a little.

Yeah, and that’s fine.

thats not true in the slightest lol


they have this in the legion order class halls

just give people the sets and the armor but in other color later, seems pretty fair to me.

Some will still be exclusive, and other people can get another option that look alike

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Hmm. No. Also gear was only really relevant for the tank due to veng scaling.

While it feels like I’m stating the obvious here… the reason they want the set is because it looks good.

They don’t really care about the fact it’s rare or prestigious, they really don’t.

They just want to have a shot at obtaining it because they like how it looks. If it gets added back in and requires PvP to obtain… well, they may be willing to try PvP.

If it’s not there? Well, they’d be correct in saying there’s no incentive for them to try PvP.

And if I’m being honest… I doubt the prestige argument holds much weight anymore. I doubt many players know what those rare and unobtainable rewards mean anymore, let alone care for what it represents.


Correct misspoke meant you could 4 man them.

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