With many unobtainable collectables coming back, could we ever see old Elite transmogs have some way of acquiring them again, even if it’s a low drop chance or having to hit Elite in a season?
Ion Hazzikostas said:
I’ve learned never to say never about things. I think we have no plans right now to change that. We’ve over the years made a lot of no longer available, things available again, even some stuff that people never figured would come back like the legendary cloak appearances from Mists that you can get today by playing Remix. But yeah, I think where we’ve drawn the line generally has been very niche prestige rewards that required extreme skill to get at a moment in time. So, the challenge mode weapons and armor kind of in that same general bucket. That’s not to say that will never change. But I think our thinking there remains where it has been in the recent past.
So he basically said hard exclusive rewards should stay removed
I’ve noticed a lot of people who ask for the return of old sets are the ones who don’t even PVP. They don’t even get the current sets but somehow want to pursue the old ones.
PvP is the tricky one because no pvp season is exactly the same. Different expansions had different rating requirements and different specs and classes had harder or easier times of it. You can’t really replicate it and while I loathe to see things removed from the game I get it.
Challenge modes and things like the mage tower artifact are tricker… in many ways they can replicate the old challenge. I would argue new mage tower is harder then the old one.
If you can replicate the skill requirements to be roughly equal I believe personally you should reintroduce the reward. Remix isn’t a good vehicle for this. If enough mop/wod dungeons cycle through mythic plus. I can see a very strong argument to bring back their respective rewards.
This is a pretty balanced take on why rewards remain removed but others are brought back. ReMix is the perfect places for recolors because it is very easy.
That’s not to say that will never change is this key word here
we might see old Grand Warlord/Marshal sets back but might have us go through hurdles to get
edit did not know these mogs can still be gotten ingore what i said i left in middle of cata and returned in middle of bfa
There’s a pile of outs in that response. Just because they aren’t doing it right now doesn’t mean it won’t be a consideration in the future.
Like anything else, if it makes them more money to add it back in than it does it keep it exclusive, they will. It’s all about return.
They still have to walk a delicate balance of cashing in on art assets to reduce dev resources AND maintain fomo to keep people subbed and engaged. If you pop the fomo bubble, the magic is done.
It’s kind of liked the reserved list for mtg. It’s sheer idiocy that led to its introduction in the first place, but it has led to a very solid trust level in the secondary market in treating the collectible as having some long term value for subsequent sets. The existence is probably making them more than reprinting duals and fighting all that legal mumbo jumbo would at this point.
Seems like blizz is in a similar boat. Break glass in case of emergency, otherwise let the art assets appreciate in player identified value.
yeah basically, if blizzard brings back old “fomo” stuff, then people are less likely to stay subbed because they will think “eh, i’ll just come back at some time later and they’ll be returned and i can get them then.”
yeah it’s a nice little reward for doing the content when it was current.
for example, i did the guardian druid mage tower in shadowlands when it was first re-released and it was HARD… i mean, REALLY HARD.
it took me well over 300 attempts and about 2 months to complete - when i completed it, i felt really good and i loved using that fel bear form because it showed that i did something challenging and earned it.
but now, DF talents have really dumbed down the current mage tower - the guardian druid one is a joke because of all the new survivability and offhealing and damage that they have, the fel bear can be obtained by anyone who has a level 50 druid very likely in under a day of attempts.
i went back and finished up every mage tower challenge to get the book mount - i did the unholy dk one in three attempts and i never played unholy dk, i mean i have no idea what spells to use in the rotation and i was clicking all my buttons because i never bothered to try to remember my keybinds. its a complete joke now and i don’t even use the book mount cuz it means nothing
I agree and disagree with what he’s saying; in a way, I feel as though it’s sort of unfair to new players or players who didn’t even play 10 years ago. But I agree with Ion just because people work hard to get those sets and it’d be unfair if it came back. But I feel like these sets should ONLY come back if you reach Glad and you get a choice between either a glad mount or an old set.