Ion says pvp participation is doing well

I mean if you think the game is fine then more power to you. That doesn’t mean that others who don’t should just remain silent and say nothing about the things they dislike about it.


Excellent troll post. Kudos!

It was on steady decline since wrath. % of participation keep going up and down but the streamline is clear.
WoD had higher pvp participation than MoP because pvp gear was extremely acessible. If it was good to world pvp for you in MoP then you had pve gear, for anyone whom just pvpd it was a nightmare.

Vendors didn’t make sense in Legion because gear was unimportant and you still could get full pvp if you pvpd.
It is also truth that only in Legion and Bfa pvp gear can be of the same ilvl of a heroic/mythic raider and drops more frequently than heroic/mythic raider loots.

And despite the outcrying, you gear faster and get the better upgrades right at the start in BfA PvP. In MoP and backwards you would only get your weapon at week 3 and other major upgrades ate week 5 and 7 if you geared right with an average rating.

In doing damage. Which was the trade-off for using PvE gear in Wrath/Cata. You were a glass cannon, but did more damage. And you could still easily get r1 with full PvP gear. Hell, people got glad in wrath with honor gear. And even still, most of the time people didn’t use full PvE gear aside from ArP stacking warriors in Wrath, and they were squish as hell as a result.

And in MoP/WoD PvE gear didn’t matter at all aside from a few outliers, which were mostly BoE like the scabbard in WoD.

Now though, PvE gear has literally 0 downside. It’s completely better in every way, especially CoS stuff with procs. There is absolutely no reason to wear PvP gear unless you need a trait combo that only appears on it.

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In surviviability too because PvE trinkets were must have. The absorb trinket form wrath which was the top trinket used throughout the entire season is pretty much major proof of it. Same for ICC caster weapons. Same for legendaries. Same for PvE bonus gear pieces.
MoP PvE gear was scaled down in instanced pvp because it was too much better since everyone got a base resilience.
Wod had clunky mechanich of scaling up pvp gear on pvp combat which was also bad.

PvE gear has no downsides now because PvP gear drops more frequently and can scale to mythic level depending on your rating. Which was impossible before.
And Now you still get the better upgrades(weapon/head/chest/) at the starting weeks instead of having to save conq points for couple of weeks to get major upgrades.

I don’t believe the decline statement at all. Unless you have some kind of metric that’s legitimate that says that this is the truth, then I have a hard time believing you.

And no I didn’t have 1 piece of gear from PvE. From Cata through WoD all I cared about and did was PvP. And with all the tools that we had at our disposal you could easily shut down a PvE player.

And no again, no PvP vendors in Legion made absolutely no sense. It was so bad that even Venruki, one of the hosts for the main arena tournament at Blizzcon, made a thread talking about how bad it was.

There’s really no defending this change because in WoD they actually got PvP gear down packed with the ilvl scaling system in PvP combat. With that you were put on the same playing field as PvE players within all forms of PvP. So they already had a system that worked.

It doesn’t matter if you had to wait a few weeks to get your weapon. The anticipation leading up to you gathering points to obtain a piece of gear has far more weight to it than just getting one through shear RNG. And babying them like they do in BFA because they “don’t want players to make the wrong decision” is just dumb.

And to make matters even worse, the best gear for PvP comes from PvE. What fun.

The world is on fire, meteors are impacting Earth and causing earthquakes and tsunamis, volcano’s are erupting and all life as we know it is coming to an end

Blizzard: Everything is fine!


I dont care about what you believe or not. It is a steady fact that pvp participation jsut diminished from Wrath onwards, mostly because a lot of players left the game since cata where the participation was soo low that 3k rated team would match 1800 rating teams.
And Cool so you are lying at mop wpvp because people with thunder gear was able to 3 shot people on pvp gear and the rampart of people crying due pve gear in world pvp in forums was notorious.
PvP gear vendor didn’t exist in legion because it didn’t have to, the best gear from the lowest gear difference was less than 10% in damage and HP.

And PvE set bonus and trinkets didn’t work in legion instanced pvp the whole post is based on fallacy, all that mattered for pvp was the ilvl alone.

WoD was’nt on the same field because mythic and heroic pve gear were better than pvp gear due set bonus or trinkets. It was a big improvement from MoP and they did the pvp scaling in world pvp to compensate MoP Wpvp disaster.

In the old system you had to wait 4 weeks to buy your weapon if you had low rating. You would get one upgrade in the first week, a second upgrade at the second week, no upgrade at the third week and the major upgrade at the 4th week(raiders were almost full set by then) which was the weapon. Roughly you needed 2 months to complete a pvp gear, if you started at month 4 of the season you could just farm the entire pvp set(almost entirely, you still wouldnt be able to buy 1 piece or two). After 4 months in season. And before mop it also didn’t matter, because pve set bonus was gamebreaking, in cata for instance if you wanted to pvp as a ret paly you needed dragon soul set bonus.

The gearing in bfa isn’t random. It is streamlined with the best upgrades right at the start. And you can choose a larger variety of items now than you could do before(now it is 4 different choices and before it was either 2-3) You also pick up the trinkets you want to have, funny enough the best pvp trinket in wod you could’nt buy you had to pray RNGesus in ashran to obtain, in BfA you choose it.
The best pvp gear comes from either PvE or PvP like any mmorpg should work. Yet the best trinkets are the pvp trinkets and they can be used, chosen and even upgraded to a mythic level trinket.
The difference for the rest of the gear is that someone whom choose a larger variety of gear paths gear faster thats why raiders were mad at the Wpvp quest for alliance. Anyway you still get full mythic level pvp gear by just pvping just like you get normal-raid level of pvp by simple farming 500 conq points per item(you can get an upgrade by day if you are casual pvper). And pvp gear can also be used to PvE. No point on having vendors in this system either.

someone in his position will not say the game is doing bad.


Don’t agree with anything you’ve posted here. You can say PvP participation being diminished from Wrath onward is a fact but you have no data to prove this statement. You can say I’m a liar about MoP PvP but I partook in World PvP on a daily basis, led a large scale WPvP guild and got my first Elite set on the final season. You can say that WoD PvE gear was still superior but I never used a single piece and had no problem fighting anyone out in the open world.

And you can try to point out that the old system of you having to wait a couple of weeks to buy your weapon because you were inexperienced at PvP at the time is a bad thing. When in fact that was part of the reason for you to get better. And again, WoD fixed that issue with increasing the cap each following week after the season dropped.

Again, BFAs system blows because you don’t have a choice in what piece of gear you’re getting each week. The game makes that decision for you.

Any way it’s written, the current system is not loved. There aren’t thunderous cheers over how the current Conquest system is. People are saying they want vendors to come back. That’s coming from top end, average, and even low end players. People like player agency. Legion had none and BFA is almost just as bad.

You’re also ignoring the fact that PvP players have to PvE if they want to compete in BFA. That’s the biggest red flag of this expansion.


fewer players = fewer groups = more buying tokens to pay for carries

That’s the only source of gold I can see from microtransactions that might be growing. Seen many ads for carries lately?

It’s clear to me that when they are considering whether to make X, Y, or Z predictably unpopular change to the game that they aren’t considering the players who will leave because of these as valuable.

He thinks that people activating warmode purely for the extra xp is actual PvP participation.


You guys have phones…

I’ve got like 60 minutes of embarassing pvp movies from MoP. 2/3rds of which is strictly world pvp. And i never raided after wotlk. So. yeah anyone who says pvpers couldn’t enjoy wpvp are just quitters who don’t like adversity.

Heres how I know pvp participation is at a all time low this season. At level 98 on my monk the other day I ran into the same premade group in randoms 8 times in a row (yes I counted). And even in rated 3s on this toon I kept running into the same 4 different groups. That is ridiculous.


I believe him.

All I’ve got are large scale WPvP videos from our time during MoP. And one where we drown a Horde player.

That’s so beautiful omg.

I’ve got like 30 minutes of Emerald Dream footage but it’s all tryhard rogue 1vX in Draenor lol. And that cave with the murloc pet. Probably the most fun i’ve ever had world pvping including better expansions. And from what i’ve heard WoD was the beginning of the death of ED world pvp.

It was still doing well but the problem was that the servers started chugging really hard in large scale. I don’t know what happened, but somewhere in WoD the games overall connection took some kind of hit and its been on a steady decline. You can’t even have medium scale fights anymore without people running in place.

We also have the problem with CRZ causing any chances of World Defense coming back to go right in the gutter, as well as splitting the community even further with Warmode in BFA.


Yeah. I only really got to experience some minor skirmishes in tanaan. Mostyl CBH or Division. Or that multiboxer.

Here’s the (long, 24 minute) story of my Journey after transferring to ED. Strictly 1vX World PvP. 1st Half level 94-97 1vX vs Same level or Level 100’s. 2nd half lvl 100 in tanaan.

I don’t expect anyone to watch it. But it’s seriously a love letter to emerald dream. i’ve never had so much fun.