Ion says limit time items arent coming back

New players are not going to be unreasonable as to not understand missing out on limited time items. New players are not going to be new to games or new to the concept of limited time promotions. I really hate seeing new players tossed around like some trump card, in the same vein that people used to cry “Think of the Children”.

Well, I got players asking about my TCG mounts for years…So, there’s always that new player or player that would like to get something but it’s not longer available, if you check the interview provided by OP, Anniefuchsia mentioned that some new players asked her about previous AOTC mounts.


Yeah gotta keep the gatekeepers happy, screw new players lol


Ask yourself exactly what they are committing themselves to. So many times I have read statements like:

  • We understand players are disappointed.

They are blaming players rather than accepting responsibility for the results of what they have done.

  • We will take this into consideration in the future.

No commitment to any change has been made.

Yet players read that and start threads saying Blizzard is going to not only fix that thing in the next patch, but it was going to be fixed exactly the way that player wanted it fixed.

What is “unreasonable”? Not being exactly like you? Of course they’re going to be disappointed that they can’t get mage tower cat forms when there is nothing anywhere comparable in the game. Just because you think they should be happy with the racial forms or the drab legion forms doesn’t mean that a player that has nothing invested in this game but one download is going to agree with you telling them they should be happy for you that they can’t have it.


If and only if they use precise language with specific legal definitions.

When they use weasel words or words with ambiguous meanings, then no.

“Very unlikely” has no real meaning - those opposed to anything ever coming back can say ‘see, he said it’s not happening’ while those who want items to come back can say ‘he didn’t say never’.


No but I have got friends into the game before for them to see something cool, ask me about, I tell them you can’t get it, and then they are immediately disappointed.


People are always going to ask about things but new people understand that limited time means. They will even be disappointed but that does not mean things should come back because someone is disappointed. This really has more to do with my sensibilities around coping with disappointment about not getting what you want. So this is difficult for me to understand if I am to be frank.

No content removed as in expansion content, or no content as in seasonal?

If Blizzard can never remove seasonal content, crap is going to become very convoluted very quickly.

They may have meant both but I would absolutely say expansion content.

There is so much major lore relevant content that is just ‘gone’ from retail, the undercity Wrathgate story, the BFA siege/tree bits, the Warlords ring storyline that was mentioned above, 90% of the Torghast storyline, all things just were just completely removed from retail (the Torghast bits was even removed before the end of the expansion it was in).

It is perfectly fine to have a ‘I’ve seen this before’ skip so people don’t have to do stuff again, but this is “god help you if you care about lore in games and didn’t play every expansion when its current because noone can experience these major lore moments in game again”


This is a great point. I think a good approach here would be to bring the story back in the game and provide the player one of two paths: Gray rewards for completing any part of the story in current gear, or relevant rewards if the entire story is completed in a scaled environment.

Having said that, even if story were reintroduced with grays being the only possible rewards, that would still do a fantastic job at filling in the lore gaps.

i can see them offering old items in critical situations, like maybe if their subs dip below 500k or they truly lose China permanently. But aside from that, dont let FOMO dictate your playstyle imho, you’ll end up happier for it.

… he said the exact opposite.

This is the approach I learned to take and it has certainly alleviated a mountain of stress I once had. Missing out on a Soul Eater mount was my first go at the approach and I came out of it without losing my marbles :slight_smile:

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Last time I checked that’s what “A Limited Time” means.

I’m not sure whom you’re replying to but if it’s the OP Ion literally said “if you missed it, you missed it.”

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FOMO in this game continues to be a stupid engagement model. It’s a creepy tactic they use rather than focusing on delivering the fun they push FOMO.

Come on guys - use your creative thinking muscles a bit more and get the metrics outta here!


Ah, I misunderstood. The OP registered in my mind as saying that the concept of time limited items is gone forever. My bad!

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I don’t consider 240K gold for the Magic rooster egg a exorbitant amount of gold back in WoD when I got that one and got the Spectral Tiger purple one for 250K in WoD…

just gonna disregard Ion on this like I normally do.

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I’m not sure how anyone can believe something is never coming back after they released WoW Classic.

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