Ion says limit time items arent coming back

I was specifically referring to people paying real money for stuff like the spectral tiger, etc.

The TCG market is an interesting little beast. I think what happened with TCG items is that the markets became very predatory and also a common breeding ground for scams and RMT, which likely led to Blizzard taking the actions that they are doing.


I think Blizz missed a huge opportunity with the WoW TCG. I loved the artwork on the cards. So I was excited when many of them made their way to hearthstone. Then they started altering the artwork. Compared to say Pokemon where they build an online version of the TCG and then put code cards to redeem online. WoW i.e. Hearthstone could have done something similar while also selling their digital packs. Granted they don’t have to pay for the distribution of the cards anymore, etc.

But as you point out? Even Pokemon can be infested with scams/fakes. Old sealed booster boxes can be insanely expensive.

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It always bugs me when this is dragged out as an excuse for mount collection achievements always being so far behind the collectors. What in the hell makes sense about taking new people into account when you’re talking about an achievement that most collectors have been working on for a decade or more.

It’s like not adding a 1 million HK achievement (just a hypothetical example) because you don’t want to upset a new player and make them feel too far behind, realistically they have no place putting their eyes on any achievement like that when they only walked in the door 5 minutes ago.


Literally untrue as we already have seen there’s limited time items in the DF prepatch.

Out of morbid curiosity, does the Pokemon TCG industry also have the scam (and I’m not familiar with the correct word for it) where people will search booster packs, pull any valuable cards they find and replace them with commons, then reseal the pack for resale as “factory sealed?”

Devs can create achievements based on the mounts in game but they keep using this excuse about removed/promotional content, We should have a 700+ mount achievement…

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They aren’t coming back… unless you subscribe to a 24 month subscription!

They’ll bring back whatever they want so long as it’s profitable and convenient for them.

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Oh absolutely. I’ve seen some people suggest packs are “Weighed”. You can usually spot a fake pack if it has jagged edges at the top where the pack is crimped. But then you get some cards that are obviously fake. If you rip a legit card in half it should have a thin black layer in the middle. A fake won’t have that.

Usually Ebay and Amazon have some protections in place for people buying cards. I wouldn’t buy cards off Etsy.

That’s quite a bummer. I’ve heard similar stories in the WoW TCG world. It’s no wonder Blizzard has taken the all-bets-are-off approach. Inaction could look far worse.

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Incorrect, there are many things that can’t return ever due to legal reasons no matter how much they might want to.

this is Ion “if you want playable high elves, the horde is waiting for you” Hazzikostas alright.

also Mr. “Zandalari Druids will not be getting unique animal forms and will just use the Darkspear Druid forms”


then xbox replaces him with someone better.
and puts limited items back in. :open_mouth:

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One can certainly dream.

I can live with that…

Highly unlikely that we’ll listen.

Ion flaps his lips in one direction and the game goes in another. The fact he worded it as “probably” means he didn’t know the answer to the question and deflected it to move to the next one.

He does this so much I can’t take many of his answers to questions seriously.


as always. He also said Pathfinder will stay and yet everyone can fly now without doing the achievements. His words mean nothing. I’m not worried at all.

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Do I think getting rid of FOMO items outside of Holiday stuff is a good thing? Yes.

Do I believe a single word out of Ion’s mouth? No.