Ion on Shadowland Loot

Getting a pair of socks for Christmas is good they keep your feet warm but getting one million dollars is better. Yes all stats are beneficial but some outweigh others in how good they are… :slight_smile:

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PvP is the only one where you make any continual progress.


We’re playing a progression game, if I happen to be stronger its because I put in the effort.

I think low geared players getting 1 shot is a clear motivator to get better gear or quit.

just leave already, this game is designed around hardcore in all kinds of stuff you do and don’t spew lies even stuff like timewalking is scaled around bis stuff and having best legendaries everything. go look in the mirror cause your trolling is sad just go away.

another lie way easier in wrath cata mop oh ya you forgot legion were the real loot pinata started with mythic+. imagine thinking bfa started it, just go away you embarrass yourself so bad being a white knight.

I’d expect a modern badge system to be similar to how buying Azerite gear worked in BfA, with it being the same gear from the dungeons, high cost to buy a specific max ilvl piece, and lower cost for random items of a specific slot at two or three different ilvls.

This idea that the wrath to cata era was some sort of gearing paradise compared to shadowlands is ridiculous. Players complained constantly about raid or die in that era, and pug raiding was harder because flex didn’t even exist until the end of pandaria.

There was nothing like the vault. No Mythic+ dungeons with scaling rewards. In Shadowlands, on an alt I can get to regular mythic dungeon level gear without even stepping in an instance.

Having said that, I wouldn’t mind a pve currency that dropped from raid bosses and mythic+. Either for valor-style upgrades or specific pieces. It’s good to have some consistent rewards that offset bad luck on drops. The vault already does that to some extent, but a currency would add another source of consistent rewards.

I started playing this expansion like 2 weeks ago took me around a week to get level 60 and then a week of extreme farm to get around ilvl 200, I didn’t do all of the covenant story yet since I do not have the renown for it, but thanks for telling me this I have a new goal now.

Too little too late for a lot of players.

Had SL launched with BLP systems in place for the “rest of the players” who weren’t going to spend 10hrs a day in M+/PvP…a lot of the complaining about activities feeling rewarding would not exist. Not all, because there’s always going to be some level of complaint, but a lot of them.

Also, putting something like badges/currency on dungeons doesn’t address the ilvl gaps unless the currency gear is higher ilvls. Giving people currency to get the same ilvl as that heroic dungeon is worse than getting no loot at all.

It’s a bit of theater to be seen “doing something”.

We’re talking about providing a bridge over the gap, not further isolating the groups from one another.

Expanding and fixing the Great Vault to have better slot targeting and offer more gameplay modes to get something in there…

It gets harder to take Ion (and Blizz) at what they’re saying when something like this comes up.

I can’t fathom how any of this is working well, even for elite raiders, when guilds are spending millions of gold to simply buy ilvl advancement via BoEs and such.

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It’s just one of the things wrong with SL. It feels like they didn’t just touch the third rail of bad MMO design here, they hugged it like a waifu pillow.

They don’t believe the game is fun enough for people to keep playing without the carrot and stick approach sadly. That and the current gearing systems in both PvE and PvP push a subset of the player base with more disposable income into paid carries.

In PvE loot funnels from Heroic/Mythic raids will be the fastest path to gear and in PvP players are buying 2s rating to the ilvl they want and never touching it again to get another purchased conquest piece per week on top of the vault.

They have no confidence in the health of the game and their content so they are going down the path of bleeding whales of as much cash through token sales as possible. Those of us who have been here a long time and are still addicted are a non factor. Our sub money pales in comparison to the player buying 3-6 tokens a month for carries.

In Legion my current guild sold Mythic Antorus carries. One of our buyers purchased 6 tokens a week to pay for loot funnels until he had all the gear he wanted over multiple weeks. This is the player Blizzard looks to appeal to. In the end all we’ll have left are whales and the sharks preying on them.

The ilvl from M+ is garbage and there is no point running it. I’ve gotten more ilvl from pvping and I absolutely hate the game mode. It’s really drained my enjoyment of the game.

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Oh really? I did my time walking in the gear you see on this character. I’m nowhere near BiS and I’m wearing the very leggings I received from that vault. You are over reaching horribly here. This very character alone ironically was more than enough to completely debunk your theory. Try again if you’d like. Havoc Demon Hunter? Check. Not even fully heroic geared? Check. What more do you need? The hostility is cute though.

I need a source on this “a lot of players” comment you’re boldly stating. This happens at the launch of every expansion. People bash it because they have nothing to do, then herald it as something amazing when 4 new raid tiers are out, they have a plethora of ways to gear with plenty of catchup mechanics. This expansion will be no different.

Basically, wait months until 8.1 where they’ll make some system that does let you target a piece of loot but its gonna be time-gated and a tedious grind.

Keep that Sub going players!

I just want to point out something:

" We significantly reduced the rate at which players earn item rewards, but at the same time also stripped away randomness and tried to give everyone more clear goals to pursue and control over their progress towards them."

No…no they didn’t. They made the randomness worse by removing bonus roll tokens. Getting more random choices in the weekly vault doesn’t replace being able to have a chance at more loot from a specific target (raid boss or dungeon).


Simple, let us upgrade the cov. gear continuously. Though it may be more costly with anima, thus gated behind being able to scrounge up enough for an upgrade. BUT, it gives those of us who hate dungeons and raids an upgrade path.


I just wish loot would drop a bit more often. As far as uniqueness and being memorable, just make weapons have unique abilities like sorrowbane…I still rock that to this day. Not until I literally get 2x200+ 2h weapons will I even THINK to replace it.

Problem solved on both fronts.

Another option to spice things up; give us more cosmetic ilvl 1 pieces, maybe even lower the anima costs a bit, or even better, give us more stinking anima; doing a wq for 35 anima is ridiculous when one cosmetic costs 3500. An example; i believe i calculated the total anima you’d need to get all cosmetic armor/weapon items to complete one xmog setup (including ONE cosmetic back, not the second and third) was right around 32,500 anima; thats a LOT of 35 anima wqs…sheesh.

I would enjoy it more if Ion would actually post a projected or expected time line rather than the vague, we’re looking at it.

But thank you for the link.

We should be allowed to upgrade pve gear with anima too, at least till pre normal raid lvl (197).