Ion Hazzikostas has confirmed the fall back plan is to open up covenants

In the interview with Preach this morning Ion confirmed that they have the ultimate fallback plan if the system is a complete failure to open the entire system up.

So the question is, how do we make them do this before 9.3?

That interview was an absolute train wreck, he’s so out of touch it makes me sad. If anyone honestly watched the interview and thinks Ion is still fit for lead dev please explain to me why.


its sad that they know its going to fail and have a plan for when it does, yet still continue to push it forward as is.


We don’t.

That’s how.


Sad but true

Listening to that interview is just so disheartening. Ion is completely out of touch.

Conduits not being destroyed is a solid first step, but GOD man, it’s such a free goal to take and they just don’t…


This is the funniest thing I’ve heard yet:

When a pug leaders asks if you are a certain spec over another, they can make associations about you as a player as that choice is easily changeable. Ion argues that when the choice is not easily changed, pug leaders can’t necessarily judge your performance based on that choice.

He really thinks that is what will happen. I think them making covenants swappable is stupid but this is just the toppest of keks.


I’m speechless…

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What a great community.


Nah man, I’m sure pug leaders will definitely not immediately assume someone is lazy/bad for picking the wrong cov.


Probably the majority of them.

Having a backup plan doesn’t mean they expect a plan to fail. That’s why it’s…A backup plan.

They didn’t have a backup plan in 8.3: Corruptions was such a bad system, and has been hotfixed time, and time, and time, and time again, to the point that they had to add in a brand new Corruption effect to prevent people from exploiting the system.

And, of course, the climax being the complete removal of Corruption before the next expansion even hits.

I’d rather have something planned in advance in case something doesn’t pan out as opposed to just throwing out a bunch of fixes for a system that flat out didn’t work at all out of the blue.


The problem with this plan is that it will happen in 9.2 or 9.3 after everyone has already quit. Just like Legion, and just like BFA.


What I get now: balance or feral? If I say feral I get denied. What we will get in shadowlands: venthyr? I say no and I get denied.

Examples above. Idk what covenant I’m supposed to have lol.


its always a good idea to have a back up plan. you wouldn’t want them to have to make up a new system mid expansion every patch would you? its not like it would go from azerite armor to essences to corruptions or anything… oh wait.

as i was saying, its better that there is a back up plan regardless of how confident you are about the systems.


It’s a back up plan. Back up plans are “Okay look lets just have something JUST IN CASE”

They’re not “Yo this is gonna fail”

Hence the name. back up plan.


Didn’t he basically say as much a while ago when we first found out about their “no changing plan” or did I misunderstand something?

Ultimately, it’ll have to fail on its own merits. Even if you could get enough coordination, if they think the community is intentionally maligning beyond that they’re not going to change it.

To be fair, it seems like they’re a lot more open to the possibility than they were when they first announced it.


The real backup plan is TBC, just like how Classic was after the devs doubled down on BFA’s bad ideas after being told not to by the community.


I actually completely disagree with that. You thought it was a train wreck because he said something you didn’t like. They had pretty open dialogue.


Ion got slaughtered. The guy is playing an entirely different game than we are playing. I have never seen anyone this out of touch with their customers/playerbase/whatever.


People aren’t used to the concept of planning things in the first place, so when they hear the words “back up plan” they immediately think it’s confidence that it will fail.