Ion Hazzikostas, can you schedule a Live Q&A to talk about 9.1?



Because the last one went so well. :stuck_out_tongue:

seriously question the value of Ion’s interviews in general

he does occasionally reveal a few genuine insights but mostly his interviews are just fluff pieces for the game and consistently carry some amount of misrepresentations of their plans going forward - i.e. he frequently hides any negatives to stuff they are going to implement until it is released

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I kind of agree with this. I don’t generally like to bad mouth people, though I make an exception for the WoW writers, but Ion’s interviews tend to just get…muddled. I don’t know, it’s interesting listening to him talk about the philosophy of the answers, but he tends to ramble for too long on it. And the extreme levels of cherry picking to be sure nothing negative or controversial ever gets directly addressed with any amount of sincerity has gotten significantly worse.

The last QnA Blizzard did for WoW was horrible, not only because of the lip smacking ASMR, but because they for whatever airheaded reason combined TBC and Shadowlands into one, and allowed people to ramble for far too long as if trying to fill in for the fact they had nothing.

Per the OP, I do think the devs need to do another QnA session, this time only regarding Shadowlands and 9.1. They’ve outright ignored a lot of the feedback given on the forums since 9.0 launched, so they really need to look at some PR.


The “suits” have sucked all of the resources and life out of the development team while giving themselves big bonuses for record x-pac launch sales. It is the most typical American story you can find these days. The employees are at home sleepless and shaking trying to keep up with their deadlines while the suits continue to ask them for more and more despite limiting the resources and people needed to push development forward.

This is a game with a box price, monthly sub and a cash shop, all of which rake in huge sums of revenue, and yet it takes almost a year for the first content patch? Blizzard has very talented people working on this game and the delays in content have nothing to do with them. There is a limit to how much even talented people can pull off when they are not properly resourced. This is a top down situation. The suits will be the actual “wow killer”.

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Don’t be naive. That is not how capitalism and corporatism works. The suits behind the curtain are running the company into the ground due to their greed, as is always the case. Ion and the other known faces of the game get pushed out in front to take all of the heat. This is just how it’s going to work until the working people and customers in this country stop putting up with it.

Yeq, um… No.
Watching Ion take questions is like Biden in his latest “press conference.”

All the questions are pre-picked, staged, and he already has scripted answers to them. They are not really questions, more like weak softball pitches. He will answer questions about transmogs but not specific questions about a certain spec. He will answer questions about “how cool was making the night fae zone” instead of “tell me why the three same specs have been gutter specs for the last 3 xpacs.” He will say “we have some fun things planned” but will end up being scrapped. He won’t answer why blizz didn’t provide a gear vendor for valor, won’t talk about class inconsistencies or outdated spec designs. He won’t discuss why blizz won’t fix vault gear drops, the massive issues with covenants or the issues with pvp pairing(skirmishes when an ilvl 175 chars are paired against ilvl 221 chars).

His “Q&A” segments are a waste of time and only feed you what you want to hear.


All his reply will be Is working as intended. So why even bother.

Besides, try asking him how many class devs he has these days, or why Activision CEO received a 300 million dollar bonus when his company can’t even hire enough ppl to fix spec bugs that have been in existence since their incorporation (monks).
There are so many real questions that he won’t answer, so it’s a waste of time.

People are still in the mindset that Blizzard is a good gaming company. To bad it isn’t all the games they make are just awful. Some of the other games haven’t gotten any content in months either. Its just laughable that they go this long without new stuff. Then again when they lay off people all the time and the CEO takes huges amounts of money I really shouldn’t be Surprised. The guy is a cancer in human form.

At least, this will keep people satiated for a time: Upcoming PTR for Chains of Domination

Ion is far too good at speaking a lot while saying nothing.

I’d rather Ion, or anyone at Blizzard, not do any sort of interview. Players only use their communication against them and to bash them.

Remember the Demonology Warlock video? I don’t even play Warlock and I thought to myself, Ouch.

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