Ion doesnt think people will be declined from pugs due to choices they make

Interesting. Which addon, and how ubiquitous is it?

I mean, going from the worst dps to one of the worst healers isn’t much of an improvement :stuck_out_tongue:

(this is sarcasm, i rather like when people play what they want)

Pretty sure raider io addon does it off the bat.

Well, the solution would be the same as it is now in creating your own group. :woman_shrugging:

It’s going to happen. It’s the nature of the community.

To me the worst case scenario that (I’d hope) would never be allowed to happen would be that you’d need different characters to play the same spec in both, say, pve and pvp.

If you limit things like this too much, especially with a fast new leveling curve, rolling an alt in a different covenant may be bonkers but under the worst circumstances preferable to taking a performance hit.

PUG Leader: LFM ilvl 420, must be able to burp the Gettysburg Address in Russian, personally knows singer/songwriter Meatloaf, once cooked dinner with Wolfgang Puck (link recipe), and can mend my broken marriage, PST waitlist (will be checking credit score.)

Ion: “This is fine, good thing they weren’t judged on their Covenant choice!”


It shows ilevel and score. Unless I’ve been using the wrong one this whole time.

MW is only the worst healer in a raid. In Mythic + its pretty strong as long as your not trying to push the hardest keys.

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Unpopular opinion: the doomsday hype is completely wrong, and PUGs will be exactly like they are now.

No one asks if ou have C&S R3 when joining a random +15, guys.


Guess what…people get denied in PUGs for any reason the group leader chooses. Either find a guild that will take you on runs, pay gold for a group to run you, or endure the constant process of applying and denying for runs.

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It’s the old see right here on paper it works theory.

I used to have a boss at one job years ago where I was working on specialty machinery and he went see right here the book says the machine can do this much in this amount of time.

What he didn’t take into consideration and the same thing Ion isn’t either is the practical aplications.

The book and what is on paper work in a perfect world or game . But they don’t take into consideration things like setting things up , restocking of supplies or the machine having problems.

In the case of wow people will discriminate base on class and wrong covenant choices . That is just human nature.


This right here is about what it boils down to.

I mean I pick talents that are not “ideal” as far as what Icyveins or other min/max sources will tell you, and I still get into groups. And I still perform relatively well.

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Me, 403 ilvl signing into a group with 400+ wanting DPS: “Hey!”
Pug leader: “No…”


It’s amazing that devs think folks won’t reject folks that are not in the status quo covenant-class combination. Look at all the fotm chasers in game. How is this way of thinking not going to carry over to SL?


C&S doesn’t give you potential skips like the Shadowmeld and Teleport. You won’t realistically need that for 90+% of keys but people are going to try and play the path of least resistance if they can.


I just want to see how they hope to possibly balance an ability like the necrolord banner for warrior. If you use it at full duration you could completely stack it with bloodlust/ heroism. No amount of good play can make up for that amount of burst.


none of those things allow you to skip trash packs


I was being mostly sarcastic lol, I wouldn’t consider any healer bad really, they are all capable of doing their job.

I’m pretty sure he knows how toxic the community is. He just picked to ignore that aspect because he feels the game should not be balanced around how bad the community acts. But he can’t straight up and just say that.

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The skip thing confuses me, there’s dungeons out there you can’t skip ANYTHING or you even have to go out of your way to kill extra.

Sure there might be a bad pack, but that would really be no different then “everyone brings a rogue” right now.