Ion confirms the datamined blue eyes are not for the Blood Elves

Came? They do it constantly playpen is literally gloating in the he thread right now that they won because high elves are still denied from the alliance.

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I do hope we get san’layn as an allied race. But I do believe the base undead elf could be a separate customization for those that want dark rangers.

There’s like a 90% chance that person is a troll anyway. The ignore feature is your friend.

Yea, I’d like to see San’layn as an allied race of their own, but I think people would settle for a skin/eye option for Blood Elves (much like the Wildhammer options coming for Ironforge dwarves).

Support other people getting choice and they will support you actively attack choice don’t be surprised if you get pushback on what you want.


Truth. Karma is a… well you know.


The first four or five threads on this weren’t enough? Lordie.

Personaly I think the new vampires are much cooler and unique, but it’s hard to see a “dead faction” from another dimension joining a mortal war.

I can’t wait to see the real customizations.

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I don’t really care either way. But it is funny to see all the Alliance laughing it up like this somehow means they’ll have a high elf someday. (Well, one that isn’t blueberry colored.)


20 different shades of green and gold?

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San’layn are much more then an eye option. I love there voicelines, unique features such as longer fangs/sharper fingers/ unique undead culture. Unique heritage armor, another type of cursed state, and possible different types of classes available for them.

There are pros and cons of adding them to base blood elves but I think they would fit a race better package wise. As the voicelines, combat voices, jokes, and combat animations could use some tweaks to make them distinct as former scourge elite soldiers. And former Kael’thas loyalists.

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I’m thinking more along the lines of hairstyles, tattoos, jewelry, etc. There was body jewelry, but since it’s datamined, I’ll wait for the real reveals.

Part of me does hope for dark ranger looks at the least.

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I agree with you. The issue is getting Blizzard on board :stuck_out_tongue:

Look how much this community just hates each other.


I have a Nelf too.

Lmfao keep telling that furry .

You must be new in the forums because if you havent seen the amount of post of bloodelves when they “thought” that blue eyes are for you.

You are just too “smart”.

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Well we have some BC heroes reappearing. There is a good chance they can be added. Wether that will actually happen is a mystery. But we can sure hope : ). Kael’thas was sort of thrown away in BC as boss fodder… so I do hope he gets redeemed and rejoins the horde. We lost so many of our heroes to corruption or other ridiculous stuff. Most prominent elf figures tend to represent high elves and the alliance. We need some heroes back imo. I find it harder to find a memorable blood elf compared to high elf, and Alleria became a void elf… so have that.

I would be glad for more death entities to join the horde seeing as how the alliance got elite forces of void and light forces. So I hope we get lore that boosts the horde strength.

The sad thing was I was planning to have my blood elf go with the darker skin and blue eyes. But I guess they will stick with the yellow. Blue eyes are easier to mog with.

Blood elf mages that never used fel will also feel left out : /

Seriously. They created blue eyes to troll players. Typical.


Know what might be cool? If Kael’thas some how returns to the realm of the living as a vampire and he’s the one that brings the San’layn into the Horde as an allied race!

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