Ion - " alts will be better "

That’s why I said:

Building your character, creating your world and stats and experience, choosing your story, etc.

Definitely not. Only maxed out toons matter!

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lol i forget who it was but a few months back there was somebody here saying it wasn’t even possible to begin playing the game until you were in full BiS

Oh that was a fun thread! Give everyone bis in 3 weeks so they can start doing stuff!

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The biggest problem with that guy is he thinks there are no problems. Every interview he’s saying everything is great, balance is fine, and he doesn’t understand why we don’t like it.

That absolute ignorance is not helping. It won’t kill the IP, but it doesn’t bring new players in. I honestly think they’ve given up, and they are just doing as little as possible to retain as many players as they can with minimal effort.


I don’t know if Blizzard will ever do a post around alts, but we need a statement on their concept of Alt just like they did a post for alliance races customization, some Dev should do a whole post on what’s considered an alt from the Devs point of view.

There’s a lot of things that were not changed on 9.1.5.

  • There’s not a skip on Korthia for the quest that enable relic vendor

  • There’s not a skip to enable all Korthia Dailies and grapple points

  • Box of many things is not account wide? Why if this only helps with Thorgast which should be a fun mode to just spent some time and play with the power instead of a chore.

  • Covenant campaings should be account wide

Right now, WoW will start lose ground against other games on which you character can change from caster to melee by just changing a weapon but you keep all in the same account.

WoW has a strong lore based on race and class which is good since leveling is not that difficult but the systems on max level are a big restriction in order to play the 12 classes as other MMORPGs.

For me WoD and MoP were really good due to changing alts constantly was easy and just limited by gear, so i could do casual pvp and pve.

Also, take on consideration that Blizzard has to balance 36 specs, if the game was easier to play account wide with all alts, well if your current class is not well balance, you could change to another one and progress on the content as you like, that will mitigate the balance between patches since there’s going to be always a meta.


Rift: The wowkiller.

We’re not in Azeroth anymore!!!

I don’t think Ion properly understands alts.

What I prefer is to have a variety of options to do the content that I want to do. That’s included heroic raiding at a couple different points. I remember doing HFC on 3 different toons during WoD - warrior/dk/monk. It kept the game fresh to have multiple toons raid ready because I was doing it on several different toons. I didn’t burn out like I do today.

The biggest single factor for me when it comes to alts is borrowed power gameplay systems (artifacts/azerite/covenants). Borrowed power gameplay systems have burned me out on WoW much faster than any previous xpacs prior to Legion. I have things that I need to do to be optimal for the content that I want to do that I didn’t have to deal with prior to Legion. Doing things that I don’t want to do on every toon that I want to gear leads to me burning out on WoW quickly. I want to play alts, but the thought of having to grind the borrowed power gameplay systems (covenants in this case) again, even if there are catch up mechanisms, is enough to deter me from playing them. I wind up doing something else outside of WoW instead.


While other games let you change class, combat modes with an easier way, the Devs decided to launch Shadowlands with player power different depending on your covenant, that killed the whole expansion for a lot of players.

Instead of being Alt friendly, a lot of time on Shadowlands was not even spec friendly if you want to heal, dps and tank on some classes and contents.

it was absurd that this was launch this way when the player base usually do arenas with one spec and tank m+ with another with different power choises like talents.


I can tell you right now, this guy will sink the ship then leave the company while costing them millions and millions of dollars in sub losses. It is why there only strat was to sell wow tokens making gear unobtainable by the majority of players. So they buy tokens for carries. it is their only strat


I agreed with that until 9.1.5. It’s actually pretty damn easy to gear alts now, but yes it’s still very tedious.

Just slam a few torghast runs on your main and send some ash through, buy the alt some Korthia gear with stygia, and get the alt the 40 renown before it hits max.

The real annoying times comes when you want to start actually progressing the alt, however.

Or if your alt has a legendary memory locked in content no one does anymore, like my WW monk - still can’t get a group for CN to get invokers legendary /sigh

They’d probably say they don’t expect alts to be additional mains.

Yeah, i did mostly the objectives on my first try on ToF, it was depressing seeing anything done on it giving 1% progress… And i did side quests too, but it was still a slog to level. Idk how it is now, and i’m not inclined to level any char for the rest of this horrid xpac.
On my 3rd and 4th alts, i mixed campaign with ToF at the end, to not be forced to do evertything up to Revendreth.

player obsession with minmaxing and zero understanding of sig figs was correctly identified by Blizzard as something they need to fix to address the skillgap.

sadly since tier 7 that skillgap is now too big to be fixed. bad palyers minmaxing because the guide they dont understand told them to instead of playing for fun is the true cancer.

they do the same in TBC. Zero mp5, nothing but +Healing gear. and then they wonder why their wipe-to-enrage guild doesnt see the same result as the 2min kill guild from the same class.

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Doubt it, someone would’ve found that out by now.

I’m honestly under the belief that the reason they keep Ion has the face / game lead is due to him being a former lawyer. Thus he’s good with his words, he can say a bunch of mumbo without giving away anything at all. Aka his recent interview.

He said multiple paragraphs worth of nonsense and it meant literal nothing.


Most endgame raiders hate the system too. The raids themselves are great, but the amount of work people need to put in and hoops they have to jump through are nothing short of ridiculous.

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What exactly is so alt unfriendly about this expansion? Within 10 minutes of hitting 60 you can be doing korthia, m0s, or bgs. Maybe taking a few extra mins to target a couple of wqs that have desirable conduits.


they sure duped us. their idea of alt friendly was: timegating progression and removal of infinite power grind. lol.

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well yea. that way alts can be caught up.

“no alt left behind” means “no main left ahead”.

idk. the reason i got hooked on wow was because of mythic plus and raiding. the journey kinda sucks. they should just develop around their strengths. great gameplay, mythic plus, raiding, and pvp. add in the transmog and mount hunting.