Ion about survival

That doesn’t explain how they intend to make things like Arcane Shot baseline. I guess they could do the little crossbow thing like SS but that seens kinda lame.

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Then how can you come for someone wanting to have more baseline passives for SV when it clearly lacks this?

Every other non blizzard MMO, right now Classic is killin it.(not literally)

But what’s the difference if we have the abilities natively or they are just a stupid weapon / item / faction?

Why not then go back to how it was and actually KNOW the skills?

The difference is not having 15 pages worth of talents

This makes me feel better bout letting wow go week go, now i have no regrets. Blizz dont even care bout their own playerbase just the little shout box they stand on. Gl to others, bepples etc, keep strong. Till rsv comes back, im stayin gone. Sad after all these years, i miss old blizzard, but they sold out.


But what difference does it make? do you look at your talent book every day? no. do you look at your spell book every day? No.

Why then does that matter at all?

Okay, just keep adding new talents every couple of years and see how long it is before you get tired of having to chose 50 talents for every new character you make.

Eventually there is such thing as too much. Having a way to progress your character that isn’t a new talent all the time is not a bad thing for the health of the game.

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The only talents that needed pruning were + damage modifiers of numerous kinds, outside of that the +damage modifers could have been put into the base abilities.

For example from TBC / Wrath, Surprise attacks did not only give you undodgable finishers, but also +10% backstab damage, not really good design, and all 3 trees had something similar. Remove those dumb passives and put that into the base ability.

As for the skills for your class, some were good some were bad, whatever. If you dont like them dont use them.

I never said anything along those lines. My critique was purely for the suggestions you mentioned!

If anything, I agree that there needs to be more synergy between SV spells and talents. I have the same opinion for Marksman.

Wildfire infusion was probably the peak of creativity for BFA hunter. It actually alters your gameplay in an interesting way.

Not many people did, but I liked the spreadsheet model of talents back in the day! Sure there were some cookie cutter builds, but then you could do some cool stuff, like early Wotlk where you had BM with Readiness resetting all your cooldowns. That got nerfed pretty quick though lol

I think we can all agree every expansion dumbs down all classes and specs. Probably for “new” players? I dunno.

Do you though? Since you have 0 SV logs.

Haha imagine actively wanting to gimp the raid or mythic+ group as Survival.


So you don’t play it. Gotcha.

I mean, I liked the old talent tree system a lot more than what we have now. But I also understand there is a point where you can’t just keep adding more and more talents and have to try to find some other way to do character progression. I liked the artifact weapon system. It made sense to me, it was kind of like the old talent tree system.

What Blizz did with azerite armor and now with covenants is reinventing a wheel they didn’t need to reinvent.

If is gonna continue to be a melee spec then we need an Anti-Focus…
none of the hunters spec have one. Traps/Scatter shoots are not antifocus abilities, but instead Ccs.

2nd. We need a major buff in dps; our dps is fine but not great;
that change can come in a form of an major AoE or single ability;
Only BM is doing competitive in Raids… haven’t heard from other classes, and No… dummy parse is not real dps…

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Yeah, agreed. It’s a repackaging of talents into various systems (Tier bonuses/Artifact weapon/Legos/Azerite).

Essences probably a bit unique here, and same with Cov abilities.

Nothing if you like simplicity in your rotation. MSV has five abilities without adding talents, Raptor Strike, Serpent Sting, Wildfire Bomb, Kill Command, and Carve. Two are situational in that you use KC to build focus and carve which is for mobs. You use SS and WFB at the start of the fight then only use them again when they are about to run out. Otherwise your just spamming Raptor Strike over and over.

It just becomes a game of whack-a-mole were you are punching same three buttons as they come up, and once in a while you get to push a fourth.

Like you said suggestion that could add correlation between abilities, and have each action work to build something greater. If you want active abilities then suggest some of your own.

Think giving SV the ability to use a range weapons or melee weapons based on talent choices is the best option, other than just making a fourth spec. MSV as many talents that are just not utilize cause they offer nothing, which could be replaced with range talents.

15 Viper’s Venom, Terms of Engagement, Alpha Predator
30 Guerrilla Tactics, Hydra’s Bite, Butchery
45 Trailblazer, Natural Mending, Camouflage
60 Bloodseeker, Steel Trap, A Murder of Crows
75 Born To Be Wild, Posthaste, Binding Shot
90 Tip of the Spear, Mongoose Bite, Flanking Strike
100 Birds of Prey, Wildfire Infusion, Chakrams


15 Viper’s Venom, Terms of Engagement, Alpha Predator
30 Guerrilla Tactics, Hydra’s Bite, Butchery
45 Trailblazer, Natural Mending, Camouflage
60 Bloodseeker, Black Arrow, A Murder of Crows
75 Born To Be Wild, Posthaste, Binding Shot
90 Explosive Shot, Mongoose Bite, Flanking Strike
100 Birds of Prey, Wildfire Infusion, chakrams

Eplosive Shot does same as picking MB where it replaces RS. Just adding some old RSV talents get the spec one step closer to it older iterations. It is not perfect and there are some who will argue that this idea solves nothing, but it is just an idea that could help bring RSV back in Shadowlands.


I like this idea. It gives flexibility to people. However, it goes against Ion’s/Dev’s viewpoint that they wanted SV to be “different” to BM/MM, what does different mean exactly? I guess it ultimately means a spec that doesn’t use a bow lol.

Ion’s response would be fine if current MM wasn’t miles away from what made it and SV so fun pre-legion. We had a highly mobile dot spec and a less mobile bursty spec with big impactful shots. BFA MM is neither of those things and that is why RSV is still brought up constantly.


Having a talent system that change SV from melee play-style to a fully range play-style would elevate the need to farm two different types of weapons.

Yeah they give us a whole lengthy excuse why they felt the need to change SV, only to then do a copy and paste of BM, but give it a spear instead.

My suggestion would give three forms to SV, one focused on melee, another a hybrid of melee and range, and a last form that was used range combat. It would just require picking the right talents.

The biggest hurdler would be balancing each talent, or we just get same old cookie-cutter builds of pick a,b, and d if you want max dps.

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