Ion about survival

Do you play SV? Because basline all we get is kill command resets and Wildfire Bomb cd reductions from carve. we even have to talent into Serpent spread and that is even target capped at 3. SV in its current state is ok but it has the potential to be so much better and we need to have all these BM elements taken out. I’ve said it before Ill say it again; we don’t need to have kill command, flanking strike was already too close for comfort and we should be makes step towards more spec idenity not towards melee BM. Coordinated assault is such a beastial wrath rip off that its irritaing to the point where i don’t want to use it. These were not issues in Legion, they were thrown into SV in bfa and they need to make the few adjustments it would need to give SV some identity and add so many things that we need baseline like wilderness survival and serpent spread and mongoose bite (again) and add some actual meaningful talent choices.

I think we need something similar to the old Explosive Shot mechanic where you have a low duration DoT as your “nuke” that resets based on another skill. Literally no class has that mechanic in a ranged spec. Wildfire Bomb doesn’t fit that fantasy because there are no resets for it.

I’d love it if Explosive Shot in the Marks tree was just a replacement for Aimed Shot, and Lock & Load was turned into Black Arrow, so we could have that SV style gameplay if we want it.

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I really don’t want to see melee Survival go(I would be OK with more ranged/melee hybrid) but it seems like everyone really dislikes it.

I just think without any clear indications as to where they’re going with it it’s hard to get excited about maining Hunter as I don’t really like the other specs. There’s still time though thankfully.

Pretty sure it was kinda clear in the last few sentences of the initial post

The only way they can keep this energy is to allow SV to have both a Polearm and a bow.

This can be balanced btw since arms warriors can dual wield two hand swords without much issue so SV can keep that same energy.

I don’t care how much they copy and paste that tiny crossbow, SV is not going to feel like a hunter that chose to specialize in melee if it cannot use ranged weapons in combat like bm and mm.

For SV to be what they want is achievable but they are going about it the wrong ways and everyone and their mom is tired of the weak sauce tiny crossbow.

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Remember when I would say that the central identity of Hunters was the ranged weapon and people would argue with me and say that was unfounded?


been suggesting this very thing for a while now (except replace polearm with a single one handed weapon)

(though my suggestion included it for all specs and have added melee animations for ranged skills)

Fury, but that’s a nitpick on my part :stuck_out_tongue:

mini xbow is stupid! PROVE ME WRONG PEOPLE!

I remember you crying about how melee has no place in hunter whereas most people agreed to have both

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I’m not very much liking the path they’ve been attempting in the alpha: from the looks of things, the swap seems a bit clumsy. I still prefer SV specializing in melee, but if it’s going to use ranged hunter abilities, I think it should be as a fallback when Aspect of the Eagle just isn’t a possibility.

Like a reverse of what it used to be in WOTLK: melee abilities were on the menu, but only as a way of creating distance so hunters could get back in range.

To be clear, the more I think about it, the more I prefer SV stay a melee-centric spec. A lot of good ideas were divided between SV and MM back in the day, and I can only think of how good hunters might have been if all of those ideas had been rolled into a single spec.

Yeah I don’t play warrior and it shows :rofl:

In other words they goofed and the new talent grid is 100% a mistake.

Hunter specs should be made for Hunters, not people who evidently hold contempt for the class.


I’d rather not have to obtain two weapons. Maybe we can change it up and utilize the bow / gun / crossbow and have a copy paste melee weapon instead like what they did with the tiny crossbow.

It’s not like it’s truly that many melee spells comparitively to ranged anyway as this spec goes hybrid.

Plus then we keepin it real with the ranged weapon class fantasy.

Go to the hunter trainer to change our copy paste melee weapon to either be a Dual Wield or 2 Hander to make everyone happy… (joking, nothing will make everyone happy… this is the hunter forums after all)

In other words it’s a cop-out response with extremely bad reasoning. Hazzikostas is just brain-dumping excuses into his response which is what he literally always does. Remember when he said that PvP vendors were bad because people might not be able to find them? It was, of course, a terrible excuse and people rightly mocked him for it. It also wasn’t the only point in that response (not that the rest of them were any good). But this is how he responds to questions: dumping a whole bunch of lame excuses at once to make it sound like it has more backing. It’s basically a Gish Gallop.

The talent grid changed nothing meaningful about the distinction of MM v.s. SV. SV at a baseline level had the same gameplay before and after the talent grid; as did MM for the most part. It actually made several of those crowd control elements such as Entrapment baseline to SV so all SV Hunters got them instead of just those who talented into them. He seems to be confusing Cataclysm SV for the early iterations from Classic/BC when it was actually a PvP CC spec.

Perhaps you could argue that shared abilities coming from talents made them feel more similar, but that seems like a weak argument given a) they would have all gotten unique talents in Legion regardless, and b) several of those shared abilities such as Murder of Crows still exist. Plus it’s not what he’s saying anyway.

As for whether the talent grid was a good thing: that’s a separate discussion. There were benefits to both talent trees and talent tiers. I, for one, prefer talent tiers because you can change them more often whereas builds in talent trees often went unchanged for entire patches or even expansions. Having said that their track record for keeping talent tiers balanced in the past 2 expansions is abysmal.


Really I feel like wow is now life support.

Whoah, hold your horses. I don’t hold contempt for Hunters as a class. I simply found BM and MM (its purely ranged iterations) boring.

I found Melee Survival Hunter fun and engaging. It’s a real joy to play. In my opinion, it would be far better to improve the Melee Survival Hunter style than to revert it to its awkward RSV form (which, I hate to say, was simply a MM variant).

I delight in MSV Hunter and it was that love of the spec that inspired my post. I have no doubt your passion for the Hunter class inspires your crusade for a return of Ranged Survival (though you haven’t stated this outright - if I’m mistaken, I do apologize for the inference). I respect that, but disagree.

Melee Survival Hunter is something worth preserving and improving. I just wish Blizzard would communicate a little more frequently on specs like this and, of course, Shadow Priests.


Pretty sure people like you have been saying that for over 10 years at this point.

Actually only 6 years, WoD is what killed retail for me. I gave WoD a fair shot, and the PVE was good, just that the classes sucked and the whole lack of content kinda hurt the expansion also.

Legion was popular with some people, apparently a lot of people but the class designs were terrible, and it showed. I pointed this out in Legion Alpha and “aRTifAcT-wILL-FiX-iT”…

Welcome to borrowed power and its total trash, but White Knight for Blizzard, im sure they need as much help as they can get, maybe they will send you a gold star and a pat on the back!

Sort of…

I mean it’s still going strong as far as player base. Not as strong as it has been but As strong or better than every other MMO.

I don’t think they have any plans to shut it down in the near future. But they also aren’t putting extra effort into improving the game.

Shadowlands is another Cata in a sense, at least that’s what I expect. They are revamping the leveling process, which isn’t so different from the passes they did for Cata to reorganize the leveling quest areas.

3 expansions before they did a sweep over low level quest areas. 3 more expansions and they are doing a sweep over leveling and levels. I think Shadowlands like Cata is a sort of maintenance expansion, and from that I expect that it will be a great disappointment for many. But I don’t think it signals the end of WoW by any measure.

Borrowed power itself isn’t trash. It’s that they keep throwing it out and introducing something new with every xpac. If they kept the artifact weapons and gave cosmetic drops for them and removed a lot of the endless grind, then the borrowed power would be perfectly fine for the most part. Then classes and their weapons could evolve and be balanced together.

Instead we’re coming up on our 3rd instance of a new borrowed power system, which feels bad because we keep having to learn something new, get used to it only for it to be taken away.

How nice of you assume so much.

I do, actually. And I’m going to say at a higher level than you. Check your attitude.