Ion about survival

Thankfully, I’m multitasking.

That would be the best recourse.

Because class representation has been at an all-time low, what makes you think I would trust that? Are you implying that PvPers worth their salt know what’s right or actually care about the Hunter community?

A fabrication. BM has always fared the best, across the board.

I’m the only person I know who ran MM from start to finish. Which means I know how to counter BMs, SVs, and MMs at my own ilvl or lower(maybe even a little higher). You can say I was doing this when most other Hunters RR’ed or QQ’ed.

And basically, you’re not a true Hunter I would respect. It’s fixable: you just need to do it fulltime longer. But if that’s too much hard work and a lot of L’s to smoke, then I recommend you start caring a whole lot less than this. But I think you’re bothered that we’re trying to restore SV to its former glory. That’s too bad you’re this bothered about one class and one spec.

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And then they changed survival into melee beast master…


If all Ion did was saying that they felt the two specs were too similar…sure.

But that’s not what he did.

And besides…

Where did I say this?

And also…

You often make snide comments about the reading comprehension of other posters, yet you reply this way to me while ignoring a large part of what I wrote in both my previous posts.

Here, I’ll post it again just so you won’t miss it this time:


He’s not trying to achieve an honest accord and compromise here. Of course he’s not going to listen while projecting the refusal of understanding on us. It’s to argue that we don’t understand that he and the rest of them want us to RR or QQ. If we’re at fault for something, it’s that we still play Hunter at all. Even if we all switched to SV, they’ll change the goalposts again and start complaining about SV being over-represented at the expense of other class/specs. The dirty little secret is: it’s not going to end if we just give in, and if we can’t make people like Darkeforge happy in a one-way exchange, then that should be the final end of any dealings with him. After all, “he could[n’t] care less.”

Plenty of others in times past have done so much as to entertain alternatives that would allow ranged and melee SV, such as the “fourth spec”. As controversial as it would be to compromise even in that, it just proves that there are such legitimately caring Hunters who try. Others are just going to assume the position of negativity against RSV just out of spite, to stick it to the Hunter-Man.

There’s a relationship between developer and player that needs to be respected. If there are no players, developers would be out of a job in said relationship. Is there even just one MSV fan who respects the necessary symbiosis? At the end of the day, we’re going to do what we want to do for ourselves, but I think it’s poor form to show such disrespect to those who want what they want like we want what we want.


Surv is def not tier 1 melee. Sin, Havoc, Unholy, WW, and Arms are tier 1 (in no specific order)

In short, you’re full of crap and the arena ladder basically proves everything you’re saying is wrong.

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Assn, dh are S tier and broken af. Ww, surv, feral, frstdk all have T1 comps that counter S tier comps. Arms is pretty much back packed by dh or destroy.

It’s alot more fleshed out in the EU meta. The player pool is bigger, therefore there’s more component players.

NA we have Jelly, Dilly and (?) that play surv to it’s fullest potential. To see what a surv is capable of you need to check thier streams.

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Tbh, you don’t seem to know wtf your talking about.


Well, that’s not a denial to my claims so I think I have you pegged correctly.

@Mikesavage Why do you also keep trying? You’re not creating more SV’s so you don’t know what you’re talking about. The numbers don’t lie. You can lie, but we know what the numbers say.

You claimed MM and BM can compete with SV in pvp. The arena ladder clearly shows you’re wrong. This shouldn’t be hard to grasp. Again, you’re wrong and you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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The disheartening thing is seeing all the non-hunters say how happy they are with MSV on the reddit thread.


There’s a fine line between “it’s their game” and “this idea is stupid.”

I like SV as it is but I think MM as a fantasy is about as bland as an Arms Warrior. I wouldn’t mind RSV coming back as a ‘Mage-hunter’ spec that replaces MM as it is.

Then why fundamentally change both specs?

If A is to similar to B, then change B to C. Don’t change B to Z and A to 42.


No, just because you don’t like MM, doesn’t mean other people don’t. Do not try to replace my spec with RSV,


I misplaced my, “I’m a dev hat”…

I was pointing out the ludicrousness of a forum poster insinuating their opinion of the two specs was more relevant than the game developers. The simple fact, which I’ve said before, it didn’t matter what explanation the Devs gave for changing it, the same people would be here complaining anyway.

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I think our opinion is just as valid as a troll who doesn’t even play a hunter. lol

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That worked well for the classic troll who lasted about a month. And that wasn’t even the point I was making, maybe read it slower until it sinks in.

SV is just easier to carry? And Arena is one specific brand of PvP that involves COMPS. Arena is not always going to get it right as a PvP authority.

I wasn’t even talking about ranking in that instance. I was just saying that SV has at least three hard counters, right off the bat. Hint: they’re all the same class. And screw Arena anyway: you can buy your way. You’re either the carrier or the carriage. That’s what I like most about WPvP: no pay-to-win.

You did, and you’re still as wrong as you were in your last post.

Not once did I argue that Ion’s opinion was wrong. Nor was I arguing about my opinion.

I even specifically pointed out that the part were they “felt how…” was what it was and that there’s no point in arguing against that specifically.

I then said “however…” and continued to look into the parts where Ion commented about historical data(facts), not his opinion.

In short, I’m not arguing about my opinion being more valid than theirs.

I’m simply saying that the basis for their reasoning behind said changes, it leans on a foundation which is incorrect. Which does not hold up.

See the difference?

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Right… Bicmex got to 2.8k 3v3 and 2v2 by being carried…