Invitation to an Open Forum (RP, also OOC!)

This bulletin has been mass-printed and posted on every mission board in the Horde capitals. Copies have also been sent to the officers of Horde guilds.

People of the Horde,

At the beginning of the summer, you may remember, Commander Lithliana released a statement on the current state of the Doomguard and their new mission. In light of this mission, the Doomguard wishes to work closely with all citizens and guilds of the Horde, and offer aid and alliance to those who have want of it.

Hence, the officers of the Doomguard would like to extend an invitation to join them for an open forum to freely voice questions and concerns in a relaxed atmosphere, as well as discuss the needs of the Horde’s various guilds and perhaps form bonds and make plans for our path forward as the people’s protectors.

Our hope is that you will join us near the Western Earthshrine, overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, in Orgrimmar, on August the seventh at the sixth evening drum. Light refreshments will be provided.

Go always with honor,

Amb. Ondolemar Galebraver

((OOC: Hi, everyone! I’d just like to add that this is also an OOC open forum. As a guild, we’re looking for ideas when it comes to open one-off events, Horde only and cross faction, and to gauge interest for those events. We were super stoked to run the War Games during the Summer Festival, and we’d love to do more stuff like that :slight_smile:

It will also be a good place to exchange Btags or Discords for future planning - I’m the guild’s ambassador, but I’ve come back after a long hiatus, so I’m still trying to catch up! My contacts list is probably not as full as it should be, and I would love to meet some new people!

This event is open to not only officers of other Hordeside guilds but to everyone else as well. This specific forum will only be Hordeside, but I encourage Alliance players to bring their Horde alts so we can connect and share ideas.

In case Ondolemar wasn’t clear, it will take place August 7th at 6 pm server time, near Deathwing’s jaw in Orgrimmar (usually where the Fire Festival is set up).

If you can’t make it, either because of time or because you’re strictly Alliance, please feel free to add my Btag (JillthRipper#11122) and message me about potential connections or events. I usually respond promptly, and I’d love to hear from you!

Hope to see you there! Have fun and stay safe.


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Ambassador Galebraver,

Complacency will be the slow and harrowing death of the tenuous peace we so tenderly grasp. In all our long years as denizens of this grand world never before have we been afforded the opportunity to guarantee, to our most audacious degree, hope and prosperity to all of our peoples.

The actions of yourself - and other prominent members of the Horde - in this post-war season, give me great confidence that the sins of both our peoples are on due course to rest solely in antiquity. Should you or your office require any form of assistance that I am capable of rendering, provided of course that our actions move us further toward a permanent peace, I urge you to simply ask.

It is through our cooperation that I hope we can discover, together, the means to ride out the next storm of catastrophe that is most assuredly lurking in our future.

In peace,

Foravin Nash

(( I think this forum is a great idea, Ondolemar! Sadly I will not be able to participate on my Hordies as Friday night is a bad night for me. However I wish you success! If there is anything I can do to help make this endeavor a success please let me know.))

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((Thank you for your concern, Foravin! I can’t stress how much we appreciate it. I would love to get together and chat sometime about potential events, like the caravan :slight_smile: Also, we should be getting a reply to Orwyn on his question soon - we have all been totally swamped with work, so my apologies on the lateness!))

((You have my Btag so just bother me anytime!))

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((Just a reminder, the forum is taking place today at 6 pm server! We hope to see you all there!))