Invincible warmode buffs?

Hey. Just came back from a few months of not playing. I hit you up with a friend’s/btag request. I play mostly alliance, but who knows might decide to just hang out since most my guild’s on a summer break and I want to primarily just mess around in world stuff.

For sure! When I hop on in a few I’ll accept your btag request. If you ever do play Horde I’ll help you gear a toon and what not :slight_smile:

Ugh, if I didn’t have enough toons already I’d take you up on that offer as well. Been working on getting my lil dragon to 70 to use for mythics and whatnot. She’s 5 boxes from 70. Then I have to spend butt loads of time gearing her out.

Are you at the alt limit? :open_mouth:

If so that’s a lot of alts.

No, I just don’t want to start another toon…lol. Done it too many times already.

Ah. I get it, I only have this one main… I have alts but just don’t want to spend the time to gear them up :melting_face:

Plus I love playing Disc Priest so whatever lol

I second that on the Disc. I run with a Ret Pally in 2s. Loads of fun. Not to mention running Twin Peaks or Warsong with a similarly geared Resto Druid guildy. We run the flag together and are pretty much unstoppable.

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Course it’s both the people claiming basically, outgearing things to death in wpvp or out-buffing them = skill and knowledge that never make it very far in rated. :grin:

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That’s like calling gear an unfair advantage.
Man like 80% of this game is built on doing what you can to gain an advantage over other players through gaining a higher ilvl, optimizing your stats, stacking the right buffs, etc. People have been doing stuff like this since vanilla with rallying cry of the dragon slayer, flasking for world pvp, grinding out engineering items like arcane bomb. That’s why blizzard keeps introducing consumables like the I.W.I.N. Button and all the bloody token consumables we got this patch.
I mean come on, we have the wild arcana world quest which leans so heavily on the idea of stacking buffs to reach raid boss levels of power, that way people who can’t be bothered to research anything can still have that experience once in a while.

This is basically how anti-cheat works in every game. Collect data for ~months and do a mass ban + implement any measures they come up with to combat how people were cheating. When you ban people as they are reported, you’re not really making an impact on the cheating and you’re giving them a better opportunity to work around your new anti cheat measures. It’s a never ending battle and you just settle for creating pockets of time where cheating isn’t as bad, but it never really ends as long as there’s profit in it.

How is this any different from acquiring better gear?

Stack buffs yourself, or get more and more people until you can kill them.


Nice trying to decide on feral/balance or survival lol. Oh well will figure it out :slight_smile:

It definitely can be if not part of the natural gear process and it was something that regular players wouldn’t do to gain it.

Why, because they don’t enforce their unfair advantage rule? We already know that, they even started allowing addons into their championships.

Because it’s not gear, is it? It’s not something regular players do, hence their guild name.

No, I’d just leave because wpvp is pointless due to people like that and completely unfun.

You seem to lack a fundamental understanding of the game you pay a subscription for.

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Except gear is so easy to obtain and doesn’t really require rating anymore so no one should be complaining about being outgeared. That’s part of the reason why I said I’d gear Lottie if they made a Horde character and if they really wanted to see what I do for WPvP, to deepen their knowledge of the game and what you can use to your advantage in WPvP.

Regular players use potions, especially PvE’ers which makes up a good 80% of WoW’s population. Phials of Elemental Chaos are something you can craft or just buy off the AH. Regular players use them. Regular players do professions and craft things as well. Casual players do world content, such as world quests, they are regular players who, if playing casually since launch of dragonflight, all probably have Shikaar Hunting Horn unlocked by now through Maruuk Centaur reputation.

Ruby Feasts is unlockable through a quest in the inn when players first get to Valdrakken, it even pops up on the map. Regular players do it. It was even announced as one of the expansion’s features to do in the game and to unlock.

This is only in the context of exploits or bugs, these buffs are neither of which. It’s unfair for people to be outnumbered, yet it still happens. It’s unfair when a battleground starts when one side is missing some players still. It happens. Get over it, and buffs are just an advantage, not an unfair one.

Then leave. Most people in WPvP will see someone like me with a bounty and think, “Wow, I really need that bounty for the Bloody Coins and Conquet” or “I need to kill him for the remaining Sparks of Life I need to finish this weekly” and will gather a group to try to kill me. Those are the true champs of WPvP. They dont give up like some sissy because, “he’s stronger than me! waah!” They get up and do something about it.


Figured out how to progress Ruby feast finally lol. Which buffs should I use generally?

Also was wondering if that centaur thing is account wide or do I need to grind the faction on each toon I get the horn on. I have it on one toon only so far.

Thanks. Also I will focus on doing the quest and world stuff and perhaps some BGs and what not. Might do some small dungeon stuff as well, but we shall see. Any other tips to get the gear going I think I remember in another thread you mentioned some item you can get once ?

Now to decide on survival or feral/boomkin. Tough choices :slight_smile:

Depends what class/spec you’re playing as some buffs work better for other classes. So when you first start, you’ll notice there’s some items you can already click on. You can do one questline for the Ruby Feast a day, whenever you get a good combination of buffs on the table you like, stop doing the quests. If you finish the entire questline for all Ruby Feasts, it’ll be put on a rotation and it’ll be random everyday, but if you don’t continue the questline after you get your preferred feast combo, it’ll just stay as that. I have the 10% Int and 20% Stamina, that one was after I completed the spider questline in Azure Span. I stopped after that to keep mine at those two buffs.

Each toon sadly however once you reach high renown on one character, it’ll increase the rep gains account wide by like… 200% or 300%, something insane like that. It’s alot, and if you’re renown 25 on that one toon, you’ll be able to send rep tokens to your alts (since you’re maxed out already)

Skip the dungeon stuff, if you have gold and don’t want to be completely dominated in WPvP you can buy green crafted gear from the AH. If not, just do the two daily WPvP World Quests until you have enough Bloody Coins to buy the WPvP blue from Malicia (don’t buy from the blood elf looking guy! that’s last seasons gear!)

Loot war Mode chests whenever you can. Complete one battleground and win and you’ll get a battleground cache which will contain two trophies of conquest, allowing you to put 450 PvP ilvl onto crafted gear. That’s free two conquest pieces right there.

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Alright, so I read the thread, and dear God how did we get so soft? It’s not even someone saying a naughty word, making threats, or even cheating. It’s, “How dare this person use in game resources to outplay me?”

Where did we go wrong?

I wanna chime in on this part. Do the WPvP quests, kill rares, and loot chests/bags that aren’t Tuskarr Supplies if you’re doing the weekly for Sparks. It will help upgrade your War Mode gear and also help towards your conquest gear.

Lil bro did you really just type this… Your max lifetime rating is 1800🤣.
Now do the thing where you say “I posted on an alt account and I’m actually rank 1”.

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Idk if you know how to check, but you’re incorrect(I am 2k rated atm) and your max lifetime level is 32.

Here are all of your arena achievements. You have literally none. You have a total of 1.7k achievement points on your entire account. You aren’t and never will be anything but a hardstuck 1800 player role-playing as a rank1.

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Why bring forth rating in a discussion about world pvp? It means nothing.

A dedicated world pvper would likely wipe the floor with a dedicated arena player in open world. The vice versa is also true.