invasions are now just a swarm of people waiting around each camp to try and snipe the shades before doing the next camp… can we please just have the chest be buyable and faction tags, this is ridiculous. I don’t see this dying down as everyone needs a 1/16 for the chest piece… the amount of people fighting for these massively outweighs how many spawn
Yeah players figured out its more efficient to scout and find low crystals and jack the elites. Pretty predictable behavior.
They need to make the mobs faction taggable so at least it’s a horde vs alliance fight for control, like it should be.
The issue is that the chests are guaranteed drops. If it’s faction tag then you can farm infinite epic chests solo.
Honestly who cares? Just make it so they cant be vendored or DEd and let people move on.
You and every other child crying for more welfare epics and not understanding how bad instant gratification is for the game
Acting like getting lucky RNG and sniping tags is work or worthwhile time spent is absurd.
omgggg you didn’t instantly get a naxx pre-bis item that marginally increases your dps and will be replaced next week?!?!?!?!?! that’s so bad bro. sorry you have to grind for something if you’re desperate to min/max
Here’s the thing I have 2/3 pieces of the set already. I can just get the 3rd from Kara. I am however, not going to continue to sit here and pretend that engaging with the terrible design of the invasions or interacting you you any further wouldn’t be a waste of time.
I hope you have a slightly less than good day.
I have no problem farming the chest if it the mobs weren’t instantly getting sniped. also weird how you say instant gratification is bad as if sod doesnt have a million instant gratification mechanics
It’s not weird at all when these mechanics have just made children (you) beg for more instant gratification.
“Add x to real vendor!!!”
“Make invasion ebic free111!!!1”
It never ends with you people.
Congrats on completing most of the new content released in a single day, and you now have nothing else to do until the next wave of content is released.
the event looks to be the same as vanilla, and it sucked then.
I don’t think its about instant gratification. People are willing to put in the work and roll on gear at the stones. If the other faction wants to attack then let PVP settle it. No issues there, working as intended.
It’s just when your denied the opportunity to roll because a group from your same faction rolled in last second and tagged the elites. That’s when the design breaks down.
It feels real gamey at that point and players are going to game the hell out of it if you let them.
Yep, it sucks just as much as classic did, except now it is required for every character you play on.
I think this small indie company is capable of finding a solid middle ground between instant gratification and infuriating.
Allowing snipe groups comprised of boomies and shamans with /tar /cast macros to essentially render it impossible for most other classes/groups to tag is not good for the game.
I’ve now seen someone with the weakaura to pull the shades join a group for the duration of the event, and then drop group intending on pulling all of the shades for themselves.
the fact that is even viable is comical
honestly where are my layers ?? there should be like 8 or 9 layers and then this wouldn’t be anywhere near as big of an issue!?!
If you got a better idea for a fix, let’s hear it.
For starters they need to increase the HP of the mobs similar to the AQ ones giving raid members more time to get their tags in.
welcome to classic lol this is how it was in 2020 and even then it wasnt that bad