Invasion event now just swamped by "degenerate" behaviour

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Every time.


the problem isn’t the grind. bro. it’s that you get a raid group to bring a crystal all the way down and it takes way too long for the mobs to spawn in order to do so, then you finally get it down to 5% after like 30 minutes, and a raid shows up and stacks on the crystal so you can’t click it, and they steal all the tags. Sure, “get good,” but that’s a bad gaming experience and I’m not going to interact with it anymore. On top of that, they’re timegating ther remnants of valor, but that’s a whole other discussion.


Wow. You’re quite the boomer.

Every time.

The shad sniping is a joke. Waste 20-30 mins farming only for one dunder head to show up and yoink all 4 shades. Please fix blizzard.

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Can’t be worse than the event currently is for the game.

I hate so many members of my own faction to death now.

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Lol this is kind of true. You get jacked so many times by your own faction you start resenting them…at least the opposite faction I can respect the PVP

The event is pretty annoying right now, but we all know it’s going to be mostly deserted and working as intended in about a week.

There is nothing abnormal about all of us jumping on new content immediately and finding that everything is chaos for a few days because we’re all trying to do the same thing. Just give it a few days before having a meltdown.

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What if the problem was MEGASERVERS

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god reading half the replies in here… this community actually sucks. I hope these devs continue to do nothing for you all.


we, the players.

They should just make it faction taggable, and everyone gets a token at the end for their tag. Then you can go buy a chest with a few tokens. That way it doesn’t feel like everyone has to waste their time or be toxic.

If people want to act like toxic clowns then encourage your raid to mass report them. We all know the autoban system doesn’t care. Enough reports and poof.

Force Blizzard to take action.

what if we just get the tokens as a login bonus? let’s not pretend we enjoy getting them in the current system, but we want them. seems win-win.

Seems silly to even bring up such an obvious troll point considering what I mentioned isn’t even outrageous, they’ve done it for plenty of world events. How about we stick to actual suggestions instead of trolling?

Agree 100%

Everyday that goes by less and less people need the chest pieces. Not everyone needs to have the full set within days of the new content launching.

Less people need the chest piece on one character.

The behavior of stealing same faction tags has gotten worse. It’s beyond frustrating to sit there for 10 minutes of a fairly lame event to have the rewards taken at the end by people who did nothing, and you cant stop.

This whole thing is a giant piss off because people dont even want this gear, we are forced into it. We get to replace our cthun chests with some garbage from a toxic open world event. If this was an optional catch-up thing it wouldnt be so bad, but we are forced into a new pre-bis grind for a week before naxx and its in toxic world events. I have this garbage on one character but I dont think ill be doing naxx on all my characters this phase because I cant be arsed to do this crap on more than one.

I cant be arsed to do this crap on more than one.

Season of Discovery, summarized.