Introspective of Stormrage is opening recruiting for our raid team!
Raid Team Info
Raid Times
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 to 10:30 PM EST
Raid Team Needs
- 2-3 DPS (495+ ilvl)
- 1 Healer (495+ ilvl)
We just need a few more people to round out the roster for mythic.
AOTC-focused with casual mythic progression. Come have fun with friends and kill bosses. We try to have fun in raid nights but when it’s pull time we focus up. If you want to push into mythic raiding this will be a good team to join to progress together!
DF Season 4 Progression
Awakened VOTI: 8/8 Heroic and 2/8 Mythic
Awakened ATSC: 9/9 Heroic and 2/9 Mythic
Awakened ATDH: 9/9 Heroic and 1/9 Mythic
Previous Tiers:
Amidrassil Progression
9/9 Heroic (AOTC)
9/9 Normal
*We did not do any mythic prog this tier.
Aberrus Progression
1/9 Mythic
9/9 Heroic (AOTC)
9/9 Normal
VOTI Progression
3/8 Mythic
8/8 heroic (AOTC)
8/8 normal
We also got AOTC every tier of Shadowlands and killed a few mythic bosses with a mix of guild and pugs. =)
Raiding Requirements
- In season 4: raiders will need to be 480 for normal and 493 for heroic
- Agree to team rules. These will be sent via discord.
- Trial period: Typically lasts 2-4 weeks. May be extended if we think the player is a good social fit but needs some coaching for their gameplay. After the trial, if you pass we will want you to switch over to our server and join our guild. Trials may have some loot restrictions depending on the tier and also may be asked to sit on progression bosses. Keep in mind, having a good attitude when sitting or when asked to not roll on certain loot is also part of your evaluation as a trial.
- ALL CLASSES AND SPECS are welcome to join for M+!
- We run mythic+ keys throughout the week and have a m+ request channel in disc people can post in for specific keys they want to do or if they need help getting a 15 for the vault
- Guild m+ nights are 2 days per week. Currently flexing day depending on officer schedules.
- This is an optional drop in type of event. Where we break up into keys basked on player goals and skill and try to run keys in groups. Some times we pug if the group sizes are odd as we don’t always have everything match up. But we do our best and people that are willing to be flexible are very helpful!
- We have some people interested in pushing high keys and looking for more people with this same interest to continue building our m+ community!
- We especially need people who want to run keys 16 and up! We have multiple people pushing for 3k io and we need more members with similar goals! However, we also help new people learn keys all the time so if your goal is to improve we can help with teaching and coaching players.
Social and Casual Members
- Want a guild with an active community but can’t commit to regular raiding? Everyone is welcome here even if you don’t want to join the raid team!
- We have m+ night with guildies you are welcome to join for!
- We chit chat a lot in discord and frequently hang out in there at night even if there’s not an event or raid going on.
- We also play other games together some times.
Community Members
Not looking for a guild, but want to have another source of events and friends outside your own guild? All our events besides our heroic raid team are open to all community members including many friends we have outside our guild.
Add an officer (contact at the end of the post) and ask about joining our discord as a community member instead of a new guildie. You will be able to see almost all of the discord channels and can come to all our events but don’t have to join the guild. =)
We will add you to our in game community so we can send out invites easier.
Recruiting Officer: Tiva | Discord (preferred): tiva | Battlenet: tiva#1174
Guild Master: Quin | Discord: YingYui