Introduction quest to Legion is impossible

I have an alt I want to level in the Legion timeline. The quest tells me to go to the Broken Isles using a portal in the Wizard’s Sanctum in Stormwind. The portal is to Valdrakken and it wont let me use it. “Must be lvl 70.” My alt is lvl 25. How do I get to the broken isles to start?

There’s a portal to Aszuna in the same room.

at the base of the tower after youve gone up the ramp should be 3 npcs, i believe one of them goes to broken isles, im not sure which one does since the last time i used it, but this would be in the lobby of the tower you could say before you run up the spiral staircase to the main portal room.

alternatively, try going to the harbor in stormwind and talking to the recruiter npc at the desk/table, he will have a quest for you to talk to some various people in the harbor, or if youve done that before the desk table guy has a skip option to teleport you to legion dalaran.

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I found a quest on the board - “Broken Shore.” I’m doing that, but it is broken beyond belief. It is stuck on the Kill Krosus part. This is just bad. Krusus is out of range, I swim across to it teleported back to this crowd around Genn Greymane. They just sit there doing nothing… So I’m permanently stuck in stage 8.

You don’t want the portal to Valdrakken, as that isn’t the Broken Isles, it’s the Dragon Isles. :slight_smile:

As Vralok mentioned you want the portal to Aszuna, which is on the opposite side from the Valdrakken portal and one down. It seems that one can’t be interacted with, which seems odd, and may be related to the other issue we’re having with the Valdrakken portal for some folks.

I’ve already forwarded a report to have it looked into.


I don’t know if its important, but the little gold button on the quest is right over the Valdrakken Portal, not the Aszuna portal. That’s not to split hairs, but I don’t know if that’s related to the problem. Thanks!

Since Tuesday’s update, I think I’ve noticed quest objectives on the map aren’t in exactly the right place. Haven’t had a chance to document it carefully yet to make a bug report, but possibly that’s also what was happening to you here. (If it’s not just a PEBCAK at my end, which is always a possibility.)

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I rolled a new Death Knight. Received the legion quest. The azuna portal is broke. Works for other toons, but not DK.

File a bug report


I am also stuck on the Legion intro. Picked the first bit from Chromie, but instead of her giving me the Blockade quest ( for Orgrimmar) it gave me the Travel to the Broken Isles quest. I go to the blockade and no quest giver there to tell me do the quest or skip it and go directly to Dalaran. I think maybe the game thinks I’ve already been there on this toon so I go to the portal room and the Azsuna portal is not available to me. I take a look at my Dalaran teleporter in my toy stash and that says I cannot use it, indicating that the game recognizes that I have not been there yet.

Edit: so after running around a bit I checked the warboard and apparently the Legion intro is hidden in there. Chromie gave me the Return to the Broken Shore quest.

Did the Broken Shore quest work for you? I got stuck in Phase 8, the Kill Krosus part. Krosus is out of range of all my ranged spells and if I try to get closer though that green fell stuff, I’m teleported back to where the crowd is. The crowd is just standing there like they ready to fight but aren’t doing anything. I gave up , hearthed back to Stormwind and switched to the Cataclysm timeline. I’m not too thrilled with that one either. I’m going back to the present and just following the main story line. I’ve done it a few times but at least its tight.

wowhead did a post earlier today that blizz is aware of the portal bug requirement of lvl 70 and is supposedly working on a fix, but when that is no idea at least from what i can tell for those who are just joining this thread.

i would post the direct link but i dont have perms.


The WOD/Legion starting quest bugs seem to be related to this too. It seems like instead of things becoming available at the minimum level to access an expansion, they’re available at the max level. It’s affecting more than just Dragonflight. I believe this is all the same bug.


Why not just add a hearthstone to bring you to the starting area. Doesn’t have to be complicated.


Im on a level 13 alt

Chromie has been offering a quest to run outside orgimmar, turn in the quest, do the Skip and get IMMEDIATELY ported to Legion Dalaran…then you take 6 steps forward to the NPC, turn in the quest and get your Dalaran hearthstone.
Cant remember how many times Ive done it since the skip was put it.

NOW its NOT doing any of that.
Chromie NOW is giving me this

no reward at all

SO…my question is…have Ion and crew removed this skip and evidently the one for WoD as well… because its not working either?

Just curious because if the skips have been removed, Im not rolling another alt in this game. Those two EASY acquired hearthstones make my alt game easier. Not interested if I have to play a bunch of old content Ive played thru 50 times already just to get the stones. (and set up my garrison now too?)

Is this a bug or intentional that the skips arent working?


I am pretty sure this is all part of the same bug that’s locking content to level 70. It’s messing up content in virtually all expansions, capping intro quests to max level rather than starting level.

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Oh thank god, I hope this is true.
I just checked and only the WoD and Legion skips are screwed up so hopefully just bugged as you say.

I can wait till theyre fixed, its an old game, I get it…bugs happen…I just dont want to find out this was a pointless petulant unnecessary change that no one asked for again.

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I haven’t seen any response on the forums yet, but I did hear someone say they got a response that said it’s a more involved bug than they thought and they’re still working on it. They did say they got confirmation that none of this is intended and is a bug though.