Introducing Two New Events: Xy’mox’s Charity Cache and Solo Shuffle Showdown!

Which is a damn shame.

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Ehhhh don’t care… BTW anyone see the new sponsored Honda LIQUID car? it was a commercial on my YT, didn’t care about that either…

I have played alot of SWTOR off and on over the years. I just haven’t played within the last year or so.

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Yep, people want Blizzard to stop focusing on “viewers” and start focusing on “players” again.


By what logic? That it’s easy? If you’re really good at the game and you play with other people who are really good at the game and you find heroic really easy because of how good or geared you are, is heroic free? I don’t know where you’re coming from.

LFR takes a lot of time to queue up for and complete, when you factor in DPS wait times and how many times you wipe to simple mechanics, because maybe the tank is new, or doesn’t speak English, or is undergeared, or just plain bad, or DPS are just auto attacking, etc.

Time is money. So no, it’s not free. By THAT logic, nothing in the game is free, because it’s an MMO and everything in MMOs take a generous amount of time to get done. I will agree that LFR is easy, but doing LFR isn’t just going to your gift window and unlocking a box. Whether you’re dealing with stupid people or your own limitations, having gotten slime cat via LFR would not be accepting a handout.


Most your player base dont care about your streamed stupid area matches. Do something really important for the game like add real content. Blizzard.


Wow, all 0 of them?


Nothing will ever be as boring as the RMP World Championship

Does anyone cares for this, at all?
The should rather bring back FOMO-items during these events, which we users can earn by donating money.

I thought it was gonna be a new event like the gnome run, im so sad rn

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Lol. It’s like a living meme.

The thing is, we’re not really the target audience for this. It’s essentially an infomercial to draw eyeballs to the keyword “WoW”.

I think our best response would be to start and promote a “competitive archeology” stream.

Double the power, double the fun!

“My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Sire.”

“Good. Twice the pride, double the fall.”

You don’t watch you listen while you play/work.

Also explain watching sports.

Who cares about streamers? I sub to play WoW, not watch WoW. The game is 18 years old. These streams are not going to attract new players.

How about events with playable content? Crazy thought, I know…


I listen to music while I work. I browse the forums on lunch or during downtime. I don’t watch sports. I don’t like sports.


Expected you didn’t, but others do. It’s in the same category. There are many vectors to enjoy live content. Just because it has a certain vector doesn’t mean that’s the only one.

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I never said they didn’t, sports was never mentioned. I said I don’t understand the appeal of streaming.

I disagree.

I never said there wasn’t. I said I don’t understand the appeal of streaming.

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It’s called intuition. I’ve talked with enough people with your point to develop a profile. And most don’t watch/listen to sports.

Ergo, you have a hard time understanding the point.

Link to your source. I’d guess the number is somewhat lower than 50%.