Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

In the video they say they are looking for at least 100 people .

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You were replied to in a blue post? you are automatically accepted. Can I follow you around in game and be your secretary? Tell the council you cant live without me and maybe I can get in

You think Asmongold wants to be on the council? I would not be against it, he seems level headed… what about that other streamer whos name starts with a B… I honestly cant think of the name right now.

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I’m sure some people will say things, but that’s okay as long as they’re being fair and not bullying anyone.

This seems like a nice step.

Oh! put Hazelnuttygames on the council! I like her :slight_smile:


This is awesome, very good step forward! Definitely keep this going, will gladly participate. More open communication between us and devs is absolutely the way to go. Hopefully we can do our best to make sure the communication stays positive between everyone.

Thank you for making this step forward, shows that theres action behind the words this time which is great.

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sure it was when you rarely see them on the forum - they have at least 10 MVPs and other than a tech one and the one from customer service which they made later, you don’t see most of them post even monthly. how is that a success?

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I don’t think Asmongold is even thinking about the game at this time. He has personal stuff going on right now that he is focusing on .

Oh pelase no not him… Asmogold Ego Will go too high if he on this… I worry he reshape wow to fit his ego… Can we have some one bit more mild manor then him…


I would too if I was him, like; “What stocks should I invest in?” and “how long are my followers going to believe I live in this rathole?”

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I think this is probably a very bad idea if you think about it. People will put up with blizzard ruining the game but a lot of people won’t even play if other players are the ones ruining the game for them.

i like the idea and would hope long time players would have the loyalty considered when applying

his mother just died…


I think players ruined the game. Not all of them, but a select toxic bunch.

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Will there be some chance to Latin players to make a feedback? I had stopped playing since last events on the company but I returned because WoW always make me play it again, just asking

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Maybe I’m reading the news wrong, but this just sounds like community managers with extra steps.

Including the bit where they say “Yea, we’ll pass on your feedback to the dev team. Thanks” that actually means it’s going directly to the trash bin.


Interesting idea


What is to keep folks from marking one of thier posts as “VIBE” because
“Hey its Totally important an so Super cool that everyone knows what are my top 10 favorite hunter pets of all time.”

There was a part about what languages you speak as well as what continent you are from (Though they only had 4 continents.) So they seem to be wanting to find a diverse set of people

You do know that so called rat hole he lived in was so that he could take care of his mom right and he has been able to make a comfortable living by streaming to take care of her until her recent passing .

So right now like I said he is probably more concerned with personal stuff like funeral arrangements for her then he is the game or some community committee on the game .


This is great news! I’m actually really hyped. They will improve the game in all aspects, all around bettering the experience. My biggest concern is if they are gonna fix the super bursty 20k+ crits delete you pvp meta. Plz fix pvp! :slight_smile: