Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

We love to criticize but thank you for this Game blizzard that is close to all our hearts

Seems kinda like “Class President” where you have no real power but you are supposed to know what others want and be a voice for them.

They never said how many positions were available. Wouldn’t it be funny if there was only like 4? If I get accepted can I take bribes? What if a gnome in an overcoat slipped me 10k gold and asked me to promote revamping gnomeregan?

This is a good idea, I look forward to seeing the results. Thank you for this.

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The MVP program wasn’t a failure at all. It was just tainted by one argumentative MVP who probably should have been removed soon after being accepted.

Listening to what paying customers want is what every responsible business does.

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The video said about 100 people.

This is awesome, and really appreciated! I hope great things will come from it.

What if you forgot a major contribution on you application, can you send another?

So then Try to make some thing then Whine, Doing nothing get you no where.

Nothing wrong with some cautious hope or cautious optimisim. This is a good step in the right direction but they need to be the ones to actually listen to what we have to say. If we tell them something is unfun and will only hurt players, they need to be the ones willing to admit their fault and make the necessary changes then and there rather than a year down the line.

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Means nothing until we see devs actually act on player requests.

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oh thx, I missed that part. I should stop skimming through stuff… but still… 100 seems small… so if you want to bribe me… it will cost 500K… hehe


They do listen. I edited my post a lil bit higher up in the thread.

Thank you to the entire WoW Dev team for allowing us a seat at the table!

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Requiring credentials from the top 1% of WoW players that they already take feedback from directly isn’t opening up the feedback to the general wow playerbase. But you’re welcome to eat the treat like a good doggy.


And?.. Think being edggy and post gift of dead shop really help things out… I’m sure that make thing great then how they worst

But yeah sure Keep living on edge like edge lord and Be like dead quire that collective song that every one like to bring out about wow…

Sorry to look at the bright side of thign and haveing hope but No drag us down.

I guess a seat at the children’s table is better then no seat at all. I wonder if anyone remembers that, if you have a HUGE family there was a table on the side for kids cause there was no room at the main table on Christmas and thanksgiving.

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No issue with doing so if you have something to add. :slight_smile:


Put in one streamer, one casual player, and one high end raiding player.

Do not put in the most popular streamer in the council, we don’t want that. As much as his opinion might be right or wrong, he still doesn’t play the game at all.

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this is a start i guess… address the darn server issues TBC is having right now!