Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I’m still not sure how this will go, but worth giving it a shot!

Id say from the selection options they are actively looking for a fairly wide number of gaming tastes. For example, anyone who picked the hardcore raiding ticky box is unlikely to be interested in battle pets or RP. And anyone who ticked Casual is not likely to be into top end raiding guilds. It was a pretty good field of choices I think.

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Hopefully this becomes successful. Maybe we can get them to see where players are coming from ,and change their stances and philosophies on things.

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Ah yes down play some thing good Just like we need Just as doubters would post.

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I love and hate this.
I hate it because it just introduces red tape and rarely do we see
something bubble up from the bottom to reach the top before
A. The message gets deleted and claimed by someone on the council as their own. Yes this happens a lot at work where people steal other peoples idea for advancement. Or the idea would be so problematic it will not be taken seriously even though it may just take a simple tweak.

I love this as then depending on how they work this new system either gets voted on or everyone blushes and sends the idea right to the top as urgent need for all players.

Let’s make sure this council have all active members of the game and not someone who has no idea about gaming and last job experience was bathing farm animals.

People I would frown apon being in the council… technical writers.
They add so much more red tape than the average human and lawyers.

You don’t actually have to fill out that question. That’s an optional one for those that are streamers/content creators.

I like this hoping this be way to reach out not fall on death ears most folk like to think As we share same view

What I worry that this will become elites club and Shut out any one with Fresh view.

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Waits for the council to get sneak peeks into brewing ideas, goes into game and corners markets.

An eve csm tradition. the funny part being these idiots never think CCP will never notice them buying up 20 billion of the the most unwanted items on the market…

I demand this feature. Makes it interesting. which council member will be the one. Its like betting on eve tournament final. What are the chances the finalists don’t get busted for collusion with another team. Again…

If you’re interested in applying, by all means good luck guys! But just to caution ya, it will be public. Even if the public can’t interact with it, they will be able to look at it.

You may be opening yourself up to people coming at you because they don’t agree with you or want you to say things there as their proxy. Just make sure you go in with your eyes open is all. While it’ll probably just be someone complaining and easily dealt with/ignored it could be annoying.

Others have already mentioned it.

How will this be any different than the dumpster fire that was in the previous more private forum?

Yet you are not owning old mistakes in this post, so they are destined to be repeated.


That isn’t exactly what I meant, though I do know mythic raiders who are serious pet collectors. Choose one and only one?

My issue is that, if 80% of the playerbase is “casual”, will 20% of the group be “casual”? Right now no players have a voice. Or will they be saying, “Let’s ask the mythic raiders what casuals want”?


I just applied to the program, as someone who tends to play solo and focuses on achievements/collections/pet battles/etc. I’m not a major YT content creator or streamer or anything like that, and for the most part I just have my forum posts here as a contribution to the community.

Even if I’m not picked, my biggest hope is that it’s not just an echo chamber of the most hardcore and skilled raiders, M+ folks and gladiators in the end. That all types of players are represented, including those like me who just want to enjoy the world and feel like a part of it.


Good intentions intentions Blizz… but you’re opening a big can of worms. Listening to the players is similar to having a child give you recommendations of how to advance your portfolio.


Same, and I applied under the same idea.

I like the game, I have some ideas I’d like to share, I want to see the game continue for a long while still, and I want to help if I can.

I’ve floated the idea of a YouTube channel, I’ve tried streaming WoW on a non-Twitch site before, but my “normal” life just won’t give me the extra time for that.

However, I DO have time to contribute to a forum, like I do here almost daily.

I just hate the idea that just being a “normie” that I might not have any shot at all.


Big difference on what they ask on the form and who they actually decide to include. The WOW team only cares about streamers and raiders so being worried about other types of players being included is justifiable.


Yes I do get that, but what I was saying was that the selections gave people the chance to specify the parts of the game that interested them most. I didnt put PvP because I barely ever play it. Do I have opinions on it? Sure, now and then, but not to the degree or with the expertise of someone who does it all the time.

Your second para I dont understand so Ill just leave it at that. Generally speaking, I dont plan to assume anything right now. Time will tell how it will work out.

Start merging TBC Classic realms. They are all dying except a handful. You’re losing tens of thousands of players and subs by not doing this.

The only members that will be allowed are streamers, MVPs, and youtube posters. So no one that doesn’t already have a dev’s ear.


So will it be a failure like the mvp program?


I have a better idea than a council. Program the messageboard for a new feature called VIBE. So click vibe as being really hot topic for being super cool.
Only hot topic vibes will be looked at as being totally valid for a blizz employee to read. This way no red tape takes place and only 1 vibe allowed per account so no fake vibes(over voting) takes place.

Once a vibe in a thread has been activated then an icon gets placed next to the topic like a owl with glasses or a person with big eyes shows up.

This way the people in control of the message board do not have to sift through countless threads and only the vibes are shown as being worthy to deal with.

Lastly a question will be asked to the message maker: Do you want this to be a potential vibe thread?

The above should avoid any council needed and vibes are like a community vote. This is a streamlined idea which should benefit the community greatly.

Just for historical purposes to prove our input on ideas do work is:
Years ago I posted the idea that not every single quest needs a NPC and
we could use something like a jobs board if a quest does or not have a story line to it and Blizz did take my advice and is now implemented in the game and I love it.
When I saw it in game I felt so gratified. Which I never said THANK YOU!

So thank you Blizzard employees!

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