Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I believe thats an optional section, and its not an unreasonable question because it allows the person applying the chance to show ways they have contributed to the dialogues about the game in some form.

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lol - well you updated it after people already filled it out so can we go back and change it?

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Our feedback has rarely, if ever, been listened to in the beginning of this expansion.

I can respect this thought process, but with the way developers have approached player feedback in the past, how do we know that we will actually be heard?

What determines selection?


To get meaningful research data, most companies hire marketing research firms that specialize in that.

Will they select players that represent a broad range of how different segments of the community plays? Can they even listen to anyone who is not part of their preconceived notions of what the wow community should be?


I already replied. I could have pulled out some relevant stuff with the changes. Whoops.

Did you guys still have access to old Beta feedback? Or, at least the ability to see contributions were made? I don’t think me going “red eyes” over and over holds the same merit over a deep dive into Prestige rofl.


Sure, I get that, but the way the entire form reads, it comes across as you almost need to have contributed something to be considered.

I have lots of ideas I could give them. Just because I don’t have an active YouTube channel, or a blog, or a website of some sort doesn’t mean my opinions have any less merit than someone who has those things.


I hope that the majority of people picked for this council are not streamers, influences, or world first raiders. I’m not saying they shouldn’t be represented, they should absolutely be represented. But their day-to-day game sessions of 8 hours with the support of 1000+ viewers to do content with (carried or not) is not the same game play experience of the majority of the player base.


Ya, what’s up with this part?

Sounds SUSPICIOUSLY like they only looking for streamers, Youtubers, “famous” players, and MVPs :joy:

Shouldn’t it be the opposite as far as what they are looking for in potential candidates?

Why not pick just regular “everyday” casual players who are not big names/famous, but actually play the game daily in a “typical” manner? Seems to me that’s the player demographic you would want to collect feedback from (regular everyday players) :thinking:


This is a great question. Even though it’s not linkable because it’s not public, would be great to know if people could at least mention their beta contributions.

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I felt the same way, but I still applied. I’m a nobody. I don’t record myself for the internet. I’m not in any organized groups outside of game for WoW. I’m just a player who has been playing for a long time and who wants to see WoW stay strong. :slight_smile:

(Had I been thinking, I would have mentioned the two charity runs I was a part of, but I was a supporting role only. I wasn’t involved with organizing.)

I’m hoping they’re interested in the thoughts of the average person too… not just those loud online. If nothing else, the average people make up a lot bigger percentage of the player base than streamers. :slight_smile:


So essentially what the GD was supposed to be, but without the trolls, spam and constant repeating of the same topics. Nice.



Thats a bit like asking what determines beta invites. I suspect it will cover a wide range of selection criteria - if you picked pvp for example, or if you are from particular geographic locations, or you are interested in professions - the wider the variety the more varied input they get.

And I would not be at all surprised if people who have a bad record either in the game or the forums dont get an invite. But that’s just a guess.

Well, I dont have any of those things either. But I have been active on these forums and I was happy to supply an example link for that one. Shrug I may not get onto it, and thats cool if so. It will be interesting to see how it works, and if good comes from it, all the better.

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that actually is what they need but they need to advertise for this on the launcher and not on the forum. Most of their player base isn’t all wrapped up in this game and creating the game for those that are is what is giving us a lot of bad expansions. At least Ghostcrawler claimed he was trying to make the game for the others.


I applied to this thing. I’m not sure if I’m going to be picked. I’m not sure how important Blizzard considers the lore, story, or roleplaying on this stuff, but I consider myself to be an expert on it. Me and my community of other wow lore enthusiasts. I didn’t have anything to put for the last question though. :confused:


I want to apply for this but I don’t know if I will be picked or if I even want to be picked lol. I have contributed in the forums for many many years (on different chars of course) on varied amount of things but I think someone else could do a better job than me to explain my viewpoints.

Also, for anyone replying after me or go past my post, please read the blue post a few posts up (post #95 I think by Bornakk). It explains the last part of the forms and it is much much more applicable to almost everyone who is passionate about WoW here (it clears the misunderstanding that Blizz will only take streamers/Youtubers/content creators but that is not the case).

Love this idea!

SEE!? Everyone has something different to share! I can’t check off roleplaying at all. But I’ve heard things sometimes from the roleplaying community which made me stop and think: “OH…! I never thought about that.:slight_smile: All voices are needed. :slight_smile:


What they need to do is to have a cross-section of the community. Can they do this? Without that the whole project is meaningless at best.


I can’t wait to see this up and running! It’ll be so exciting to learn who all is chosen to help represent our community! I won’t apply myself but will throw my support behind those who do. Good luck! This is really great guys. :+1: