Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Why? Not everyone had those trinkets which gave an insane exp boost during the first event. Just because you didn’t use it (apparently), it doesn’t mean it’s a lie. If you don’t remember: Every trinket increased the exp-income by 50% in battlegrounds. The exp gain was literally insane under the right conditions, including doing a few quests as well.

Returning Champion and Defending Champion? Those trinkets were amazing back in the day for leveling. I still use them on my alts even in PvE content because of the free vers.

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And truely what will this achieve? NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

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They were even more amazing during the first Korrak’s Revenge event. The EXP-income was absolutely insane, especially when you win.

Personally, I’m just not sure if I like this entire thing. On the one hand I think it’s important they gather feedback, on the other hand, they could’ve gathered feedback on here and reddit and in other places all this time and I’m not sure if I like the idea that players should spoon feed it to them more.


Blizzard has so much feedback it’s ridiculous. They actively choose to ignore every bit of it and come up with this silly council thing as a pure PR move.

Blizzard could make the game much better, they actively and stubbornly CHOOSE not to.


Yea I mean it also becomes obvious that someone reads the feedback when Ion says something like “the community told us conduit energy was a bad concept from the beginning and we didn’t listen.” So it’s never been that they weren’t aware of the feedback.

What annoys me about this too is that I’m preeetty sure they have a QA department and probably also some marketing people who do target group analysis, game testers, player support etc. plus obviously the people who get into beta and all of them could and probably do give them feedback. It just feels like they’re doing this instead of listening to people who already do the job of gathering and passing on feedback.

And it’s pretty clear those people do that job well because otherwise we wouldn’t have some super quick bug fixes and hotfixes like the doomwalker mount getting a 100% drop rate. So I’ll just cautiously assume the problems aren’t caused by the multiple different people whose job it is to gather and pass on feedback, but by those who can change things based on the feedback.


90%+ of the feedback is useless, unconstructive, etc.

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Wait. Have they already chosen? But my name didn’t get picked. I’m like multi gladiator of WQs and alt start zones

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I don’t know how they do it at their company of course, so I can only make assumptions based on how customer service usually works that might not hold true for them (I don’t know), but usually things are passed on when enough people essentially say the same thing. Like say you sell vacuum cleaners and only a few people have a problem with the filter, you won’t pass that on, but if a relevant percentage of the people who bought your product have a problem with the filter, you would pass that on. So it sort of gets pre-filtered. Again, no idea if it’s the same in this case. But if it is, the unconstructive, useless feedback wouldn’t get passed on.

(sorry for the example but I just had problems with my vacuum cleaner’s filter :smiley: )


Haven’t really heard anyone else outside of that getting their applications reviewed yet either. If anyone has, it would be really nice to see.

Supposedly Asmon did, but whether that’s true or not remains to be seen given that he has stated he would probably return if the game was in a better place or on the right track at least.

No they havent chosen. Asmon did a joke stunt that wasnt even THAT WITTY on his channel and 3/4 his audience took it seriously.

Given his relationship with Blizz, he probably would do that at this point when you think about it.

If Blizzard actually paid attention to every/majority of the suggestions and did majority of the QA, that would be something they haven’t done since 2010.

This would be a good idea if ActiBlizz actually listened to the council. Hell, I even applied. I’m not holding my breath to see if I get on it though, ActiBlizz doesn’t want someone on the council that has cancelled their account out of disgust.

Bigger picture though, does ActiBlizz not already have a forum where players can post about their wants, needs, and ideas? Ya know, I could have swore that WoW had it own forums or something.

Semper Fi! :us:

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It is like “The Yes People Tribune”.

You know, this is nothing new. The East Indies Trading Company already did that centuries ago.

And it led to most famous civil wars and countries divided in history of man kind than famine and drought ever could.

They mistake their function. Their function is to tell Blizzard how to better shove their ideas down players throats by asking how to do it to selected players in specific niches.

And one can know this because this is how things are done internally in WoW team. The producer and lead execs decide what to do and use the lead of each department to better “make their team do what they are told”, even if they are specialists in their area and know how to actually better do their work.

They are just creating “Lead Players” of specific niches to do the same.

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Soo…it’s been a month now, when is this “Community Council” actually going to start?

If a Mod replied to just 5 posts a day and addressed issues with my feeble math skills they would of been able to provide clarity on 150 posts?

Looks like Blizzard is STILL milking this PR stunt.


I agree. I haven’t seen any update since their last post almost a month ago. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t know what could be holding it up for so long.


At this point I wouldn’t even mind a Mod just clapping back telling me to shut up.

But you know…its like pulling teeth with these guys trying to get answers.

The dev team should have a road map of their development process/ideas and it wouldn’t be too difficult to get someone to keep everyone updated and even “pretend” to get feedback. Like there isn’t already enough on the forums :roll_eyes:

They know that 9.2 still has predatory consumer practices and player retention systems so they would prefer just to stay silent instead of making it better.

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