Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Its a political stunt nothing more, as you said if they started engaging the playerbase using the platforms you have cited they would already be months if not years ahead of the community council initiative.


You’re beyond delusional.

Just for that I went and started a Gnome toon. I just can’t figure out where to buy weapons, armor and engineering supplies.

Ahh I know… Gnome Depot. :hammer:


While I agree that the game needs polls, I disagree that forum goers make a poor selection. They care enough about the game to come talk about it. And players who interact with the community at all outside the game or read a guide site like wowhead will have seen this.

(Though the council should definitely be rotating through the launcher news if it’s not)

I’m not a hardcore forum goer, myself. I only show up to discussions I care about- usually off the news thread a or the biggest “Blizzard please do/don’t do this” threads, but when I show up, it probably LOOKS like I LIVE here for a few weeks. Even if someone spends…a day a week hitting every single thread on the forum talking about something they care about- it doesn’t mean they dont play the game or necessarily mean they dont also have a life.

I almost think people who just happily play the game without ever exploring the issues have less to weigh in on/would have less interest in doing so. I certainly hope I’m wrong. I’d love to see some people who have never done anything WoW related outside the game before now end up on the council because they have issues they WOULD like to talk about.

I feel that they can have a selective group to sample ideas and complaints from is a good idea. When you put them in a private setting and have the ability to thin out the pure troll.

I also recognize that they will not just jump and do all things that is suggested. That they will screen what is being inputted as suggestions in nature and that not everything is need be serious or need to be acted on.

Sadly, for as many years that I have been both a player and a forum goer. The forums in general are out of control. Such to the point if I was a designer, it would be the last place, I would go to take any suggestion.

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On one hand, I agree that the forums are a wild and crazy place and probably not living their most constructive life.

On the other hand, I feel like whatever CMs they have left (and they need basically need to beg all of them to come back for this circus) should be more actively moderating the discussions so that when a Dev pulls a thread up it isn’t full of unrelated clutter or trolling.

((On the other hand about the whole CM firing thing- that was what they SHOULD have been doing- and it didn’t really feel like they were ever doing it. I mean, it was kinda their job? (Unless the CMs and Mods are two different jobs, in which case the mods need to do more moderating) ))

“Do our work for us!”

Just play your own game and see what the problems are.


14 hours a week should be a mandatory minimum every Dev plays WoW. And they should have to do it anon/without celeb factor making things easy and fun for them.


They’re so out of touch. The current team and direction doesn’t even feel like WoW.


They’d spend every minute of it in their latest dungeon wank job, so what would be the point? They’d learn nothing.

I mean 99% of them would at least have to level first. No boosts allowed!


they will choose elitist players with negative attitudes. thank god they declined Asmongold’s app he’s such a jerk. All i know is the authenticator requirement was a bad move on their part…we have more ad bots than ever and not all of us have mobile phones 17 years playing and i can’t efficiently start groups anymore in group finder.

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I actually get a survey from blizz, about once every two years or so. Not sure how often it goes on in reality across the customer base or how random they are.

  1. Please no more gating. No more barriers to fun. Release content let us consume it as we will. If it is fun it will be played endlessly or players will find their own ways to entertain themselves.

Rep grinds and dailies for the rep grind are fine. Don’t gate anything outside of dailies. Limit the chores meant to force playtime. Anything that gets in the way of open world exploration, pvp and raiding isn’t fun unless I want to do it.

  1. This leads me to point 2. You have a giant open world that becomes empty once you’re 60. Fill it with random unique drops that are level appropriate. So a player can go to a zone and find new things. Rotate the zones where you can find stuff killing mobs or rares. Not on par with raid loot but competitive and on par with dungeon loot. Bring back multistep questlines to unlock neat useful trinkets and gadgets.

Props on torghst. Best addition to the game ever.

  1. You need some type of female representative lead whether it be a co-leader or CEO or whatever with equal pay. Sad to see anyone working honestly getting punished after years of rot was removed.

  2. Vulpera for warchief. Why are they even here and how are they going to help me slay alliance. Why are there no vulpera in the cinematics? They just seem tacked on and need to be highlighted more in how the fit into a war.

Gather more detailed feedback, is the goal. Why? To more better understand your player base? Of course. The game will benefit, as :

I guess the game will benefit, if I use Blizzard’s measure, but will the players? Not that I see.
“Our goal is to gather more detailed feedback.” The only goal stated.
Edit; If the plan was to make y’all more happy, don’t you think they would have said? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


This is the biggest problem WoW has. Just look at Korrak’s Revenge. The EXP is guttered and there is no incentive to level other characters. The games does not encourage you to do more, everything is a burden. Your time is truly not valued. I really don’t understand how they haven’t changed it back to the values it was before. Who cares if people abuse it for an easy level method - at least they would play those characters at LV60 to farm Amina of gears. But I guess nobody thought of that at Blizzard.

You can’t use toys, you don’t have actual faction pride items (and then they are gated), the game encourages not to play the race based on your character’s lore, transmog hunting is either too random or too hard (Legion and yet no legacy buff). Everything is so awful.


why would you use Korrak’s Revenge to level?? seriously, AV has never EVER been a thing for doing that, except for recently where everyone just bolts to the boss ASAP. Classic AV was NEVER like that, they’re two completely different animals, if you’re doing Korrak’s Revenge, you’re doing it for the Discontinued Mounts and MAYBE for AV rep grinding, if you’re looking to boost just LFG dungeons or speedrun WoD, ANYTHING but AV Classic…

Because it is an event and is something some people never do. When it did give great xp (when it first came out), it was a lot of fun and people were having a blast leveling toons. But then they gutted it and made it non-fun.


You are a new player perhaps and cannot know this - but two years ago it was pretty easy to level a character there with the PVP trinkets before they lost their EXP-bonus. I leveled a single LV110 character to 118/19 within 30 minutes and winning against the Alliance.

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Woah now look, he’s been playing since at least 2010 by his profile, I’m starting to think you really are trolling the thread.