Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

My point exactly, brother.

Semper Fi! :us:

“We’ve taken on board all of your feedback and decided that you actually want more store mounts.”


Its hard making a committee of yes men/women…but not have it look like a committee of yes men/women.

Or being nicer maybe…they aren’t going to get 100% of people saying everything is fine here. which is what they seem to want to hear.

See while a cluster Eve csm’s have had real people on it. people from real crews. real crews that have broken the game even lol.

Why I found eve’s csm with goonswarm peeps on it funny. There isn’t a single part of the game they have not trashed in some way over their many years of existence. Making them the worst, yet possibly a best choice to be on it CSM lol. Odd way to put it but yeah…

I mean they know what is broken. as they exploit early and often lol. So to fix the gmae sometimes you must have this input.

Wow/blizzard…not liking that approach I take it. This would be election based otherwise. and maybe even I to spice the council up would vote for he who shall not be named lest it summon the streaming demon lol.

so probably no bad boys/girls on the invite list. Scratch these off…and you get the yes people.

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I signed up on the day they posted the video, but also I signed up in a sarcastic way and told them I would be expressing stern disappointment. I have no expectations of getting an invite. I am convinced it was a half hearted gesture in the general direction of public relations by the blue post wording. To me it strongly signals that they are looking for specific feedback within a specific framework, so it seems worthless at face value. The framework they are trying to preserve and make palatable is the problem itself.


They quite possibly have 500,000 applications to read. And verify among those how many are trolls.

Maybe they are vetting my long list of WQ skillz. Seriously though, it’ll probably happen with 9.2 or after Christmas. Or maybe it’s only visible to trust level 3s. Or maybe it’s harder to find 100 people of diverse quality.

We forumites are the .02 percent of the player base.

This just feels like a head fake to make us think you care. You don’t, your Devs are just going to continue to use unfun systems. Write terrible stories and narratives, and not follow through on basic things like heritage armour.


It’s about time they respond to this topic. I think most of us give them one last chance before moving on to other MMOs.


strong disagree, current rotations are much funner
always doubt the people who say solution is simple

So, basically, anyone who has a negative opinion of wow will be excluded. Anyone who has ever been ‘punished’ by wow for any reason will be excluded. And nothing will change.


in which case, instead of ‘reviewing applications’ they should just randomly select people from those who apply. OR just institute a player-made poll every month to ask the hard questions and gauge the responses of those who agree or disagree.


Actually I rather doubt they do this, although they might do focus groups of carefully selected participants who they know in advance will agree with them.

Research is only as good as the sample chosen. And I haven’t seen any sign that they respect the players and want to create a game the playerbase wants to play.

They’re only selecting 100 players. Even if it’s random that would likely not represent a cross-section of the playerbase. They would have to decide how many of what sort of player to invite, and I don’t feel they can honestly do that without weighting it toward elites, streamers, and online theorycrafters, all groups that were mentioned in the article.

I seriously doubt this. There are only a few hundred players who visit the forums now. Even if it’s a big deal hear, the idea that half the playerbase would have heard of it and applied is kind of out there.

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Players should be sorted into the categories they participate in and then pulled randomly for the council.

Multi category players should be sorted separately into each pile they participate in.

Three players who only play each category should be drawn for that category. Three players who play multiple categories should be drawn for each category.

People who no longer play should be sorted separately and 3 drawn for each category.

This way each demographic can disagree unevenly.

(Players who arent really lending anything to the conversation for whatever reason should trigger another person to be quietly added from their respective draw pile after the fact)

And yes, this means that players who play multiple aspects will inevitably weigh in on more categories they were selected to weigh in on and end up over-represented, but they’ll do that no matter what.

Interesting thanks for the information on green posters idk what mvp even means.

Tbh i don’t know why I’d get hate either despite my not likening the game atm I’ve never seen an mvp post that actually get any emotion out of me whether positive or negative

OP will deliver.

feels like i wont get such inv…

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Ok so I Can’t Wait.! = )

I’ve taken notes Over the
Years how Would I Improve WOW!
As I don’t have the Slightest Idea if I’m Gonna get Accepted I will Share now.

So as Speed% is something
the User is always Gonna be in Touch With making the Most of it is Really
Important Cuz if you Always Move at 100% (100% Speed for a Small Period of time will Turn into a Virtual 0%) all the time, Its Gonna Get Boring.

The Dynamics of Movement should Vary at every moment… Cuz of the weather, the terrain, the status of the character, the mount his using… This small changes on Speed% would Create Field Dynamics… Which would be Awesome!

Obstacle Overcome:
Climbing and Obstacle Overcome in some Point will be Needed…
The Difficult Items Placed on the Zones are an Enjoyable Feature but The Game lacks a Player/Environment Relation so Moving Logically to Objectives is very Difficult…
Overcoming Movements are Something very useful, cuz InGame if an Object surpasses Jumping Hight you will Be Jumping Forever… Climbing, Rolling and Crawling are Unavailable ATM…
Spacebar Could Change from just (Jump) to (Jump/Interact With Environment) so Climbing, Hiking and Obstacle Overcome can be Enabled and this Way Improve a Main Key (Spacebar) to…Also Using W or S twice to cause some Sort of Minor Speed Dynamic Effect…
As the Character InGame is Always interacting with environment this Feature can have Great impact on Game Experience.

Challenging Content.
World of Warcraft might be the Largest Game at Content that has ever been made…
So Many Zones, Places, Lore, Pets, Mounts, Toys, PVP, Dungeons, Raids, Rares, Tmogs, NPCs, Cosmetics, Achievements and Social Relations…
You just have to Make this Content Constantly Challenging…
The Idea that Every Zone Could be Played MaxLevel is Something that has to be Considered…Imagine if Every Single Zone Could be Played as a (Hard Mode) and the Rewards of this Gave you Current Level Rewards…
If this wants to be done Professions have to Get in a Single Bracket and Every Crafting Reagent Can be Used to do MaxLevel Crafting.
If You Can Achieve this, then Every Single Reagent and Profession Crafting Will Get an Amazing Value and you will be making the Most of What You Already Have.
(Letting users One-shot everything without any effort just cuz there a few levels above should be the user’s choice) that’s if I wanna have a Challenging Experience of any Zone I easily Could!!

IRL randomization is the law…
Why not let Randomize a Little the Duration of Stuns and CC for Example…
Have you ever Felt the CC of a Sub Rogue on Opening with Master Assassin Lego?
ok so its frkn annoying…
If you keep Exact times on Abilities Cooldowns and Effects you will Make a Nerd a Hero Because is just Mathematics…
Randomization Mechanics make the Game Experience something Much more Enjoyable at the short run and on the Long Run this small changes Make the Game Assorted so people Don’t ever get Bored…
Just a Little Randomization On:
-Spell Cooldowns,
-CC Duration
Would Give a lot of People New Surprises Every Time they Play…

Counter Stun.
Each Race should have a Special Way to Counter a Stun with a Medium Cooldown…
Stuns are Something very Delicate because they annoy a Lot…
So Why not let Every Race have a Particular Way of Countering a Single Stun every 5 or 10 Minutes…
Or a Counter Stun Proc so When it Pops would be soooo Good!

Improving Mounts:
Mounts Are One of the Main Features of Wow so if All The Mounts Do Exactly the same thing and Move at the Same Speed…isn’t it a Waste??
Mounts Should Have Different Speeds!
Slow Mount Should have 1 or 2 Perks that Compensate the Lack or of Speed…
Ant Fast Mounts Should have some Weak Spot!
You Could Change the Ways to Drive Some Mounts…that Would Make PVE so much Interesting!
The Dynamics of the Mounts could Change According to the Zones
One thing I Would Suggest is a Mount Sprint so We don’t have to Stay 100% all the time…

Traveling and Exploring Zones Would Be More Fun and you have the Chance to Use this Animation (Mount Sprint) to do Cool Stuff!
Also you could Change the Speed of Flying Mounts According to it’s inclination so it feels More Real!

If Every Mount Had Different Qualities and Characteristics involving its nature…that would Expand The Game Enormously cuz we Have to Be Mounted for Hours!

Check the Possibility of Giving the Option to Remove Armor From Armored Mounts.
Then you could make Racial Armors For Mounts.

Battle Pets:
When the Player is in Combat outside of Pet Battles, Companions should have Combat Emotes/Reaction so Connection Player/Companion in Combat would have some Logic…
And how About a Couple of Companion Abilities…
For Example:
The same Glamour the [Elixir of Dream Vision] does but Moving as Our Chosen Companion.
This Would Make Players Use And Enjoy more Battle Pet Content

Each Playable Race Should Get on Every Patch Racial Tmogs, Toys and Pets.
You Already Have a Lot on Racial Features but I Feel Races Have a Huge part to Play on WOWs Content as they are the Core of the Game.
This Issue Here might be Resolved taking the Archeology Profession to another Scale…

An Easy and Effective way to Improve Tmogs could be Giving the Option of Selecting the Layers you wanna use for each Cosmetic.
Ya’ll know you want Neck and Finger Cosmetics ^ ^
Could be done On the Head or the Hand as how is done on the Weapon for “Weapon Illusion”.

Archeology and Racial Development.
The idea of Archeology might be One of the Best ways to make Racial Development on the Characters.
Try Retaking Archeology from another Perspective where Racial Development Could be Possible…
And Going Deeper on Every Culture…
Here you Have an Excellent point of Content to Exploit because Races will always be in the Game…

This will Lead to the Development of Content that could be used to Improve Existing features such as
Buildings, Player Cosmetics, Toys, NPCs, and the Game has many Racial “Clone” Replicas so this Could Help get a Better Selection…

NOTE!: A Lot of Us Love Mythology , Lore and Want to see the Races with New Racial Stuff! = )

Ok so Player Housing has Been Talked over by players for 10 years now…
Imagine if you could Make a hearthstone for housing like the Garrison…
And from that “House” Manage Questlines through Quest Board…
Housing could be Focused on Every Playable Race and it Could be the Link Through Updating Content!
Where we Can Show off Our Mounts and Tmogs in a Place we Like!
Let us have Our Own Orchard to Plant Whichever Herbs we Want!

Don’t Freak Out:
Ok so this is a Wild Idea…
How About Quitting Classes…
Letting the Characters Choose their Abilities.
This Would Let every Player do Awesome Combinations and Classes.
People would Play a Hero they Truly enjoy Because of its Unique Features…
No More Armor and Weapon Restrictions!

Environments have to Go Dark at Night, that’s the Way Nature Works…

It makes it more assorted and fun you have to deal with the things that happen at night…
Use More Local Illumination and Make it More Attractive.
Give players Torches to Explore Caves and Dark Places or Just Dark Forests (Like what was Tested on Vault of the Wardens but in a Global Scale).

This Could Lead to New Ideas for Environments.

And Last But Not Least.
You are working with Millions of people…
So Every Cosmetic you Make is Gonna get 50%Acceptance…

Blizzard shouldn’t be Making content to see if People Like it or Not, it but Making Content for People to do Whatever they Want to dream off…

I Know is hard but think on how to let the Users Create their Own Cosmetics.
Like that Everyone is Gonna be 100% Happy!

We all Grow Cuz of you Guys…


Don’t forget that even if you aren’t part of the community council, you can still read and LIKE posts.

So make sure you go over there and like the posts you… like…


If you guys really wanted to encourage discussion with players, you would just do that. Hope this PR move works out for y’all.

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CC members: DON’T ignore GD please; there are voices that should be heard from there and it’s crucial that you post threads based on GD and NOT be influenced by guilds or high end players. Please appreciate and advocate for players, pretty please <3


World Quests are Maybe the Key for Expanding the Game if you Could Make a Good Selection of Zone Content and Well Rewarded World Quests you Would be able to Give the Chance to Play Challenging Content on Any Zone Azeroth, Outlands, Draenor, Pandaria and Now Shadowlands…
A Lot of this Zones Have World Quest Systems Active they Just Need MaxLevel Rewards!!!

So you Don’t have to Modify the Whole 1-60 Leveling Questline Rewards Just Enabling World Quest Systems on Every Zone…

I Love Stranglethorn, Zangarmarsh, and Stormsong Valley and if I had something to do on those Zones I Would Surely Go, but as I Don’t ever Have to do Anything there and theirs No Challenge of Any Kind Anywhere the Zones we Enjoy the most are Going Forgotten…
This my Friends is a Terrible Waste of Content…

Revising What truly is the cost of Scaling 1-60 taking from the Game…

Is the leveling 1-60 Experience Worth it…Cuz you Can do that in a Month and We’ve been playing for more than a Decade…

Thx a Great Games!

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