Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Bad idea. Listening to players, especially ones who get put on a “council” will only end badly. You’ll end up with people like that gnome who posts on every thread or that blood elf who responds to her own posts multiple times being “the council”.


Downvoting would be terrible. Players who like some aspects of the game dislike others. The majority just steamrolling over players who are just trying to say, for example - “this aspect of the game is ruining our ability to RP (or explore, or become immersed, or world PvP, level my alts, or understand/CARE where the story is going) at all in current content. Can x, y, or z be somehow changed to make this better for us?”- would be totally unfair to the different groups/kinds of players in the game who deserve to have their concerns addressed without the raiders, elite pvpers, and all the chasers shouting them down.

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In a forum that the other people can not post in there needs to be something to counter a bad idea. With out having to to go somewhere els to maybe be heard. The only ones blizzard pays attention to is the boosters.


Ah yes, streamer X tells the followers to go downvote something and they comply. We already have an issue with people falsely reporting thing they don’t like. Not things that break the forum rules, just things they don’t like…

Downvote is even worse… just blind downing without having to say why someone disagrees. If you have to make a post to express your thoughts, then you are forced to have a reason and attempt to put it into words. Much more constructive for discussion purposes. Reddit exists to be just up and down voted if that is all someone has to contribute.

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So what would be the difference is streamer X tells the followers to go upvote some post?

It would not be any different. It would be just as bad. I personally think up and downvotes should both be removed. YOu have something to say, say it. If not, then it must not really matter that much.

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But we will not be able to will we?

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They are not removing these forums. You are perfectly free to make a thread to discuss the same topics as the Council forum if you want. In fact, I would encourage you to

I hope it DOES spawn some constructive and focused threads with lots of valid participation. By valid I mean honest sentiments not just concern trolling or trying to insult and derail.


These forums DONT WORK now. moot point

Ya we know you want in.

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this is lame go to ffx14 just like wow better game and guess what they got so many players its like ants walking lol go figure you go to wow stick a fork in it butt its over

THIS. WE NEED -THIS- back so badly!
Just let me earn my points and tokens with justice, valor, honor, conquest, or GOLD, and BUY WHATEVER PIECE I SPECIFICALLY NEED with them! And make BiS rng gear for the current arena/raid difficulty JUST slightly better. And give us maybe 3 legendary WEAPONS SOMEWHERE in the last 2 raids that are useable by all classes between them (dagger, polearm and staff?)

Great post, and I’d like to just add my own experience as well.

Personally, I’ve received almost nothing negative as an MVP. People have joked about the “Green shills” but… I’m still waiting for that first royalty check after more than 3 years, haha.

If anything, the only in game contact that I’ve received has been positive. “Wait, are you THE Mageski?” occurred in an LFR one time, which was fun. I’ve never been particularly “loud” on the forums and I try to always be constructive when I do make noise.

As for posting on main vs alt, this is my main and mostly always has been. I did main swap during Eternal Palace to Shadow Priest but this has always remained my “MVP” toon. The general guidance was to choose the toon people will know us as and be consistent about using it so as not to be confusing.

Outside of the forums, I picked up a few Twitter followers because of the tag, but my social media is generally pretty quiet. Again, it’s always been positive interactions in my case.

These days I don’t play much. Burnout and unfortunately timed guild death with 1 boss to go in EP lead to me stepping way back from the game, or from raiding at least. I’ve skipped most of Shadowlands for a number of reasons, some personal, but I’m sure I’ll get back into the game more eventually. My status on Mirasol’s list of “Mostly Inactive” comes from that alone, not any bad feels about the community. :slight_smile:


Yet you’re still here so clearly WOW is the better game. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

With the amounts of rampant trolling and alt spamming to troll and the like…

have some questions HActivision.

  1. will these folks be compensated -monetarily-?
  2. If you claim you are “second to none” then why do you need to do this yet again?
  3. Did the shareholders cry foul of the lawsuits, etc., and want it rectified and this is your plan to try to appease them?

I would love to be on that council, but i feel whatever contractual obligation that you will hold over folks, you won’t like the truly harsh criticism i would bring to the table and claim it “isn’t productive”.

then again i have morals that you fail to have. Greed is a fickle thing. unfortunately the brand and games we loved which was Blizzard died in 2008, it was a very slow death, but this lifeline you are trying to tether yourselves to will most likely be the nail in the coffin and you’ll just decide to keep rebooting previous expansions.


The 9.2 announcement has made me hostile to the entire team, or at least to whoever thought it was a good idea in concept much less execution, but the whole team went along with it.

I’m at wit’s end. You obviously don’t care WHAT we think, Blizzard devs.

We no longer CARE if you respectfully disagree with us. You can disagree in your head all you want, but you need to start LISTENING to us and STOP making these kinds of horrendous mistakes.

Go. Back. To. AZEROTH- and let us, the players, kill Sylvanas AND Anduin when we get there, THEN give us a 9.2 SAVE AZEROTH ON AZEROTH patch.

This 9.2 is a mistake in a painfully long line of mistakes and lies like “we’re excited to bring back tier” just damage so badly any trust I have that you’ll be honest with the council members and learn from the mistakes


You know this is just P.R. right?

Right, Wrong, Ion is the game director and he does what he wants. Does not matter how eloquently it is worded or correct, if it goes against what he wants, it is ignored.

The devs see, they hear as well, they just do not acknowledge. And that is one sure way to make people angry.

Ion’s primary concern with feedback is he needs to do better at telling players right away that he is not going to make a change to what is being requested. Because right now, he does not acknowledge feedback at all.


Unfortunately. I have nothing against him as a person but as a game director he truly brought World of Warcraft into a bad spot where people left for Final Fantasy 14 and other MMOs.

He needs to step down.


This is something really important. All the community at large seems to be hearing from this is that the Devs infact CAN’T be bothered to read feedback- or that they only want to hear from people that they can cherry pick to agree with them and validate viewpoints that they already possess.

For the council to be believable, every category of play style they’ve requested representation for should contain 3 players who view them and/or the game favorably and 3 whose viewpoint is unfavorable. The council should also include one person for each category who USED to be a subscribed player and even though their enjoyment of the game has been so damaged by what the devs have done with it that they no longer/do not currently play, still CARES about the game and the playable and non-playable characters they invested so much time in.

When the Devs can INVITE CRITICISM onto the council, take criticism, ACCEPT that criticism, REFLECT on that criticism, respond HONESTLY to that criticism, and take some VISIBLE ACTION to resolve that criticism in ways that the players and devs can accept as an improvement on the quality of life for them and us and the game-- the Council will be a successful endeavor.


You have the Forums. You had the Ghostcrawler Forums. You have a Company Twitter account. You have people posting videos, giving copious, gratuitous amounts of feedback on decisions that you have made.

Why do you need THIS?