Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Toxic and Having Opposing Opinions are different things.


for devs its the same thing. The ego on them is massive. They had the “free covenant swapping pls” in BETA???!!1 and they didnt listen why would they listen to it now. The only way to get them to listen is to hurt their wallets. its working now thats why they are making changes now. I bet free covenant swapping was meant for 9.2 but they had to do it now because they were bleeding players

So they plan to put another layer between players and the devs? Seems as though their own forums are going to be ignored more than normal.

They have not listened to the player base for a long time as evidenced by their lack of interest in feedback during various betas before, what’ll make this any different?

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CMs and devs are different things.

We very very very rarely see Devs actually on the forums. Most of the time it’s CMs that relay the messages to the devs.

The CMs on these forums are horrible, but shrug.

thats the problem isnt it. Imagine having so much ego that you cant bother to open up your forums instead have to have a “cm” relay the message for you.

The opinion is often expressed in the forum that “toxicity” should be eliminated. When asked to describe what that means specifically, a lot of what we hear is “people who disagree with my opinions are toxic.”

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I can actually give you a real-time experiment for that one.
Go onto any of the tweets they’ve made about the recent censorship to the game, if there are even still any not limited to mutuals, and disagree with them. No insult, no toxicity, nothing but disagreement.

I will genuinely be surprised if you don’t get blocked.

And yet, who will decide which is which? If, once this goes active, there’s some way that guarantees opposing opinions aren’t purged, then I’ll gladly praise them for it.

Problem is, through their actions I do not trust any of the people at Blizzard who would run this.

Also, for both, I’m linking Magdalena’s thread again.

The devs aren’t as friendly as you may think.


In all of those posts about the MT returning, how many of them wanted it for the experience of taking the challenges, and how many of them wanted it for the Artefact appearances that they missed out on?

Because bringing it back without the appearances is what they did. And most people want it for the appearances.

A ‘different coloured version of T20’ is not what they wanted.

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What happened to Tseric?

I quite literally posted in this thread as my first post that it was a terrible idea because it’s just the same as the private feedback forum they had for content creators. Lol.

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IMO this confirms that blues don’t read the forums.

So after sacking 800 employees, of which a vast number were community-facing roles, they want to cheap out and get players to play those roles for free.

Here is one thread that Ion requested feedback and promised resolution more than 3 years ago, still without any resolution;

without any action.

Why should we believe that anything will change with a smaller fraction of people that post on the forums, who must link at least 3 types of online presence just to be considered.

This will just create smaller forums that will be read-only for players, with post functionality only available to a smaller more elite group of players.

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Your overlords ruined the game. You better come up with WoW 2 before you completely die.

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It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to… every so often glance at these forums… to get a general feel for the players and to get some new ideas to improve the game.


But do they do some hing thats the subject

How is this different than the forum MVPs? The green text guys? Wasn’t that the point of them?

Maybe they should enhance their forums? There are plenty of posts that get over 300+ likes … usually because an overwheling number of folks agree. Can devs not get quick access to those (either via filtering or sorting)?

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That isn’t a “must” have. My concern was they might focus more on people that have those things than not, and the percentage of people who have done any of those things compared to the entire playerbase is very small.

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They do that. That’s how they know when the players are upset or happy about certain things overall. Ion certainly knew there was a percentage of players that weren’t happy about the removed flirts and jokes, so they DO know what’s going on here.

A private forum will give them a better way to interact with a slice of the playerbase to cover a broad range of things without all the “Blizzard sucks” posts you see here all the time.

They want actual feedback, not " you’re not doing your job" and walk away.


I mean, this can be fixed with moderation.
There are so many threads here that’d have been shut down elsewhere for spam, and plenty of users banned for trolling/harassment for going into threads and just crapping on things that make people happy.

As much as I see the benefit of a council, I also see more benefit in cleaning up their own social media so feedback is more accessible.


I had wondered the same. I figured you worked your way up the ladder. MVPs seem to steer away from GD because we’re not very constructive here.

I imagine they will have priority being picked into this community.

You didn’t provide any examples though