Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

As a raider I liked WarForging, if that’s exactly what you mean, I didn’t really have a problem with it. If what you meant was titanforging that I hate as both a raider and a casual now :laughing:

And you know what I’d rather WarForging not exist either, just do 2/2 or 4/4 valor upgrades

A council of well respected forum members, known for providing actual feedback and not temper tantrums, could be a good thing. Publicly displaying their posts will probably just open them up to attacks both on the forum and in-game.

They can’t just select pro-Blizz people, and they can’t select hardcore anti-Blizz trolls either. Basically, they need people who will be critical, but understand what is possible and what isn’t. People who have been around a long time and know what worked and didn’t work. People who also know the societal / mental difference between millennials (old target audience) and zoomers (new target audience).

Yeah, I want to think they are impartial, but I’ve seen the garbage the actual game devs tweet and the things they have said directly to notable theorycrafters (Monk reply during the legion AMA was a disaster.), it really makes me question this system being remotely successful.

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Because it’s public.

Not being anonymous means that the developers can be held to a much higher standard. We’ll see their posts and we can react to them, maybe not within the forum specifically, but elsewhere, like here on GD.

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Sounds an awful lot like a potential scapegoat more than anything. You guys have had what, 3 xpacs now, where the problems that didn’t get alleviate till the later patches were issues brought up in beta?

Just seems a little too far fetched tbh.

I meant war-forged.

Valor is limited to Mythic+ users. As an extreme casual, the only way that I’ll get keystone master is through boosts. Just to be hated even more by this community. Not really an equitable solution for everyone.

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You’re assuming the players will say something and the devs will implement it.

I seriously doubt it will be anything like that.

Yet while they are not looking to stack the deck with these type of players, it likely will happen. By the time they get done picking all the content creators, online guide creators, and accomplished players they want, there will probably be few spaces in the group for anyone without the elite playstyle.

well if its not like this then its just another GD forum where some people dont have access lol

What I meant when I said valor was the MoP valor system where gear drops and you can upgrade it 2 to 4 times with valor. I prefer it because I don’t like gear RNG.

I would imagine if someone becomes toxic in the forums, they’d just revoke their invitation.

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Which then opens up the door for devs purging anyone they dislike because of “toxicity”.


Well looking over these forums it’s not hard to see just how many toxic WoW players there are.

this^^. Devs have shown time and time again they have a massive ego and very stubborn


It won’t be like either way.

The devs will have a smaller set of people to interact with, ask questions of, get ideas from, etc. They MAY actually implement or at least explore certain ideas, depending on their feasibility, but I don’t think someone can say “we should have X RIGHT NOW” and the devs will just go “OK” and do it.

Plus, you’ll be able to see what is said there, and you can still cut and paste and react here, which will still get relayed back to the devs in some fashion.

A smaller forum will be less likely to be full of hotheads that just post “Blizzard sucks” and walk away.


Well, I submitted. My record isn’t the best. I can be professional though.

I’ve been asking for a vetted bridge forever. I figured it would be a trust level 4.

Silence does nothing for us. Sure, I’m not a game designer, but I used to make lots of Unreal Tournament maps. I see the work and effort put in this game.

Even if I’m not selected, this is the right step. 10,000 players want 10,000 different things. I know can contribute to positive and to funny. But, I can be serious too. I like writing short stories. I’m not Stephen King, but it’s my creative outlet since end game isn’t my game.

I still love all the franchises since 1999.

I hope not; they already have YouTube and whatever. But I understand. They’ve massively contributed. At least it will be in a place I will access and read. I don’t reddit or twitter, twitch,tweet, none of that.

And to be fair, what little I have read, was hyper critical. I’m curious to see how far these established content creators are allowed to push.

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Actual toxicity is justified, but if the devs actually have any option to purge people then even disagreement can be considered toxic.

“Interacting” (getting blocked for voicing disagreement) with them through the only route they use, twitter, is a great example of that.

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Do you have any examples of people getting blocked for mere disagreement?

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I can understand the skepticism. There has also been a lot of staff turnover the past few years. Give it a chance. It’s an opportunity to forge goodwill between the diehards and the dev staff to make the game more player friendly.