Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Yeah, this is the initial reaction I got from the form as well. As soon as I got to the “link relevant work” entry I said to myself, “this is clearly not for the average player.”

It really just sounds like blowing smoke. And that’s really telling, that they keep doing this over, and over again. It’s almost like… they don’t listen to feedback.


Yeah that gave me a momentary flash of disappointment when I applied and got to that point. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained so I just picked three of my responses in forum discussions over various issues over various time periods so they can see I’m not just a one-trick pony and still submitted the application. I’m sure having wow streams, websites etc is major bonus points but if they’re serious about getting players from all levels of experience/engagement/interests they’ll prove it by picking some ‘normal’ players too.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Yea, it’s a big scam. They are trying to retain numbers. That’s it.

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Isn’t it the general consensus that the game is in an even worse state now than during WoD? I fully agree that a healthy dose of skepticism is warranted when dealing with Blizzard and their track record of ignoring feedback.

WoW desperately needs a success story in the next expansion, and if they are earnestly searching for feedback to reach that goal, then it’s a commendable thing. Of course, actions speak louder than words.

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I wonder if they changed this also, because the question I saw asked you to identify your “main”, and then you could also link alts.


Maybe? Though I’d disagree with that because it looks like they’re at least going to finish Shadowlands. Gonna take a lot to surpass an expansion that was literally abandoned after a single patch IMO.

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I don’t know what’s going on behind closed doors, but they’re asking a for a lot of varied walks of life for applicants. They’ll either use it to weed out people they don’t care to hear from or may try to include more players that they usually don’t listen to at all, which is what I hope for. Even “45 year old dad with 7 kids who only logs in for 30 mins a month.” When “Every Voice Matters.”


I applied because my mother always said if you are not willing to put in the work to affect change, then don’t complain when there isn’t any.

Although I am not sure how practical it was, given that I will be unsubbed in 12 days :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:!

It included WoW forums so I put some of my posts in to give them an idea of my thoughts and attitude.

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Actually he said “at least 100 players”.

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That’s cool. I’m too old and worn down to still be an optimist. :grinning:

It’s hard not to be a cynic after years and years of dealing with Blizz. We’ll see what happens I guess.

maybe it will help me to hear about a new tinker Class, but I doubt very much about that.

Ooo! Thanks to this thread I have been reminded of Magdalena’s thread on twitter about dev interaction with theorycrafters.

TL;DR - The devs stopped being interested in listening after MoP, and instead became rude and dismissive. Also go read it.

Also I’m choosing to believe they referenced Xelnath but left him unnamed, and I will take any opportunity to say I miss Warlock Jesus.


How do you know this doesnt already happen? I mean take for example the Mage Tower. How many posts have there been asking for the MT to be made available again. I assume the devs just didnt have this lightbulb moment and thought “I know, lets bring back the Mage Tower!”. It was obviously inspired by all the requests on the forums. Likewise the increase in racial appearances. And the increase in the number of Timewalking dungeons. Plus a whole raft of other things.

I think if people dont believe that Blizzard is watching the forums, they are too naive for their own good. Do they agree with everything we say? Of course not. But they watch and sometimes they act.


Yes! Another way for Blizzard to ignore us!


ok, im surprised.

also how is this different from current forums lol? are you saying you will look at those posts and not these?


A system of feedback based on people vetted by Blizzard who is known to have serious problems listening to feedback in the first place probably isn’t going to get a whole lot done.


Fewer people to interact with will make it easier to focus their attentions on certain things. Also, this will be viewable by the entire WoW community, so if you know someone who does get access, you can confer with them and have them relay information back to the devs.

Personally I think this is a good idea, as long as it doesn’t end up like the previous “secret” forum, or be populated by sycophants or be purged of people who are NOT sycophants.

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well the success of this depends on the selection criteria. If they select people they agree with then noting will happen.


this sytem needs to have a vote system as well and needs to be accessible ingame.
You cant just have 1 person coming up with an idea there needs to be player feedback and the best way to do this is polls in game by people who are playing the game and not just sitting on forums

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