Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Can the devs not just partake in the official forums? Why a miniforum on which only a handful of people who may or not be particularly smart can post on without the ability of many other people to call out a stupid idea etc.? Lowering the sample size to a small group of people is risky and placing too much faith in the people that get picked. Just read the forums, listen to social media, etc…you don’t need a council.

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Likely so they can hand-pick people that won’t be too disagreeable and so they can purge the people they dislike. Pretty much exactly how they handle interactions on the wbesite they do use, which is twitter.


Have you seen the forums? Half the suggestions or feedback here are trolling, and the other half is lost to trolling. This seems to be a way to weed out the noise, but fearfully, it may end up merely becoming an echo chamber for the few that are likely to be invited.


Oh cool, another avenue for players to voice their concerns and opinions that Blizzard will openly ignore and do whatever they want anyway. What a waste of time and resources.


To be fair, maybe those people who ignored player feedback are gone, out with the trash in the recent firings going on.


That would be awesome.

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The number of employees who have left is small in comparison with the size of the employee base.

cries in Void Elf

It is indicative of how much power so few people have over their employees, and maybe even their peers.

:clap: SLAY. :clap: THEM. :clap: QUEEN

Honestly, I’d agree with you if we were in any other expansion, but the landscape has changed greatly in Shadowlands; the devs can’t afford to ignore their player base any longer.


Is this not exactly the same thing that people thought during WoD?

Pretty sure Ion is still there.


Legion is considered the best out of the modern expansions, and had quite a bit of fanservice, features we asked for, and what not. And that’s when feedback during WoD would have been applied.

The faults there feel more like regular game dev faults in many cases, and them reacting too slowly to some things. I remember things pretty clearly back then. I was the guy who was leading discussions about the Prestige systems and it’s faults.
They actually did listen.

Legion felt like a usual expansion with it’s ups and downs, not like BFA and Shadowlands where it was mostly downs.

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First off, to preface, I will probably apply strictly because I believe casual players who see things like LFR and untimed Mythic Dungeons as their endgame need to have their feedback heard. Same with pet/toy collectors.

That said:

This is a terrible idea. This is literally the exact same thing you guys have done for the past few years. Just instead of selecting the active content creators, you’re picking from applicants. (Need I remind anyone of the controversy last year when the content creators called blizzard out, with evidence, about their own private feedback forum that Blizzard started to ignore?)

The issue with this is you’re only hearing feedback from a select group of people - that feedback will be heavily heavily weighted on their personal opinions.

The feedback you guys are looking for already exists. It’s all over these forums, MMO-Champion, WoWhead, the WoW Discords, and Reddit.

Instead of doing this, why are you not hiring a group of people specifically to wade through the feedback on these sites, compile data that is repeatedly stated by many people (such as conduit energy, covenant swapping, etc.) and make it their job to present THAT feedback directly to the devs?

I literally have no life. I read these forums, reddit, discords, etc. daily. It’s very easy to see the feedback that is consistently brought up. If I lived in the area and this type of job was opened, even I’d apply with my panic disorder just because it’s something I already do, and could easily differentiate between my own personal feelings and those that the community voices. And if I’d apply, that means many qualified people would as well.


While I’d say that you may be right, there’s probably a big culture shift (even if just a facade) where people need to change behavior and attitude quick or the results will speak for themselves, so people are changing their tune. I mean, clearly it’s happening, because of this announcement. Maybe it’s all fake. Maybe it’s a last ditch effort to retain or regain player base, or maybe it is a sincere move to be more collaborative with the community that they create content and product for.

I’m an optimist, so probably the last ditch effort. :stuck_out_tongue:


After going through the form it’s pretty clear for multiple things.

  1. They don’t want normal people’s feedback, they want streamers/guidewriters/top guild gms feedback.
  2. They assume you only play one character.
  3. They only want people with a perfect character.

They have ZERO intentions of listening to individuals of the community at the lower levels.


Yeah, we got Legion after a trash expansion that was abandoned halfway through. That was OK, there are clearly aspects of Legion where they did actually listen to previous feedback.

And then we got BfA and Shadowlands.

My point is that trusting Blizzard to actually finally for realsies this time “listen” to us is unwise. They’ve “listened” before, for most of an expansion, and then went straight back into ignoring the players near-entirely.

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I am nothing if not burdened by an overabundance of opinions that I’m willing to spend way too much of my time typing out in detail, I went ahead and tossed my hat in.

I would be surprised if they’re looking to stack the deck with all of the same kinds of players - Mythic raiders, overly positive people, etc. This has the scent of a corporate initiative about it, and those tend to run broad. Now, will they listen to what people have to say? Mmmmmaybe. Or not. But it costs them nothing to actually have a broad base of voices chipping in, and like someone quoted above, they’re at least asking people to self-identify with a broad range of playstyles.

The blue above clarified that you can link your forum posts for your 3 things, or Reddit posts, or other kinds of discussions I imagine. Granted, I feel like they could just look? But I linked specifically to the one where I broke down how long the Maw intro took, moment by moment. I also linked a character story that I wrote (since I’m a roleplayer, one of the groups they’re looking for) and my WoWHead comment history where I commented on tons of quests and items to help others.

If I had to guess, they’re just looking for signs that people feel invested in the game in some way, enough to spend their time on game things that aren’t just playing the game. Also, that they can put an idea together.


If they actually cared they would spend money to build a feedback response team. But they don’t, just like they have pulled this stunt before. It’s just a PR stunt.