Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I’m the same way. I’ve spent entire gaming nights just scouring caves in the world for ore. I’d love for that to be a legitimate playstyle.

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And that’s fine. I literally said in my original post, “depends on the content”. If you want to provide feedback on transmog and professions feel free. That does not change the fact that people who don’t do end game pve content should not hold an opinion on that content. Literally go reread your first reply to me because you seem to have already forgotten what you wrote.

This looks like a good step forward, thoughtful. Thanks :wolf:

I’ve done quite a bit of RP in Suramar, and having lots of spaces for people to just hang out in, which there’s NPCs going around doing their own thing was rad.
Granted, doing all that without the whole “demonic invasion” thing would be fantastic.

Been discussing with friends privately about how they could take the concept of world quests and actual quests happening alongside the more casual stuff for a reclaimed Gilneas.
A capital that has actual quests and events happening in it, especially with scaling tech, would be pretty insane. But, it’s one of those things I feel I cannot discuss on GD without it being trolled, so I just don’t.


Is there still a reason we haven’t gotten confirmation on RP/RPPVP realms on SoM? Really hard to think you are taking people into account when you haven’t mentioned it (Not even to just say, no, we aren’t)

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Focus groups are great for discussions. But if you don’t select your participants appropriately, you can end up with erroneous information.

A while back someone posted on the forum about a gaming forum where players of that game wanted certain changes. Basically the players were saying, “Look at how many people want these changes. Why aren’t you listening to us?”

The company’s response was that elite players are overrepresented on gaming forums. Elites are a minority in the game. What elites want may be bad for the majority of players, and by extension, bad for the game.


They should utilize this technology more. Same with the ‘invasion’ and random daily quest to help your city stuff.


Probably need to be a streamer to be selected considering they want some credentials in the community lul. Trash.

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Gonna drop one word here;



Make it dynamic across leveling zones.

Make like a fifteen minute wq pop up outside say, Goldshire, and have Defias spawn temporarily as in “bandits are setting up camp near town drive them off” if you go near it over level you can select to scale down and GET XP AND REWARDS at high level for it,

A new quest pops up in goldshire to take care of it, or you can ignore it if you want, and then after fifteen minutes if it isn’t completed it just ends or if it fills a bar with kills it ends and rewards are given out based on how much one contributes to kills.


You want some feedback, but you want to pick and choose? And to be able to keep it behind closed doors? And you wonder why you are losing subscribers left, right and centre?

No, you get to do it out in the open. You can listen to all of us. For years we have been sending you feedback. For years we have been making requests. And for years you have ignored our requests and ideas.

Start with bring back your GM/CM jobs. Bring back the people who we can talk to about issues. Bring back real people who can help us.

Put a proper community manager in place. Not a figurehead. Not someone who is problematic. For the shadowlands sakes, put one of the women who was a victim in place as the new CM, so we can see that you are serious about all of this.

Remove ‘borrowed power’. All of it. We never wanted it to begin with, but you’ve give us 3 different versions, and only the FIRST one was any good. And if you had of continued the first one (Artefact weapons) into future expansions, you wouldn’t have any complaints. I am sure you could find a in game lore reason for them to be drained of their power but not made useless… I don’t know, maybe a big giant sword stuck in the world needed 99% of their power? And then we move into the new expansion with them?

But no, you said ‘Ah, azerite powers!’ and we HATED IT. You gave us the Heart of Azeroth necklace, but it was too late then. Now you’ve given us covenant powers and soul binds. And guess what? We min/maxed those to figure out the best choices for whatever content you chose to focus on. Whatever happened to ‘bring the player, not the class?’

You gave us a level squish that none of us asked for. You gave us two stat squishes that none of us asked for. YOU made those numbers so high, and then you panicked and didn’t even consult anyone. Had you asked the players, I am SURE we could have come up with 100 better choices. But you ploughed on ahead.

Moving forward, how can you fix things? LISTEN TO YOUR COMMUNITY!

Make ‘timewalking’ a full feature, every week. None of the rotating bull-crap. Make ALL past content (including VANILLA) part of the TW scale. All TW dungeons should give gear equivalent to Heroic gear, as is current. ALL raids should be available in TW ‘roulettes’ similar to what your competition does (The-game-that-shall-not-be-named-14). ALL TW raids should give gear on par with the previous raid tier, minimum. And all of these dungeon options should be available in a ‘random dungeon’ or ‘random raid’ option. Hell, break the raids into ‘wings’ if you have too. You currently have 38 raids in World of Warcraft retail that are just sitting there, not being used. That is 38 chunks of data that you are paying server usage for that don’t see regular use. A TW roulette would make all that data used again. The same goes for the OVER 100 dungeons currently in the game that are not used, or even come up in random dungeons when TW is active.

Remove the legacy locks on gear. Let us actually use our old Tier sets or our old Legendries in Legion content. If I choose Chromie time, and go Legion, I want to be able to use my legendry with all the power it had DURING Legion.

Bring back the ORIGINAL mage tower. Make it scale to current content. Who cares that it was ‘exclusive’ 4 years ago. Almost every other MMO you are competing with allows players to go back and grind (yes, grind) older content to get items like that. But you locked out an entire set of armour (challenge mode Pandaria), then gave us a 'watered down version 2 expansions later. So, by that logic, give us the ‘watered down’ mage tower appearances. Not a different colour armour set from that tier. The weapon appearances.

Go back and give us some of the cut content from previous expansions. What ever happened to the Shattrath raid? You could easily squeeze it in as a timewalking story. Give us the content we asked for at the time.

Stop making content that exists externally to the game. ALL the stories in the books should ALSO be available in game to an extent. We should have been able to experience the Forsaken and the Stormwind reunion. We should have seen what became of Calia. The details and in depth stuff, sure, keep in the books. But the actual event should have ATLEAST been a cutscene. The content of ‘Folks and fairy tales’ should be incorporated in game. Hell, it is the first time you have had a transgender character CANON. But 99% of the in game ‘dude bros’ don’t know that. They didn’t get the children’s book. So to them, Chromie is just a female dragon. I mean, it only took you 15 years to have open gay couples. And even ONE of those is relegated to a book. We had to wait until SHADOWLANDS to get an open gay couple in game.

Scrap your ‘2 year plan’. Its dead now. Covid killed it. Focus on the storytelling. That is, after all, what we are here for. Give us the proper story. 9.2 is all the stuff with the first ones and Zoval and stuff? Cool. 9.3 needs to happen to tie it back to Azeroth, or the Cosmos, or ANYTHING to give you a chance for the game to exist in the future. If we beat Zoval and then ‘BAM, here is 10.0, wrath of the lightforged, and oop, Yrel is a bad guy and because the original 6.2 was removed, no one who hasn’t done the Mag’har unlock know why she is evil, but hey, its what we planned all along’, you can bet your sweet shareholders that it will not go over well when you announce it (“Do you guys not have phones?” ring any bells). And I am sure that your shareholders are going to be STOKED that another wow expansion isn’t making them profit.

Moving forward… Make content FUN again. Bring back Tier sets. Stop making ‘borrowed power’ systems. Talk to, and LISTEN to your players (in an open forum where we can hold you accountable for what is said), be more transparent (hell, if you had of come out and said “We need more time for 9.1, so here is some new content added to” I am sure you wouldn’t have faced as much backlash, and wouldn’t have had a content drought as bad as it did. Make content relevant again. Give us back our ‘fun’ content that you have removed (full scale TimeWalking as mentioned above, the ORIGINAL mage tower all year round (hell, make us farm stuff on the broken shore to keep it open like we used to do) WITH WEAPON APPERANCES (even if they are watered down). Become accountable. Be better. Do better.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to language.


I don’t get the read people are getting from this, that somehow only raiders/dungeoneers are wanted.

They pretty clearly state other things too. Obviously, a balance discussion will probably not factor in those other elements as much.

Could be a good thing too. Game’s more fun when everyone’s got something they are brokenly good at.

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It would seem that way considering one poster here already said casuals have little value for end game content ,so we really don’t have value at all in a connective way.


I was always a fan of the old Valor/Justice way. Just play the game in whatever way you want and get Valor or Justice. Take those points to a vendor to buy what you wanted. It wasn’t perfect, but it basically allowed people to play whatever and still always be progressing towards better gear. I was way more open to experimenting in the game back then.



I would very much like it if older transmogifications, mounts, and titles - such as those from Rated PvP - are brought back to the game and obtainable by those who are willing to put in the effort to acquire them. Every alt is more game to play, but if I cannot customize them to my fancy and hence enjoy playing them, then that is less game for me to play. I want to play this game; creating characters is one of my largest draws to RPGs.

I would also like it if faction-exclusivity was removed on certain cosmetics, such as the Vicious War Spider from Shadowlands Season 1, if there is no faction symbolism on them or no reason for there to be faction symbolism. Sometimes specific color combinations for the mounts in question are locked on the opposing faction than that of the character I’d want to use the mount with. For example, the Horde variant of the Vicious War Spider mount has the colors that’d be perfect for my Night Elf Demon Hunter (who I role-play as a Druid of the Nightmare), but she is Alliance.

Once this new forum officially goes online/unlocks, then we will know for sure whether it’s legit or sincere :face_with_monocle:

If it features random GD’ers and players I’ve never heard of before? Then we know they are being sincere and legit looking to gather feedback from regular/everyday players (GD’ers, no-name randos, redditors, etc all fall into this category).

On the other hand, if it’s just a “hodgepodge” of bought-off players, “influencers”, streamers, Youtubers, and green MVPs then it’s all obviously just for show and they’re not really being serious or sincere. A forum of bought-off/streamer/MVP players would just be an echo chamber, let’s not kid ourselves :joy:


“Everything you guys do is perfect!!” isn’t useful feedback


We will see what happens. Or perhaps we won’t. We may never know whether the breakdown of the group resembles a cross-section of the playerbase.

I though that was a great system. Earning the badges was also a nice way to earn rewards over time. Sure people who did more content got the rewards faster but you could work at your own pace to get them. Really took the sting out of the weeks/months of not winning a roll in dungeons or raids.


Incredibly, this is exactly the problem with the game right now. You think that people who play a certain way are not valuable to the content that you consume or interact in, but exactly that is why we need people who don’t consume or interact with that content. A seat at the table for all players is the, alleged, goal. So while you’re rude post is definitely unwarranted, it’s a good example of how people may feel about the game that alienate a large portion of its player base.