Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Please make sure all play styles of the game are included, equally. Roleplayers haven’t been part of the discussion for a long time, at least through our perception.


I’m just gonna point something out here quick. Yoshi-P team doesn’t need a “community council” to listen to the community and make an amazing game loved by its players.

I just watched the video and it is blatantly obvious they were forced to do it. Their energy is wrong because it is not genuine and authentic. Sad, really.

There has been plenty of feedback from all kinds of different wow players and they never listened. The only difference now, is that they’ll keep not listening, but will blame the “community council” for it. Remember we are part of the problem?

What if instead of one more PR stunt, just focus on making a good game? What’s so seriously difficult about that?


Legion did that well I think. Plenty of quests and storylines involving professions alone. I felt proud to make professions as part of my identity in that expansion.

I would have kept that going, expanded that a bit more, and even extended some of that love toward gatherers. Tell me this guy wouldn’t appreciate some mining/archaeology love. :smiley:

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Enjoy yours too!

At this stage this system is just a promise. You need to follow up on it.

You need to show 3 things

  • Listen
  • Discuss
  • Implement - if you don’t do this final step this whole council system is a pointless and just a PR strategy.

Couple of issues with this system
YOU are selecting who gets to post. This is very bias
Everyone should be allowed to at least vote on the ideas being offered by the people you select.

And for the love of god do not allow streamers on this. They are just like you, they just want money we need people that actually care about the game.

This is exactly the sort of direction I want to see Blizzard taking moving forward.

I realize that it’s a long road ahead, but this is very exciting to see Blizzard making a serious effort to build a community feedback framework, presumably with the understanding that they’ve struggled to process feedback recently.

This seems like a good-faith effort on their part to correct this.

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Hey we got that sweet sweet potion for xfaction jabbering.

Maybe they can finally update their janky naming system though. Sure would be nice to get a space ’ or -.


Having questlines for professions doesn’t make them more relevant.

Making what we produce from our professions be useful and useful longer is what makes them more relevant.


As an off-topic aside,
I’m doing a lot of old profession stuff right now, and finding rare patterns out in the world, some of which sell for hundreds of thousands, is a rush.
Getting stuff even for just cosmetics from various reputations, and needing to go out and farm obscure materials by hand - not buying it off the AH - is giving me content that I legit find relaxing to do.

We just don’t have this sort of stuff anymore, or it’s extremely sparse.
Running dungeons for end of dungeon x material does not feel the same as going out and skinning my own stuff. If I want to do professions, I want to do content that revolves around that profession, and gives the feeling of it.
Same thing with mining, when I actually go out and farm the ore myself because of various factors, it feels much more immersive and like an RPG.

I am still doing some of the Legion quests to this day.
We need more of all of this. In other games, crafting itself is just as big of an end-game as raiding, and even some people’s entire end game because of how dynamic and engaging it is.


Exactly what they’ll do.

Just like many polls. Pick the people who will answer the way you want and everything will go how you want it.

Sadly that is probably what will happen, and this game will become more hardcore focused.

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That “good faith” will only extend as far as who they select for this council.

If it’s all content creators and streamers, it’s going to be bad for everyone involved. This idea requires regular players to weigh in and not just the “big recognizable names” in the WoW community. Those people do not always speak for the community.


You don’t raid, you don’t do keys, you don’t do anything. So if you don’t mind me asking, what value could you possibly have on CLASS BALANCE, RAID DIFFICULTY, and M+ content? None of the content that you participate in is affected by any of this. There’s no legitimate reason for people who are unaffected by these things to be the ones changing them. Don’t try to lie either because achievements are account wide.

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I honestly think it would be better in the long run if they section off in different discussions which parts of wow content rather than have them combine together in one platform so each can be heard ,it would be less confusing and bettered controlled.

Am I the only one who wants larger towns/cities that feel like actual mini-towns?
A few houses does not constitute a town.

Having actual environments built to feel more “lived in” (with some empty houses, and some taverns and what not) would go a long way until something like player housing is implemented, in which case, we build our own. It’s actually insane what some people are doing with the universe.


And that is all you want to do in this game? no professions? no quest content? Want if i like transmoging? those also are content.


Both would be good.

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If they utilized them in a way like Suramar, then yeeee. I’m not a big fan of big empty cities personally unless it was used for housing. That’s not really what WoW does in terms of cities it seems as they don’t really do grand cities.

Goldshire and the Crossroads should be ‘massive’ vs. what we have in game for example.

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There is a lot more than simply raids, dungeons and mythics to get feedback on, and hopefully this makes Blizzard select a wide variety of playstyles to work on a wide variety of topics, The submission form mentions stuff like collections, role play, PvP, pet battles, casuals, hardcores, etc.

It takes all kinds to make a game and even more kinds to fix a game. This is a good step.


They used to be on the forums a lot. But that seems to have dropped off in the first half of the expansion.

Just wow.