Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

Why would I? I won’t advertise here. Just because they have opinions doesn’t mean they have knowledge anyone else doesn’t have.

Also, this expansion got into problems by listening to streamers. So, this means they used their vast knowledge for good? :rofl:

Because many of those streamers bring in wrong crowd of players…we have seen it over and over what happens on some realms.

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I don’t particularly care who you think the ‘wrong crowd’ of players are.

And this is part of the problem;

This is an MMORPG.
People have dozens of different playstyles, some of which is indulging in world content, lore, and side stuff like pet battles, completionism, ect ect.

In XIV, for example, I’m not even max level yet I’m still raiding with friends - scaled - and, if I weren’t about to rush to max level to be ready for Endwalker, I’d have a ton of content to do.

Dismissing people because they’re posting on an alt, trolling about it, and then acting like huge chunks of the game don’t matter to players is exactly why there needs to be a more controlled space to have conversations.


SL content is pretty sparse outside of raiding/M+, definitely. I wish that wasn’t the case.

I’m actually exp locked at 45 progressing through Chromie Time Burning Crusade right now. I don’t at all feel welcome in shadowlands.

Well, they’ll listen to the same people they’ve been listening to for the past 17 years: the loudest, whiniest, entitled brats of the playerbase.

I do agree that at least they get one, but I took a bit of a break during the middle-to mid 8.3 section of BfA so maybe you could enlighten me a bit. What did casual players have as avenue of gearing that they do not now aside from Visions?

My idea for Torghast gearing was potentially being able to use Soul Ash or Cinders to buy better-than-Korthia rank gear and when you clear the adamant vaults, it drops an item allowing you to add a Domination Socket to any gear piece that can slot one. That would be helpful to all non-raiders I think. There could also be an out-of-raid way to acquire shards of domination.

Oh no, I’m fully in support of keeping past content relevant.

But I’m also talking to a known troll, so I’m not going to be nice about it.

I don’t understand, a few years ago Activision Blizzard fired hardworking, low-paid community reps to cut costs and now instead of reversing and investing in community development, it is soliciting free labor from players?

This just secures my opinion that even with a spotlight on the company and a slew of new promises and commitments, it will continue cutting costs in worst ways and making poor decisions.

Really, because most streamers I’ve seen called out the problems we all had from day one. From covenants to conduit energy to covenant switching, to content.

It would help if you gave a specific example instead of this weird strawman you made up.

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They basically begged for a loot drought since they wanted loot to matter!

Sorry, you don’t know what you are talking about. Go watch some old streams from BFA and you can see some of those ideas implemented in SL. The reason for lots of the problems we have now.

You can believe what you want about me, but I do not troll.

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I’m actually really surprised Blizzard has introduced a feedback form such as this. While I’m really excited and hope I’m chosen for a spot on the Community Council (for WPvP) I’m a bit worried that when this becomes a thing, it will just be another ignored feedback form.

I’m hoping for the best though. I really hope Blizzard can pull themselves from this decline, I really love World of Warcraft and hate seeing it so dead right now.

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I guess I had not thought of it that way and I did not fully realize this was a problem until now. What would you suggest doing to make professions more relevant?

A main critique of BFA (and to a lesser extent, legion.) BFA showered you with useless trash loot, unless you happened to get lucky and gigaforge a piece you had good stat weights for.

That doesn’t mean they wanted there to be a loot drought, that is not the same thing at all. My god.


This is a good thing.

Yes, they even talk about reducing loot.



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It’ll be there for the devs to seek validation for their predetermined ideas. Let’s face it, anyone still out there mount farming, achievement hunting (me included) will put up with all the bad design decisions they’ve forced on us. They want to ask a handpicked group of people who are still heavily invested in the game and are likely to be happy (or somewhat ok at least) with current philosophies and design directions.

They should be asking people why they don’t do this sort of stuff, and asking those who have quit why they quit.

Or, you know, use the forums that have existed for years, and hire some CMs to do a job rather than ask for free labour from a group of people.


Sorry, you are wrong. Let’s face it streamers are bad for the game if they are trying to direct it.

Whatever, enjoy your echo chamber, I guess.