Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

If only there is a council for Dks and Warlocks! :smiley:

So you’re saying we don’t have any value to reflect on game content,nice.

Nice flop there dude at the last minute,still I hold on to it.

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I think most content creators, or people who go against the grain in general, are already used to this. I’ve had my twitter account stalked by some of the people posting in this thread. Didn’t bother me. Became a meme. These sorts of positions - volunteer or otherwise - require a thick skin, and while it sucks it has to be that way, that’s just the reality of it.

It’s just one of those things that come with putting yourself forwards as a community leader. It’s been like this already for years. Dealt with people saying all sorts of stuff about me because of stances on the BMAH, arena rewards, FOMO, eye colours, cross-faction, updated BG skins, ect ect. You name it, somebody’s been upset I disagreed, or started heckling them back when given attitude.

If you post something publicly, people are allowed to talk about it, and that’s a given. And if Blizzard is serious about curtailing actual harassment in their community, they’ll deal with direct confrontations like mail immediately, and this’d be a good way to show their new moderation practices work.

If people cannot handle conversations about their discussions, or even if something doesn’t go their way, this is likely not the program for them.
Sometimes, what the game needs, and what conversations need to be had, is not was people think it’s going to be.

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Blizzard has never actually used their forums to communicate with the population at large. They don’t want to do so. They just post announcements and hotfix notes.

Yeah, I completely agree with this.

I’ve made many comprehensive posts on the Beta/PTR forums (for Beta, mostly SL and Legion) in the past as well as a lot of other contributions on the old DK forums that are a lot more objective than a lot of the junk I post on GD that I get forum vacations for every now and then.


I signed up… All I have is an ignored thread asking about Heritage Armors in 9.1.5. I know why they ignored it now.

You said “the only remaining bits of content” when outside of current day raiding and M+, there’s still probably 99% of the rest of the world out there that players like me are still playing in.

I would wager the difficulty of controlling the discussion on an open forum that anyone can contribute on rather than on a discussion that only a limited number of people can contribute to.

Yep. If you’re not good enough to do the content then your opinion shouldn’t be relevant to any of that. You do not balance the game around your worst players that don’t know how to do their basic rotations.

Why does it take a ‘council’ for you guys to even engage with the community though Blizzard. The BETA had so much feedback that was constructive and you guys didn’t engage with those folks at all.

You have a PvP thread with a large amount of support and you didn’t grace those individuals with a conversation at all.


You don’t balance it around the best either

The new forum is literally going to be a free pass for the devs to completely ignore the other forums.


on the old forums that was hardly the case.

You mean those past expansions that are neither relevant anymore, are abandoned by Blizzard, and still manage to have more content than SL?

Sure. It’s so fun, you’ll be 60 by the next time you message me, of course.

If this community thing turns out to be a bunch of streamers it will be a complete waste of time for everyone.

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Who cares if they stream if they are also knowledgeable about the game?

Someone like Preach or Naagura getting on would be fine.

They have already proven they aren’t knowledgeable about the game. No they wouldn’t they are only fine for people who play like them.

And yet casual support those raiders by doing the content the developers make,yeah they have no value in game balance so they left and now they scream they want them back. Now who has more value?


I don’t know of the streamer “they”, can you link me to their channel?

This forum hate on streamers is so hilarious, lol. Never gets old.

Maybe, but they don’t speak for the majority they speak for themselves their opinion is theirs and does not reflect everyone’s.

Having streamers on it sends the wrong message to the player base.