Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

This interesting and a positive step in the right dorection.imho.

Friend of Ooz, Friend of Plaguey, Friend of Bloop.

If someone hasn’t missed a single day, I think they’d be at 9/5/5 for the three achievements, so some people will get it within the patch’s lifetime if they remain consistent through to 9.2, subject to RNG (to be fair though, the lifetime of the Korthia patch has ended up being extended a lot longer than the usual x.1 patch would).

In general though, I think anytime dailies are attached to achievements, rotations should be built in. (The rotations can still have RNG as to which order the quests appear in within the rotation, but set where each quest has to appear once before allowing the next repeat of any quest).

That’s kind of exciting. Hoping they hear from a lot of varied players. Could be a valuable resource for making wow “home” for many again. I just hope it’s not just shoehorned feedback about one thing.

I’d sign up, but I’m not enough. I only have my megathread to link nothing else.

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What’s wrong with the forums as a source of feedback? Is there a lack of community managers?

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So you guys are making a platform that you can put your ideas on and you guys listen now ?
How about the past 5 years we all have been telling you guys your game sucks because you care more about the $ then the people meanwhile the part you haven’t figured out yet is the people give you the money.

You’re enough to be honest. Your ideas are awesome and you put a lot of work into them. I say go for it if you’re thinking about it. Would be cool to see the customization/AR megathread runners try to toss in their coins to see if we can get some feedback on that end.

I hope they listen to a wide variety of players. If this is going to be the council of Max Meta and Mythic players the game will die


This looks like a really good way to get the game back to the way we all enjoy and including everyone along the way.

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Honestly,I think it’s a pr stunt but i’m hopeful maybe they’ve changed yet you’re right.


With this plan, they won’t have to hire any and they get to control both sides of the communication. Win-win :^)


im confused on the last two points. what is meant exactly by a private discussion? that seems deliberately vague as it doesn’t really elaborate on what that entails. does this mean a discord server or what?
separate conversations between smaller groups of members? this is completely confusing. does this mean different genders/ethnicities/religions/orientations etc? or is based on the segments of the player base?

the cynic in me says they’ll engage for maybe the first 6 months or so and just slowly draw it down to maybe less than 3 blues afterwards.

My first suggestion… council donuts…

Yeah, screw those people who like, actually play the only remaining bits of content left in WoW!

:smile: I enjoyed reading your take on this. Its an improvement on so many other posts in this thread.

:heart: Asmonbald :heart:

So the players who don’t raid or M+ but do other forms of content don’t matter?

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So you guys are making a platform that you can put your ideas on and you guys listen now ?
How about the past 5 years we all have been telling you guys your game sucks because you care more about the $ then the people meanwhile the part you haven’t figured out yet is the people give you the money.

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I sure don’t remember saying that. Care to point that out for me?

We’re on the same side dude, lol. That still doesn’t mean you let people say silly things without challenging them. Mythic raids/dungeon players aren’t the problem, it’s the erasure of everything that is unrelated to that form of instanced content.

This game is a husk of what it once was, hollowed of the elements that made it popular in the first place.

Depends on the content. “Casual” players should honestly hold no value on game balance, raid difficulty, or M+ changes. If you don’t actually raid or push keys there’s nothing of value you can add to these that’s worthwhile.