Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

I would argue that neither group is currently being catered to, hence the dissatisfaction amongst ALL type of players.

I don’t think this is really the hardcore playerbase’s fault to be honest. All of the people I talk to that are hardcore would love for more open world content.

Also not a raider’s fault. Why would raiders be responsible for the lack of heritage armors?

Also not the hardcore player base’s fault lol

Are you talking about covenants? It was proven early on with and bloodmallet data, that across ALL active characters, over 80% went with the highest simming covenant; not just hardcore players. Also, I would argue that opening covenants up actually enhances the casual experience. More storylines to play through on your main, more mounts and transmogs to collect on one character.

That’s not why people disliked warforging. Nobody wanted to take gear away from casuals. The issue was warforging made it egregiously difficult to obtain the best gear in the game.

Professions, while still not the best, are probably at the most relevant they have been since WoD.

lol, no one ? right

you’re joking right?

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I’m not really sure why. The Great Vault kind of makes it clear that raiders/M+ers/arena PvPers are Blizzard’s chosen children atm.


You know what I mean :slight_smile:

I am 100% serious. When were they more relevant than now? Whether you like or dislike legendaries being tied to them, they are very relevant.

This isn’t true. People want to shut down casuals on this site all the time. Remove LFR, Get rid of the Pet Battle quest that comes up once in a while,

Why do you need gear if all you do is world quests? We don’t need gear but getting a war-forged item once in a while was fun and it didn’t take anything away from anyone else. I am not talking about the crap they pulled in BFA where you can get BIS in slot items off a random squirrel. I am talking the ability to get an epic item that is +5 or + 10 item levels higher.

Oh well. Not like anyone really wants to hear about what truly casual players want anyway. I’ve contributed exactly one topic to this forum so I won’t be picked. It was about Heritage Armor. A feature we were promised would occur in 9.1.5 when 9.10 was release. It didn’t happen.


Because the great vault still has the same issues for the hardcore playerbase that the chest used to have. There should definitely be an alternate way to gear for casuals. I think Visions were brilliant in that regard.


We have a winner!

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I left that one blank . If they truly want people from all aspects of the game , then they will take those that left it blank along with those that filled it out and if not then this whole thing was just lip service.


Blizzard should just give the option for people; want to PVP? Here’s your weekly reward. Want to pet battle? Here’s you weekly award.

there is no content in profession now unless you are one of the handful of players who started at the beginning of the expansion and were able to level up the ranks fast.

when there is no content from professions, there is no relevance. I don’t care if a handful of people got to make 80% of the gold from this. That leaves everyone else out of things to do.


Eh, at least they get one. My “loot a great vault” quest is probably going to be remain uncompleted for the whole expansion.

I loved Visions. Torghast could have been SL’s Visions, but it didn’t turn out that way for some reason.

I have been saying for years that there there should be three weekly quests a week… One for timewalking, one for PVP, and one for world content. It will never happen because of some reason or another.


Oh nice, I signed up to contribute ideas for the roleplay community and collectors. Hopefully we’ll be heard ^^


I just said i pointed people to the correct form or helped them with there first 10 key or simple stuff like that, i dont think it needed 2 be some massive community held event, We all cannot be sco or talli. But i can at least help out one or two people.

I also gave you hope for the future, you’re welcome :wink:.

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I thought this to… I was looking forward to Torghast so much because it was supposed to have solo progression and corresponding rewards. All the rewards were stripped. Probably so it didn’t become required. The only reason to run it is to build legendaries for raiding. It was described as a combination of visions and Diablo’s dungeons. It isn’t that at all.


The idea is sound, but I am extremely cynical, and doubt the ability of the powers that be letting actual voices in that should be heard out.

Preach and Asmon would be great, some mythic raiders of note would be great, some PVPers of ntoe would be great.

Yet, I refuse to believe Blizzard would allow them to have these positions even if they were interested. Just look at all the garbage their employees say about Asmon on Twitter, who really hasn’t even done anything that bad, really.

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Another reason why raiders/M+ers feel like the chosen children of Blizzard. We can’t have anything that might inconvenience them right?


So this is an interesting idea.

Here are my thoughts:

  • This was done before in a closed setting according to leaks on Twitter. It was described by the players as mostly them being ignored.

  • Will things be different this time? Is this only for show? Who knows but unfortunately the track record of Blizzard means they’re going to have to prove themselves in this area rather than be trusted however it is nice that they are taking the effort to do it and it shows at least an effort to be seen as caring.

  • I recognize however as should everyone that such a thing if it works well will take time to bear fruit. The earliest impacts we might see would probably be in 10.0 and at this late stage of the development cycle it could even be 10.1 before feedback there can be made into fundamental game design changes.

  • This is going to have a self-selecting bias problem that I hope Blizzard recognizes. (One made worse if a condition of this is having an active sub but present none-the-less regardless) I must note that at this point vast numbers of players have quit and are thus likely not eligible to have their voices heard or not paying attention. The very voices most important to understand given these people have taken strong action based on the problems they have with the game and left. Reselecting in a year is a very good idea, however it could fall prey to certain cycles. Right now for example you’re mostly going to get players who haven’t quit. In a year it’s possible you could be late into Shadowlands expac cycle and have the same people still around. To this end I would suggest perhaps restarting the cycle to match shortly after 10.0’s launch and bringing in new people at the height of the game’s population in the development cycle. (Obviously there should be consideration to a similar special group just for PTR and beta testers as there has been in the past) Otherwise with respect, you’re likely to get a large amount of never-unsub sycophants who may tell you what you want to hear but not what you need to hear from large segments of the playerbase.

If I may offer a brief digression, this is exactly the insight from the parable that is told of the US Army studying aircraft that returned damaged from battle for which locations had the most damage. The initial thought was to find those areas and armor them up, however someone smartly realized that it was the opposite, that in fact only airplanes hit in those areas were making it back so the problem was in the areas they weren’t seeing damaged in the planes that made it back.

Only time will tell what fruit this bears. It does mean something for them to do this. However it only really gains meaning as a sign of better things if actions come from this. We’ll see. Every company on earth loves gathering feedback, even companies in the highest unsatisfaction industries like telecoms and cable companies want to know. The question is whether it is acted on and acted on wisely.