Introducing the World of Warcraft Community Council

There will definitely be community figures, streamers, and high end raiders on this community council.

However I think they will also throw in a healthy amount of casual players, Roleplayers, lore nerds, and some shills.


I applied, got to the last page, and was disappointed with that question. I’m not a streamer. I’m just a regular joe that has played the game off and on for a long time. I’ve been a server first raider, I’ve been a casual, and a PvPer. I’d prefer they get the “ordinary” person’s feedback rather than a streamer or a website creator. Their experience and motivations are different from the vast majority of us.


I really hope you don’t choose children entertainers from youtube/twitch

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Huh? This is an issue? I would think they have the power to boot players of lower rank from the guild… or is there some other power I am not thinking of?

I 100% disagree with this. How does the game cater to streamers and top raiders right now? And I am being genuine in asking this.

I also applied. I feel like this could be a great thing for the game. Hopefully they will get a wide range of opinions and ideas that cover the various areas of the game (i.e not just M+ and raiding). I want to see professions become a great part of the game as well as improvements for those interested in collecting mounts/transmog and pet battlers, etc. The game has so many ways to satisfy different play styles. All that is holding it back is imagination and willingness to make changes.

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Oh, but the catch is that only the council members will be able to post.

Why can’t they talk in this forum? What gives?


Can we just build a fake website and link that? How will Blizz know I am not really close to a cure for polio and was not actually on the design team for EverQuest and Qeynos was not named after me? Has nobody here never lied on a resume?


This forum is useless. Why have it up?


THAT is one of the issues I would like to discuss if I get on the council, the way the forums are designed and moderated is terrible.


the game is like it is because of players input already…

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This might be interesting. Good idea not to do it on these forums. :smile:

I wouldn’t mind seeing Clark and Brewa in there, for different reasons.

Why even have these forums if the Devs don’t use it? As I said this entirety of this forum is useless.


People will post on GD pointing at threads/posts. They’ll mail the player in-game or whisper them directly. That’s what’s coming to the people who get picked.

Hopefully most of them pick a character name that nobody knows/they don’t play in-game to avoid some of the comments headed their way.

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Blizzard created those doubters. Where do you think you are?
Not all of us are eager to clap over every corporate feign of action.

Hopefully, they keep the sycophants off this “Council” of voices.
Yet it seems like they’re interested in “Recruiters” aka Media Influencers.

Shunning criticism and skepticism on a company notorious for ensuring there is plenty isn’t helping this conversation any. It’s part of the problem. Fanboys poisoned enough discussion on changes and created this toxic feedback loop to begin with.

Don’t gaslight people into blind faith while pretending nothing is wrong. “Everything is fine, the house is on fire but it’s fine.” They can have their doubts, it hurts nothing. Make sure the company tries, instead of auto-backing them.


Everything they do caters to them. Nothing caters to casual players.

Archaeology? Not enough time, let’s get rid of that.
Heritage Armor? Not enough time, let’s get rid of that.
Quests? Too time consuming, let’s just give the barest minimum and then remove half of them later.
Meaningful Choices? Let’s get rid of that as well.
War-forging? Raider’s don’t like it because non-raiders might have fun with higher ilevel gear, let’s get rid of that.
Professions? Too much time, let’s get rid of most of their purpose as well.


I signed up to share ideas for casuals that won’t take away from hardcore. :+1:


Legendary :slight_smile: