Introducing the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest

Im just here to read baby rage over something that people can 100% ignore but instead feel to need to cry over it. “eSpoRtz bAd!”

Absolutely delightful read.

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How about some pvp balance before more events are made

Lol seriously? 6 grand is not even a penny to them. And then split that between the winners? It’s barely a free dinner ROFL.

Yes but 6k is more than 0k, which is what they’ve previously invested into the bg scene. It’s not meant to be some grandiose lucrative tournament but just a bit of cash to stimulate competition in a very niche part of the WoW community

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Wargames are fun to watch. It’s arguably better than any game confined by the ranking system, as it gives teams a goal to win rather than maximising honor.

You’re playing the wrong version of WoW to ask for balance changes. At the very least, take it to another thread.

Lots of people enjoy it actually and even more watch it.

If its not for you then dont participate. Seems pretty simple

They already did a Wsg tourney in the spring and it was pretty interesting actually.

First place is $4500…split between 15 people.
So…$300 each

Golly gee!


Ha…of course this was going to happen one way or another, you can thank certain streamers for this.

It’s funny when you listen to Snutz mention he made more money in CDL season one than as a Blizzcon champion. However much money they throw at it, it’s still laughably small compared to other eSports. They could take a clue from Valve and Riot.

ya like anyone playing wow all day was expecting to become Pro and become a millioniare… game has no audience what you expect.

Is this an April Fool’s joke?

Classic pvp is more balanced than BFA pvp, so it makes sense tbh

So blizzard is promoting the idea of premade vs premade pvp but when you queue up its only premade vs pugs hmmm

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If its premade vs premade, does that mean they’ll fix pvp to finally make premades fight premades?

Btw betting 100 gold that this will be won by a multiboxer with 15 accounts playing 15 elemental shamans.

My dude are you new around here?

Ven and ziq were live streaming Layer exploits on launch. They layer exploited Huegos gold quest in Tanaris opening the chest thing with key like 400x all WHILE LIVE STREAMING lol

You’re surprised that they get away with stuff at this point?

Nice I’m actually excited to see some more Classic PvP! Arathi Basin no less!

nice 1 post. 48 orc fake player game play 12 minutes… really??? BLizzard informant developer much?

I was thinking the same thing. Sometimes, when i read through these forums and I see how negative these people are about everything, it makes me wonder how they manage to even drag themselves out of bed in the morning.

You guys at Blizzard got the picture all wrong. The gnome should have rank 14 PvP gear instead of the Horde because of the alliance premade pandemic of classic.