Introducing the World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest

As fun as it is watching Venruki and Ziqo lose while cheating its too bad they are friends with the tournament organizers. Any other players would have been banned from these events but Tips will go back to sucking both them off all over again.

For those of you that dont know, Ziqo disconnected several times to intentionally delay to get their cooldowns back up for future matches and his defense was “other people did it to us”. This obviously wasn’t broadcast but people who were in the tourney discord know whats up.

This is on top of Ven trying to ninja gear for Ziqo in a ZG before the tourney was announced and getting caught changing the reserve sheet. Weird how they quit for so long and came back just before the 3v3, almost as if they were told in advance.



They’re just using this to push Naxx back another month so they can signal boost twitch viewership for shadowlands pre-orders.

Will hunter pet with a 200 health buff disqualify the winning team?


Not this time. Rules allow it

Cant fix server population, cant force people to play a bad game.

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As someone who participated in the summer wsg tournament, I did have a lot of fun even though our team was put together only days before the start of it. There was some controversy with the rules but it seems like this tourney has taken that into account.

I imagine this would be fun for anyone who desires to compete in a team environment. Could be a wide open meta as well.

Can you post the rules here? The site is so bad on mobile :frowning:

Calm down Kief…

Can’t wait to see which teleport hacker wins it all.

That clip was only a part of it.

People really will complain about anything, won’t they? If you don’t want to watch it then don’t.

Stop trying to cancel things that don’t affect you just because you don’t like them.


Blizzard: Shows literally 0 interest in PvP. Spending the absolute minimum on time, energy and resources…

Also Blizzard: Did someone say E-Sports!?


$6,000??? what is this? esports for ants?


Put that money towards having a single GM for WoW Classic, instead of just automated systems that do nothing to the rampant botting.

Notice how it’s AB and not WSG. WSG would be nothing but fence and wall jumping by a druid flag carrier.

Why did a blizz employee post this in retail forum first? Trying to bait them to their superior product, that they had no hand in creating?

So at least here … at this tournament or whatever will this be …you add some money as reward so Premades will not avoid Premades in AB.

Sweet. Ill be checking this out

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I mean it make sense. People love competitive pvp and wow classic is remembered for its pvp so eh.

Blizzard is a small indie company. You expect them to give million dollar rewards every year like Valve?

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I mean would you sink a ton into 15year old game that’s isn’t even going to be in person