Introducing the Trading Post!

Because looking at the WoWhead front page to find the location of the trading post and then taking the time to fly there does not sound any more fun than just going to the central location where it is always at.


What they’re doing, and it’s smart, is setting the stage for an eventual f2p w/subscriber bonus model. It’s inevitable, just likely not anytime soon but probably within the next 5 years or so.

This lets them someday move to f2p, and if you subscribe you get these or some other bonus for subscribing.

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I’ve been getting more into physics of space travel, rockets, and satellites recently (nuclear engineer, so into tech stuff but not space) and the technology details of how it works is incredible.

Then I read/hear some moron talk about going to the moon as fake and it just makes me sad at the massive disservice is does to the thousands of incredibly smart and hard working people that make it possible. Even things they use every day like GPS.


Oh, this seems fun.

You’re gonna need to hand me this lil fella immediately though.


How about the dang Heritage armor sets you promised for all races…where the heck are the rest of them now …orc…Taurens…few others are still missing but you got time to put this transmog stuff in but not the promised Heritage sets?


To be completely fair to this idea.

They straight up say right in their article that the rewards rotate.


OR, just get the currency when you add game time that month, if you want game time that month. You don’t need to be subbed the 1st to get it. Rewards rotate as well so missing a month is no big deal. I am guessing you did not read the article.


I don’t know how to feel about this news, it sounds suspiciously designed to keep players subscribed in the middle of a content drought, also the activities that you can see sound incredibly similar to the activities of OW2, what is next? a BP above the subscription? replace the subscription with a BP pass?

I will watch the development of this with great suspicion and distrust, especially after seeing what they did with OW2 and the D4 announcement.


Maybe the reason Longboi has been missing on the BMAH is it will be here? :thinking: :thinking:


and there’s also a picture that shows a button that allows you to prevent an item from expiring. Nobody reads stuff these days.


Hmmm I’m suspicious, but will suspend judgement until I see the rewards.

so TCG mounts coming to store game ill finally get the magic rooster


They do, In the article it states items will rotate back in so you won’t forever miss out.

It would be great if the location rotated to different cities. This sounds like a cool feature!

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If you don’t have active game time on your account or aren’t a subscriber at the start of a new month, don’t worry. Your Tender will be awarded the first day of the month when you do have game time or an active subscription.

According to the article, you do miss out if your not subbed on the 1st, and you have to wait until next month.

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Oh good catch, didn’t even see that.

So if there’s something hefty you want to save up for you can just stick it there.


This sounds awsome

That is not how I read it. They would not say “don’t worry” if you were going to miss out.

It means, the day you get game time that month, is the day you get the currency. People who are already paid, will get it on the 1st.


doesnt say how long it’ll hold it for; i’m assuming probably just another month.

This is interesting but the prices shown in the blog, combined with the monthly rotation and the fact that you can only obtain 1k currency per month, concerns me. I realize stuff will rotate back eventually, but it will be very frustrating to be faced with two items I really want but only enough obtainable currency to buy one, with no clear idea of when my next opportunity to buy the second item might be.